Writing,poetry,photography, animals,nature,politics and the vagaries of a wandering mind.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Diane Feinstein's husband is involved...dirty deals, Qattar, big oil, Al Gore, blood money. Al-Jazeera promotes Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, etc.
A front for Al-Qaeda - and now they have a permanent base in the USA.
Good interview...
And Al, this is illegal, and it's not over....
Diane Feinstein's husband is involved...dirty deals, Qattar, big oil, Al Gore, blood money. Al-Jazeera promotes Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, etc.
A front for Al-Qaeda - and now they have a permanent base in the USA.
Good interview...
And Al, this is illegal, and it's not over....

Democrats Blocked Sex Offender Legislation For More Than a Year
Katie Pavlich
Posted at 7:22 AM ET, 11/28/2012
Senate Democrats have been sitting on a bill for more than a year
that helps law enforcement quickly track down violent sex offenders. In
March of 2011, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions introduced the Finding
Fugitive Sex Offenders Act in order to give the Marshals Service the
tools it needed to track down sex offenders. Session's legislation had
bipartisan support, 21 cosponsors and was tacked onto the bipartisan
Child Protection Act. Yesterday, the legislation finally passed.
“I am pleased to see my proposal finally pass, and grateful to
Senators Cornyn and Blumenthal for including it in the Child Protection
Act. I introduced the Finding Fugitive Sex Offenders Act in order to
help the U.S. Marshals Service track down sex offenders who fail to
register as required by law and attempt to evade detection. Speed is
critical in child abduction cases. These investigations are often
fast-moving, and I believe this law will prove to be a useful tool to
help law enforcement find missing children. Many other investigative
agencies already have this authority, but curiously it is not available
in these critical situations. Now the Marshals Service can more easily
track these offenders in real time across multiple jurisdictions and
hopefully stop future crimes before they occur," Sessions said in a
Why does this matter? For two reasons. First, Obama Democrats and the Obama administration have a habit
of going soft on violent sex offenders, specifically sex offenders
targeting children. The second being that the administration and
Democrats in general accused Republicans all year of waging a war on
women, but didn't adopt this legislation until after the election.
You need to forward this alert to your stalwart, patriotic, Constitution serving sheriff RIGHT NOW?
Wonder if they'll get a tap on the shoulder from Biden, himself. And what will be the carrot?
You need to forward this alert to your stalwart, patriotic, Constitution serving sheriff RIGHT NOW?
Wonder if they'll get a tap on the shoulder from Biden, himself. And what will be the carrot?
When you view this garbage, the number to call to your assholes in Congress is 866-220-0044!
How can they not defund the DHS and the TSA?
But if you do, and there's a proliferation of scissor use, are they weapons of mass destruction?
How can they not defund the DHS and the TSA?
But if you do, and there's a proliferation of scissor use, are they weapons of mass destruction?
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
He also admitted that the totalitarian dictator in the White House is out to kill us.
When you read it, remember that all the necessary preparations have been made.
The crises have been useful - they were false flags, you know by now, don't you, including Newtown;
the FEMA camps are staffed and in operation, waiting for you. Do you think our "ghettos" will be safe? Uneducated, poor, living in projects are easy pickings. Obama doesn't love you, my black and brown friends. You cost too much money to keep fed. The term is "useless eaters". And you mean a vote when it's time for his illegal third term.
The armament and a billion human-killing bullets have been bought and are now being distributed to population centers. That should be somewhere in today's blog. They are on the move. Feinstein now intends to take your gun if it has a pistol grip. Any gun. But law enforcement, anyone in government can have machine guns if they want to - BUT YOU CANNOT. YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED. YOU ARE BAD. YOU COULD BE A POTENTIAL TERRORIST. Though the Second Amendment was to protect us from dictators and despots, dangerous invaders and ruthless murderers, it also enabled, at a low level, the procurement of food through hunting. Should the shit hit the fan in the coming days or months, and our food supply is turned off, those in rural areas will hunt to survive.
The Muslims today came out and said it's ok to cannibalize enemies of Allah - the infidels.
And then, we've gone so far today as to have a school in Colorado pledge allegiance to Allah. Look it up. I'm too tired to post it tonight.
Are you having doubts about your personal safety?
Better start emailing, attending pro-Second Amendment rallies, calling your Congressional power craven perverts at their offices and visiting them when they're in their home district.
The specter of war in our time, in our states, our counties, our streets, is becoming reality, and all because you voted for this man, this dictator and have been had, like frightened sheep, because you allowed yourselves to be brainwashed.
He also admitted that the totalitarian dictator in the White House is out to kill us.
When you read it, remember that all the necessary preparations have been made.
The crises have been useful - they were false flags, you know by now, don't you, including Newtown;
the FEMA camps are staffed and in operation, waiting for you. Do you think our "ghettos" will be safe? Uneducated, poor, living in projects are easy pickings. Obama doesn't love you, my black and brown friends. You cost too much money to keep fed. The term is "useless eaters". And you mean a vote when it's time for his illegal third term.
The armament and a billion human-killing bullets have been bought and are now being distributed to population centers. That should be somewhere in today's blog. They are on the move. Feinstein now intends to take your gun if it has a pistol grip. Any gun. But law enforcement, anyone in government can have machine guns if they want to - BUT YOU CANNOT. YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED. YOU ARE BAD. YOU COULD BE A POTENTIAL TERRORIST. Though the Second Amendment was to protect us from dictators and despots, dangerous invaders and ruthless murderers, it also enabled, at a low level, the procurement of food through hunting. Should the shit hit the fan in the coming days or months, and our food supply is turned off, those in rural areas will hunt to survive.
The Muslims today came out and said it's ok to cannibalize enemies of Allah - the infidels.
And then, we've gone so far today as to have a school in Colorado pledge allegiance to Allah. Look it up. I'm too tired to post it tonight.
Are you having doubts about your personal safety?
Better start emailing, attending pro-Second Amendment rallies, calling your Congressional power craven perverts at their offices and visiting them when they're in their home district.
The specter of war in our time, in our states, our counties, our streets, is becoming reality, and all because you voted for this man, this dictator and have been had, like frightened sheep, because you allowed yourselves to be brainwashed.
President Pro Tempore
Senator Phil Berger
2007 Legislative Building
Raleigh, N.C. 27601
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Amy Auth, 919-301-1737
January 30, 2013 Shelly Carver, 919-301-1744
January 30, 2013 Shelly Carver, 919-301-1744
Senate Republicans Reject Obamacare Expansions
Decline to pursue state-based health exchange, Medicaid expansion
Raleigh, N.C.
– North Carolina
Senate leaders introduced legislation Wednesday to opt out of
participation in several costly provisions of the federal Affordable
Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
Tom Apodaca (R-Henderson), Harry Brown (R-Onslow) and Bob Rucho
(R-Mecklenburg) filed Senate Bill 2 to exempt North Carolina from
establishing a state-based health
insurance exchange or a state-federal partnership exchange.
bill also directs the N.C. Department of Insurance to return unspent
taxpayer funds awarded by the federal Department of Health and Human
Services earlier this month
to create a state-federal partnership exchange.
was forced on us against our will by the federal government, and they
should shoulder the burden of implementing it,” said Sen. Apodaca. “Any
claim that North
Carolina would ‘control’ this program is nothing more than an
Bill 2 also rules out expansion of the North Carolina Medicaid program.
In its 2012 decision on Obamacare, the U.S. Supreme Court exempted
states from the federal
mandate to expand Medicaid eligibility. Based on the court’s ruling,
North Carolina has the authority to opt out of expansion.
for North Carolina’s existing Medicaid program have increased
significantly in recent years. In 2012, the General Assembly was forced
to fill a surprise Medicaid
shortfall that totaled more than $500 million. Recent figures from the
N.C. Department of Health and Human Services indicate that an expansion
of the program would add
hundreds of millions of dollars in additional state costs to North Carolina’s Medicaid budget through 2019.
Republicans are committed to ensuring every North Carolinian receives
the highest quality health care and outcomes,” said Senate President Pro
Tempore Phil Berger
(R-Rockingham). “Saddling our citizens with the enormous costs of a
new federal bureaucracy and entitlements is simply not the way to
achieve this goal.”
Obamacare, each state must have in place a health exchange where
individuals and small businesses, which are now mandated to have
insurance, can purchase
health care coverage. There are three options: a state-run exchange, a
state-federal partnership exchange and a federally-run exchange.
Senate leaders have spent months evaluating the implications of each type of exchange.
November 2012, former Gov. Beverly Perdue prematurely declared her
intent to establish a state-federal partnership exchange – three months
before the deadline for the
state to make this declaration – while at the same time applying for
$73.9 million dollars in federal grant funding to set up the new
government program.
I heard this young man last night on the Mark Levin show. His conversation with Mark was very touching, very urgent, very sincere.
We should welcome him with open arms - he has our founders' integrity and principals secured firmly in his heart.
I wish you well, and wherever you land, be it in Obama's communist/socialist police state under his dictatorship, or in some place where you are not as obstructed as under the fist of this dictator, I know you will do well. The world needs people like you to restore freedom and liberty. I know you love America. I love her too, but in 8 short years under two presidents, she is a worn old hag, and she is dying, unless people like you infuse life into her again.
Bless you in freedom and liberty!
I heard this young man last night on the Mark Levin show. His conversation with Mark was very touching, very urgent, very sincere.
We should welcome him with open arms - he has our founders' integrity and principals secured firmly in his heart.
I wish you well, and wherever you land, be it in Obama's communist/socialist police state under his dictatorship, or in some place where you are not as obstructed as under the fist of this dictator, I know you will do well. The world needs people like you to restore freedom and liberty. I know you love America. I love her too, but in 8 short years under two presidents, she is a worn old hag, and she is dying, unless people like you infuse life into her again.
Bless you in freedom and liberty!
Jan 25, 2013
"Second Term Begins With a
Sweeping Agenda for Equality," ran the eight-column banner in which The
Washington Post captured the essence of Obama's second inaugural. There
he declared:
"What binds this nation together ... what makes us exceptional --
what makes us American -- is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a
declaration made more than two centuries ago."
Obama then quoted our Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Our "union," Obama went on, was "founded on the principles of liberty and equality."
Nice prose -- and transparent nonsense.
How could the American Union have been founded on the principle of
equality, when "equality" is not mentioned in the Constitution, the Bill
of Rights or the Federalist papers? How could equality be a founding
principle of a nation, six of whose 13 original states had legalized
slavery, and five of whose first seven presidents owned slaves all their
What Obama preached in his inaugural was not historical truth but
progressive propaganda, an Orwellian rewrite of American history.
Undeniably, the post-Civil War 13th, 14th and 15th amendments
established an equality of constitutional rights. And from the Brown
decision of 1954 through the civil rights acts of the 1960s, there was
established an equality of civil rights. Black Americans were assured
equal access to schools, public accommodations, the voting booth and
housing. And Congress and the people overwhelmingly supported those
But if the nation did not establish equality of constitutional
rights until the 1860s and equality of civil rights until the 1960s, how
can Obama claim that "equality" has been the feature that "makes us
American" and "binds this nation together."
How can he say that our commitment to equality is what makes us
"exceptional" -- when every Western country believes in equal rights for
all of its citizens, and it was the French Revolution, not ours, that
elevated "egalite" to a founding principle.
And when he says equality "is the star that guides us still," exactly what kind of equality is Obama talking about?
Answer: The equality of which Obama speaks is not an equality of
rights but an equality of results, an idea that dates not to the
Founding Fathers, who would have been appalled by the idea, but to the
This equality is not a founding principle of the republic. It is
ideological contraband. For such equality can only be achieved at the
price of freedom, our true founding principle.
That idea that "all of us are created equal -- is the star that
guides us still," said Obama in his inaugural, "just as it guided our
forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall."
Astonishing. The president is here making the brazen claim that the
roots of modern feminism and gay rights can be traced straight back to
the Founding Fathers and founding principles of our republic.
But how? The sanctum sanctorum of modern feminism is Roe v. Wade,
the discovery of a constitutional right to an abortion. Yet, for every
generation of Americans before 1973, abortion was a heinous crime.
And can anyone seriously argue that a barroom brawl with cops by
homosexual patrons of Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in 1969 was but
another battle in the long war for liberty begun at Lexington, Concord
and Bunker Hill?
How could that be, when the author of the declaration Obama cites,
Thomas Jefferson, believed homosexuality should be treated as rape, and
George Washington ordered homosexuals drummed out of his army?
What Obama was attempting at the Capitol, with his repeated lifts
from Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, was to portray his own and his
party's egalitarianism as a continuation of the great cause that
triumphed at Yorktown and Appomattox.
He is hijacking the American Revolution, claiming an ancestral lineage for his ideology that is utterly fraudulent and bogus.
Feminism, the gay rights movement and the post-1965 civil rights
movement, with their demand for equality not simply of rights but of
rewards, cannot be achieved without trampling on the freedoms for which
the patriot fathers fought. And they cannot triumph without creating a
permanent, mammoth and redistributionist state more powerful, intrusive
and dictatorial than anything George III ever dreamed of.
The freedom of all Americans to compete academically, athletically,
artistically and economically must inevitably result in an inequality
of incomes, wealth and rewards.
Why? Because all men and women are by nature and nurture unequal.
Some are talented, ambitious, industrious, lucky. And in a free society,
such men and women will always reap a disproportionate share of fame
and fortune.
The only way to equalize rewards is to take from those who have
earned and give to those who have not. And that requires the kind of
redistributionst regime the Founding Fathers would have risen up
As Obama's America rises, the old republic falls.
Pat Buchanan is a founding editor of The American Conservative magazine, and the author of many books including State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America .
©Creators Syndicate
it or not, this is already in the works. The small fires are burning
just waiting to explode into a social inferno. Its here folks and there
is no going back.
This article has been generously contributed to Poor Richard's Almanac by Matt Bracken of Enemies Foreign and Domestic and was originally published at Western Rifle Shooters.
When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
In response to recent articles in mainstream military journals discussing the use of the U.S. Army to quell insurrections on American soil,
I offer an alternate vision of the future. Instead of a small town in
the South as the flash point, picture instead a score of U.S. cities in
the thrall of riots greater than those experienced in Los Angeles in
1965 (Watts), multiple cities in 1968 (MLK assassination), and Los Angeles again in 1992 (Rodney King). New Yorkers can imagine the 1977 blackout looting or the 1991 Crown Heights disturbance.
In fact, the proximate spark of the next round of major riots in
America could be any from a long list cribbed from our history.
have seen them all before, and we shall see them all again as history
rhymes along regardless of the century or the generation of humankind
nominally in control of events. But the next time we are visited by
widespread, large-scale urban riots, a dangerous new escalation may be
triggered by a fresh vulnerability: It’s estimated that the average
American home has less than two weeks of food on hand. In poor minority
areas, it may be much less. What if a cascading economic crisis, even a temporary one, leads to millions of EBT (electronic benefit transfer)
cards flashing nothing but ERROR? This could also be the result of
deliberate sabotage by hackers, or other technical system failures.
Alternatively, the government might pump endless digits into the cards
in a hopeless attempt to outpace future hyperinflation. The government
can order the supermarkets to honor the cards, and it can even set price
controls, but history’s verdict is clear: If suppliers are paid only
with worthless scrip or blinking digits, the food will stop.
In my scenario, the initial riots begin spontaneously across affected urban areas, as SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program)
and other government welfare recipients learn that their EBT cards no
longer function. This sudden revelation will cause widespread anger,
which will quickly lead to the flash-mob looting of local supermarkets
and other businesses. The media will initially portray these “food
riots” as at least partly justifiable. Sadly, millions of Americans have
been made largely, or even entirely, dependent on government wealth
transfer payments to put food on their tables.
new social contract has been created, where bread and circuses buy a
measure of peace in our minority-populated urban zones. In the era of
ubiquitous big-screen cable television, the internet and smart phones,
the circus part of the equation is never in doubt as long as the
electricity flows. But the bread is highly problematic. Food must be
delivered the old-fashioned way: physically. Any disruption in the
normal functioning of the EBT system will lead to food riots with a
speed that is astonishing. This will inevitably happen when our
unsustainable, debt-fueled binge party finally stops, and the music is
over. Now that the delivery of free or heavily subsidized food is
perceived by tens of millions of Americans to be a basic human right,
the cutoff of “their” food money will cause an immediate explosion of
rage. When the hunger begins to bite, supermarkets, shops and
restaurants will be looted, and initially the media will not condemn the
looting. Unfortunately, this initial violence will only be the start of
a dangerous escalation.
ransacked supermarkets, convenience stores, ATMs and gas stations will
not be restocked during this period due to the precarious security
situation. A single truck loaded with food or gasoline would be
perceived to be a Fort Knox on wheels and subject to immediate attack
unless heavily protected by powerfully armed security forces, but such
forces will not be available during this chaotic period. Under those
conditions, resupply to the urban areas cannot and will not take place.
The downward spiral of social and economic dysfunction will therefore
both accelerate and spread from city to city. These delays, in turn,
will lead to more riots with the constant underlying demand that hungry
people be fed, one way or another.
anyone? When these demands do not bring the desired outcome, the
participants will ratchet up the violence, hoping to force action by the
feckless state and national governments.
“food riots” will be a grass-roots movement of the moment born out of
hunger and desperation. It will not be dependent upon leaders or an
underlying organization, although they could certainly add to the sauce.
Existing cell phone technology provides all the organization a flash
mob needs. Most of the mobs will consist of minority urban youths,
termed MUYs in the rest of this essay. Which minority doesn’t matter;
each urban locale will come with its own unique multi-ethnic dynamic.
locales will divide upon religious or political lines, but they will
not be the dominant factors contributing to conflict. In the American
context, the divisions will primarily have an ethnic or racial context,
largely because that makes it easy to sort out the sides at a safe
distance. No need to check religious or political affiliation at a
hundred yards when The Other is of a different color.
Americans are all about doing things the easy way, so, sadly, visible
racial and ethnic features will form the predominant lines of division.
Would that it were not so, but reality is reality, even when it’s is a bitch.
Especially then.
order to highlight their grievances and escalate their demands for an
immediate resumption of government benefits, the MUY flash mobs will
next move their activities to the borders of their ethnic enclaves. They
will concentrate on major intersections and highway interchanges where
non-MUY suburban commuters must make daily passage to and from what
forms of employment still exist. People making a living will still be
using those roads to get to where they earn their daily bread.
results of these clashes will frequently resemble the intersection of
Florence and Normandie during the Rodney King riots in 1992, where
Reginald Denny was pulled out of his truck’s cab and beaten nearly to
death with a cinder block. If you don’t remember it, watch it on Youtube.
Then imagine that scene with the mob-making accelerant of texting and
other social media technology added to stoke the fires. Instead of a few
dozen thugs terrorizing the ambushed intersections, in minutes there
will be hundreds.
will throw debris such as shopping carts and trash cans into the
intersection, causing the more timid drivers to pause. The mobs will
swarm the lines of trapped cars once they have stopped. Traffic will be
forced into gridlock for blocks in all directions. Drivers and
passengers of the wrong ethnic persuasions will be pulled from their
vehicles to be beaten, robbed, and in some cases raped and/or killed. It
will be hyper-violent and overtly racial mob behavior, on a massive and
undeniable basis.
of those trapped in their cars will try to drive out of the area,
inevitably knocking down MUY pedestrians and being trapped by even more
outraged MUYs. The commuters will be dragged out of their cars and
kicked or beaten to death. Other suburban commuters will try to shoot
their way out of the lines of stopped cars, and they will meet the same
grim fate once they run out of bullets and room to escape.
mob will be armed with everything from knives, clubs and pistols to
AK-47s. A bloodbath will result. These unlucky drivers and their
passengers will suffer horribly, and some of their deaths will be
captured on traffic web cameras. Later, these terrible scenes will be
released or leaked by sympathetic government insiders and shown by the
alternative media, which continue to expand as the traditional media
become increasingly irrelevant.
Implausible, you insist?
grim tableau is my analysis of age-old human behavior patterns, adding
flash mobs and 2012 levels of racial anger to the old recipe.
Early-teenage MUYs today are frequently playing “The Knockout Game”
on full bellies, just for kicks, and proudly uploading the videos. They
and their older peers can be expected to do far worse when hunger and
the fear of starvation enter their physical, mental, and emotional
equations. The blame for their hunger will be turned outward against the
greater society, and will be vented at first hand against any non-MUY
who falls into their grasp while they are in the thrall of mob hysteria.
These episodes of mass psychology we will refer to as “flash mob
riots”, “wilding”, or some other new name.
gear up for even a single “Florence and Normandie on steroids” flash
mob street riot, city police departments will require an hour or longer
to stage their SWAT teams and riot squads in position to react. Ordinary
patrol cars in small numbers will not venture anywhere near such
roiling masses of hysterical rioters, not even to perform rescues. Those
citizens trapped in their cars cannot expect timely assistance from
local or state authorities.
in the first days of widespread riots, when the police forces are well
rested, it might take several hours to mount a response sufficient to
quell the disturbance and restore order to even one major street
intersection riot. In the meantime, scores of innocent commuters will
have been attacked, with many of them injured or killed and left at the
scene. It will be a law enforcement nightmare to quell the disturbance,
mop up lingering rioters, restore security, and bring medical attention
to the living and get medical examiners to the dead. And each
jurisdiction will face potentially dozens of such scenes, thanks to the
ability for MUYs to cross-communicate at will using their wireless
far more difficult challenge for the police is that by the time they
are suited in riot gear, armed and geared up to sweep the intersection,
it will probably be empty of rioters. The police, with their major riot
squad reaction times measured in hours, will be fighting flash mobs that
materialize, cause mayhem, and evaporate in only fractions of hours.
This rapid cycle time is a clear lesson taken from massive riots by immigrant French Muslim MUYs in their own religious enclaves and bordering areas.
The American flash mob riot will exist almost entirely inside the law enforcement OODA (observe, orient, decide, act)
loop. In other words, the rioters will have a much quicker reaction
time than the police. Until fairly recently, superior police
communications meant that they could use their radio networks as a force multiplier.
With their networking advantage and cohesive reactions both within a
department and among cooperating local agencies, police could act as
shepherds guiding or dispersing a wayward stampeding flock.
the mob has the greater advantage, immediately spreading word of every
police preparation by text and Tweet, even in advance of the police
movement. Attempts by the authorities to stop the flash mobs by blocking
and jamming wireless transmissions will have limited success.
It is at this point that the situation spirals out of control.
enraged mobs in urban America will soon recognize that their
spontaneous street riots cannot be stopped by the police, and then they
will grow truly fearsome. For the police, it will be a losing game of
Whack-a-Mole, with riots breaking out and dispersing at a speed they
cannot hope to match. The violence will spread to previously unaffected
cities as an awareness of law enforcement impotence is spread by
television and social media. After a few days, the police forces will be
exhausted and demoralized. As the violence intensifies and spreads, and
in the absence of any viable security arrangements, supermarkets and
other stores will not be restocked, leaving the MUYs even more desperate
and angry than before. The increasing desperation born of worsening
hunger will refuel the escalating spiral of violence.
will violent conflict be only between the inhabitants of the urban
areas and the suburbs. The international record of conflict in
tri-ethnic cities is grim, making the old bi-racial dichotomy formerly
seen in America seem stable by comparison. In tri-ethnic cities the
perceived balance of power is constantly shifting, with each side in
turn feeling outnumbered and outmuscled. Temporary truces, betrayals and
new alliances follow in rapid succession, removing any lingering sense
of social cohesion.
The former Yugoslavia, with its Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim divisions, comes starkly to mind.
The Lebanese Civil War between the Christians, Sunnis, Shiites and
Druze raged across Beirut (at one time known as “The Paris of the Middle
East”) for fifteen brutal years.
Once a city turns on itself and becomes a runaway engine of
self-destruction, it can be difficult to impossible to switch off the
process and return to normal pre-conflict life. It’s not inconceivable
that the United States could produce a dozen Sarajevos or Beiruts,
primarily across racial instead of religious divides.
traffic by non-minority suburban commuters through adjoining minority
areas will virtually halt, wrecking what is left of the local economy.
Businesses will not open because employees will not be able to travel to
work safely. Businesses in minority areas, needless to say, will be
looted. “Gentrified” enclaves of affluent suburbanites within or near
the urban zones will suffer repeated attacks, until their inhabitants
disaffected minorities will hold critical infrastructure corridors
through their areas hostage against the greater society. Highways,
railroad tracks, pipe and power lines will all be under constant threat,
or may be cut in planned or unplanned acts of raging against “the
system.” As long as security in the urban areas cannot be restored,
these corridors will be under threat. Even airports will not be immune.
Many of them have been absorbed into urban areas, and aircraft will come
under sporadic fire while taking off and landing.
the absence of fresh targets of value blundering into their areas, and
still out of food, MUYs will begin to forage beyond their desolated home
neighborhoods and into suburban borderlands. “Safe” supermarkets and
other stores will be robbed in brazen commando-like gang attacks.
Carjackings and home invasions will proliferate madly. As I have
discussed in my essay “The Civil War Two Cube,”
so-called “transitional” and mixed-ethnic areas will suffer the worst
violence. These neighborhoods will become utterly chaotic killing zones,
with little or no help coming from the overstretched police, who will
be trying to rest up for their next shift on riot squad duty, if they
have not already deserted their posts to take care of their own
the absence of an effective official police response to the exploding
levels of violence, suburbanites will first hastily form self-defense
forces to guard their neighborhoods—especially ones located near ethnic
borders. These ubiquitous neighborhood armed defense teams will often
have a deep and talented bench from which to select members, and they
will not lack for volunteers.
9-11, hundreds of thousands of young men (and more than a few women)
have acquired graduate-level educations in various aspects of urban
warfare. In the Middle East these troops were frequently tasked with
restoring order to urban areas exploding in internecine strife. Today
these former military men and women understand better than anyone the
life-or-death difference between being armed and organized versus
unarmed and disorganized.
of thousands if not millions of veterans currently own rifles
strikingly similar to those they carried in the armed forces, lacking
only the full-automatic selector switch. Their brothers, sisters,
parents, friends, and neighbors who did not serve in the military are
often just as familiar with the weapons, if not the tactics. Today the
AR-pattern rifle (the semi-automatic civilian version of the familiar
full-auto-capable M-16 or M-4) is the most popular model of rifle in
America, with millions sold in the past decade. Virtually all of them
produced in the past decade have abandoned the old M-16′s signature
“carrying handle” rear iron sight for a standardized sight mounting
rail, meaning that virtually every AR sold today can be easily equipped
with an efficient optical sight. Firing the high-velocity 5.56×45 mm
cartridge and mounted with a four-power tactical sight, a typical AR
rifle can shoot two-inch groups at one hundred yards when fired from a
steady bench rest. That translates to shooting eight- to ten-inch groups
at four hundred yards.
hundred yards is a long walk. Pace it off on a straight road, and
observe how tiny somebody appears at that distance. Yet a typical AR
rifle, like those currently owned by millions of American citizens, can
hit a man-sized target at that range very easily, given a stable firing
platform and a moderate level of shooting ability.
there are a far greater number of scoped bolt-action hunting rifles in
private hands in the United States. Keep this number in mind: based on
deer stamps sold, approximately twenty million Americans venture into
the woods every fall armed with such rifles, fully intending to shoot
and kill a two-hundred-pound mammal. Millions of these scoped
bolt-action deer rifles are quite capable of hitting a man-sized target
at ranges out to and even beyond a thousand yards, or nearly
three-fifths of a mile. In that context, the 500-yard effective range of
the average semi-auto AR-pattern rifle is not at all remarkable.
we have millions of men and women with military training, owning rifles
similar to the ones they used in combat operations overseas from
Vietnam to Afghanistan. Many of these Soldiers and Marines have special
operations training. They are former warriors with experience at
conducting irregular warfare and counter-terrorism operations in
dangerous urban environments. They are the opposite of unthinking
robots: their greatest military talent is looking outside the box for
new solutions. They always seek to “over-match” their enemies, using
their own advantages as force multipliers while diminishing or
concealing their weaknesses. These military veterans are also ready,
willing and able to pass on their experience and training to interested
students in their civilian circles.
return to our hypothetical Florence and Normandie intersection, but
this time with hundreds of rioters per city block, instead of mere
dozens. Among the mobs are thugs armed with pistols and perhaps even
AK-47s equipped with standard iron sights, and except in rare cases,
these rifles have never been “zeroed in” on a target range. In other
words, past a medium distance of fifty to a hundred yards, these MUY
shooters will have little idea where their fired bullets will strike—nor
will they care. Typically, most of the rioters armed with a pistol,
shotgun or an iron-sighted rifle could not hit a mailbox at a hundred
yards unless by luck. Inside that distance, any non-MUY could be at
immediate risk of brutal death at the hands of an enraged mob, but
beyond that range, the mob will pose much less danger.
this imbalance in effective ranges of the firearms most likely to be
available to both sides, certain tactical responses are sure to arise,
and ranking near the top will be the one described next.
sniper ambush will predictably be used as a counter to rampaging mobs
armed only with short- to medium-range weapons. This extremely deadly
trick was developed by our war fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, taking
advantage of the significant effective range and firepower of our scoped
5.56mm rifles. Tactics such as the sniper ambush may not be seen early
in the civil disorder, but they will surely arise after a steady
progression of atrocities attributed to rampaging MUYs.
intersection flash mob riots will not be the only type of violence
exploding during periods of civil disorder. As mentioned earlier, the
number and ferocity of home invasions will skyrocket, and they will be
very hard to defend against. Neighborhood self-defense forces will be
able to protect a group of homes if they are located on cul-de-sacs or
in defensible subdivisions with limited entrances, turning them
overnight into fortified gated communities. Individual homes and
apartment buildings located in open grid-pattern neighborhoods with
outside access from many directions will be much more difficult to
defend, and the home invasions will continue.
and other forms of armed robbery will proliferate to previously
unimagined levels, leading to a total loss of confidence in the
government’s ability to provide security across all social lines. Stray
bullets striking pedestrians or penetrating houses will take a
frightening toll, even in areas previously considered to be safe. The
police will be exhausted by constant riot-squad duty, and will not even
respond to reports of mere individual acts of violent criminality. They
will simply be overwhelmed, and will be forced to triage their
responses. The wealthy, powerful and politically well-connected will
demand the lion’s share of remaining police resources, further
diminishing the safety of average Americans.
that context, neighborhood self-defense forces will form the nucleus of
the armed vigilante direct action groups which will spring up next in
the progression. Suburban anger will continue to build against the MUYs,
who are perceived to be the originators of the home invasions and
gang-level armed looting raids. Survivors of street ambushes,
carjackings and home invasions will tell blood-curdling tales and show
horrific scars.
neighborhood defense teams will evolve into proactive suburban armed
vigilante groups (SAVs) out of a desire to preemptively take the
violence to their perceived enemies, instead of passively waiting for
the next home invasion or carjacking. The SAV teams will consist of the
more aggressive and gung-ho members of the self-defense forces, who met
and compared notes. Often they will be young men with recent combat
experience in the armed forces, who will apply their military training
to the new situation. Major intersections and highway interchanges where
ambush riots have previously occurred will be among the SAV targets.
The SAV reaction times will be measured in minutes, compared to the
hours required by major police department SWAT teams and riot squads.
word is received that a flash mob is forming at one of their
pre-reconnoitered intersections or highway interchanges, the SAV team
will assemble. Sometimes cooperating police will pass tactical intel to
their civilian friends on the outside. Some clever individuals will have
exploited their technical know-how and military experience to build
real-time intel collection tools, such as private UAVs.
Police will have access to urban security camera footage showing MUYs
moving barricade materials into position—a normal prerequisite to a
flash mob riot intended to stop traffic. Tip-offs to the vigilantes will
be common, and where the networks are still functioning, citizens may
still be able to access some video feeds. Sometimes, police will even
join the SAV teams, incognito and off-duty, blurring the teams into
so-called “death squads.”
operation I will describe (and it’s only one of dozens that will be
tried) uses two ordinary pickup trucks and eight fighters. Two riflemen
are lying prone in the back of each truck, facing rearward, with
removable canvas covers concealing their presence. Their semi-automatic,
scoped rifles are supported at their front ends on bipods for very
accurate shooting. A row of protective sandbags a foot high is between
them and the raised tailgate.
the cab are a driver and a spotter in the passenger seat who also
serves as the vehicle’s 360-degree security. The two trucks don’t ever
appear on the same stretch of road, but coordinate their movements using
one-word brevity codes over small FRS walkie-talkie radios.
Each truck has a series of predetermined elevated locations where the
intersection in question will lie between 200 and 500 yards away. Each
truck is totally nondescript and forgettable, the only detail perhaps
being the non-MUY ethnicity of the suburbanite driver and spotter
driving relatively near to a riot in progress.
the time the two SAV pickup trucks arrive at their firing positions on
different streets and oriented ninety degrees to one another, the flash
mob riot is in full swing. A hundred or more of the rampaging youths are
posturing and throwing debris into traffic in order to intimidate some
cars into stopping. The riflemen in the backs of the pickups are waiting
for this moment and know what to expect, trusting their spotters and
drivers to give them a good firing lane. The spotters in each truck
issue a code word on their radios when they are in final position. The
tailgates are swung down, and the leader among the riflemen initiates
the firing. All-around security is provided by the driver and spotter.
prone and using their bipods for support, the shooters have five to ten
degrees of pan or traverse across the entire intersection. Individual
rioters are clearly visible in the shooters’ magnified optical scopes.
Each of the four snipers has a plan to shoot from the outside of the mob
toward the middle, driving participants into a panicked mass. The
left-side shooters start on the left side and work to the middle,
engaging targets with rapid fire, about one aimed shot per two seconds.
Since the two trucks are set at ninety degrees to one another, very
complete coverage will be obtained, even among and between the stopped
result is a turkey shoot. One magazine of thirty aimed shots per rifle
is expended in under a minute, a coded cease-fire is called on the
walkie-talkies, and the trucks drive away at the speed limit. The canvas
covering the truck beds contains the shooters’ spent brass. If the
trucks are attacked from medium or close range, the canvas can be thrown
back and the two snipers with their semi-automatic rifles or carbines
will add their firepower to that of the driver and spotter.
at the intersection, complete panic breaks out among the rioters as a
great number of bullets have landed in human flesh. Over a score have
been killed outright, and many more scream in pain for medical attention
they will not receive in time. The sniper ambush stops the flash mob
cold in its tracks as the uninjured flee in terror, leaving their
erstwhile comrades back on the ground bleeding. The commuters trapped in
their vehicles may have an opportunity to escape.
type of sniper ambush and a hundred variations on the theme will
finally accomplish what the police could not: put an end to mobs of
violent rioters making the cities through-streets and highways
impassible killing zones. Would-be rioters will soon understand it to be
suicidal to cluster in easily visible groups and engage in mob
violence, as the immediate response could come at any time in the form
of aimed fire from hundreds of yards away. Even one rifleman with a
scoped semi-auto can break up a medium-sized riot.
citizens will take to carrying rifles and carbines in their vehicles,
along with their pistols, so that if their cars are trapped in an ambush
they will have a chance to fight their way out. If their vehicle is
stopped outside the immediate area of the flash mob, they will be able
to direct accurate fire at the rioters from a few hundred yards away.
Inside the fatal hundred-yard radius, unlucky suburbanite drivers and
passengers pulled from their cars will still be brutally violated, but
the occurrences of large mob-driven street ambushes will be much less
frequent once long-range retaliation becomes a frequent expectation.
they will be unable to respond swiftly or effectively to the outbreaks
of street riots by MUY flash mobs, the police and federal agents will
respond vigorously to the deadly but smaller vigilante attacks. These
sniper ambushes and other SAV attacks will be called acts of domestic
terrorism and mass murder by government officials and the mainstream
media. A nearly seamless web of urban and suburban street cameras will
reveal some of the SAV teams by their vehicles, facial recognition
programs, and other technical means. Some early arrests will be made,
but the vigilantes will adapt to increasing law enforcement pressure
against them by becoming cleverer about their camouflage, most often
using stolen cars and false uniforms and masks during their
direct-action missions. Observe Mexico today for ideas on how this type
of dirty war is fought.
the U.S. Army itself might be called upon to put out all the social
firestorms in our cities, restore order and security, pacify the angry
masses, feed the starving millions, get vital infrastructure operating
again, and do it all at once in a dozen American Beiruts, Sarajevos and
Good luck to them, I say.
few hundred “Active IRA” tied down thousands of British troops in one
corner of a small island for decades. The same ratios have served the
Taliban well over the past decade while fighting against the combined
might of NATO. Set aside for a moment the angry starving millions
trapped in the urban areas, and the dire security issues arising
thereof. Just to consider the official reaction to vigilantism
separately, it’s unlikely that any conceivable combinations of local and
state police, federal law enforcement, National Guard or active-duty
Army actions could neutralize or eliminate tens of thousands of former
special operations troops intent on providing their own form of
security. Millions of Americans are already far better armed and trained
than a few hundred IRA or Taliban ever were. And the police and Army
would not be operating from secure fire bases, their families living in
total safety thousands of miles away in a secure rear area. In this
scenario, there is no rear area, and every family member, anywhere,
would be at perpetual risk of reprisal actions by any of the warring
this hyper-dangerous environment, new laws forbidding the carrying of
firearms in vehicles would be ignored as the illegitimate diktat of
dictatorship, just when the Second Amendment is needed more than ever.
Police or military conducting searches for firearms at checkpoints would
themselves become targets of vigilante snipers. Serving on
anti-firearms duty would be seen as nothing but pure treason by millions
of Americans who took the oath to defend the Constitution, including
the Bill of Rights. Politicians who did not act in the security interest
of their local constituents as a result of political correctness or
other reasons would also be targeted.
festering race war with police and the military in the middle taking
fire from both sides could last for many years, turning many American
cities into a living hell. Remember history: when the British Army
landed in Northern Ireland in 1969, they were greeted with flowers and applause from the Catholics.
The Tommys were welcomed as peacekeepers who would protect them from
Protestant violence. That soon changed. Likewise with our tragic misadventure in Lebanon back in 1982 and 1983.
Well-intended referees often find themselves taking fire from all
sides. It’s as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise. Why would it be any
different when the U.S. Army is sent to Los Angeles, Chicago or
Philadelphia to break apart warring ethnic factions?
a long time after these events, it will be impossible for the warring
ethnic groups to live together or even to mingle peacefully. Too much
rage and hatred will have been built up on all sides of our many
American multi-ethnic fault lines. The new wounds will be raw and
painful for many years to come, as they were in the South for long after
the Civil War. The fracturing of the urban areas, divided by
no-man’s-lands, will also hinder economic redevelopment for many years
because the critical infrastructure corridors will remain insecure.
high concrete “Peace Walls” like those in Belfast, Northern Ireland,
will be installed where the different ethnic groups live in close
proximity. That is, if recovery to sane and civilized norms of behavior
are ever regained in our lifetimes and we don’t slide into a new Dark
Age, a stern and permanent tyranny, warlordism, anarchy, or any other
dire outcome.
Ages can last for centuries, after sinking civilizations in a vicious,
downward vortex. “When the music’s over, turn out the lights,” to quote
Jim Morrison of The Doors. Sometimes the lights stay out for a long
time. Sometimes civilization itself is lost. Millions of EBT cards
flashing zeroes might be the signal event of a terrible transformation.
is a frightening thing to crystallize the possible outbreak of mass
starvation and racial warfare into words, so that the mind is forced to
confront agonizingly painful scenarios. It is much easier to avert one’s
eyes and mind from the ugliness with politically correct Kumbaya
bromides. In this grim essay, I am describing a brutal situation of
ethnic civil war not differing much from the worst scenes from recent
history in Rwanda, South Africa, Mexico, Bosnia, Iraq, and many other
places that have experienced varying types and degrees of societal
collapse. We all deplore the conditions that might drive us toward such a
hellish outcome, and we should work unceasingly to return America to
the path of true brotherhood, peace and prosperity. Race hustlers of
every stripe should be condemned.
of us wish we could turn back the calendar to Norman Rockwell’s
America. But we cannot, for that America is water long over the dam and
gone from our sight, if not from our memories. John Adams said, “Our
Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If that is true,
judging by current and even accelerating cultural shifts, we might
already have passed the point of no return.
The prudent American will trim his sails accordingly.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
After all, we're not going to have USAF surveillance anymore on our southern border, and you forgot to complete the fence!
After all, we're not going to have USAF surveillance anymore on our southern border, and you forgot to complete the fence!
This is an interesting site and this petition is close to my heart.
This could happen to any of us - seeing our dog dead and knowing it did nothing.
Some of the petitions my conservative friends may not support - doesn't matter. You might want to start a petition. This is the first time I've seen this site. I'm still exploring.
This is an interesting site and this petition is close to my heart.
This could happen to any of us - seeing our dog dead and knowing it did nothing.
Some of the petitions my conservative friends may not support - doesn't matter. You might want to start a petition. This is the first time I've seen this site. I'm still exploring.
From now on, if someone says to go fly a kite, do it!!!
guy flying the 3 kites is in his 80s, and he's from Canada . He comes
to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year.
His skin
is like leather as he normally flies with his shirt off. He is deaf, so
when he flies we hold our hands up and wave them
for applause. He flies
2 with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist. Enjoy!
must watch to the end to see the amazing landing of that last kite! I
would have those kites so tangled up,
you could never get them separated
again! And of course, make sure the volume is turned up because the
is wonderful and totally reflects the soaring of the kites.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Remember, THEY and only THEY, our new political nobility and their children, deserve protection.
They would prefer the rest of us, the commoners, be disarmed, and our children
left unprotected in 'gun-free' killing zones.
That's the way it was in the former Soviet Union and that's the way they want it here, too.
I think they'e in for a surprise.
Remember, THEY and only THEY, our new political nobility and their children, deserve protection.
They would prefer the rest of us, the commoners, be disarmed, and our children
left unprotected in 'gun-free' killing zones.
That's the way it was in the former Soviet Union and that's the way they want it here, too.
I think they'e in for a surprise.
Constitution & Law

Nullification and What They’re Not Telling You
January 25, 2013 by Kris Anne Hall
I am compelled to share with you a dirty little secret. This secret
is one that the government doesn’t want you to know, especially your
State legislators, that is if you have one like my dear senator Don
Gaetz. You see, senators like Don Gaetz will tell you that if you
believe in the sovereignty of the States, if you believe that the States
bear the right to nullify unconstitutional federal law, well, you
should be “shot and hanged”(yes, he actually said that, read here).
These legislators will explain to you that nullification is a “kooky”
principle that will only result in a “banana republic” in which States
will be allowed to nullify whatever law “they don’t like.” If you have a
legislator like this, be concerned, as his ignorance has
just exposed him for who he is; a tyrant at worst, wholly unqualified
to serve at best.
States do not choose, as is asserted, to nullify “whatever law they
don’t like,” but only those laws the States find to be unconstitutional
assertions of authority by the federal government.
Such States, and state legislators, truly believe that we have a
limited and defined federal government. They know those limitations are
codified within the Constitution and the power of that limited
government is derived from the consent of the governed. They also
understand that the primary function of government is to secure the
Liberty that belongs to the people. It is only logical that if the
government is exerting a power, it is left to the creators of that
government to judge and affirm whether that power is justly used. To
assert otherwise, that the federal government through the judiciary,
law, or executive order is the final arbiter of its own power is simply illogical and wholly despotic.
What the despots don’t want you to know is that nullification is
happening and has happened all over the United States, enacted by both
States and local governments alike.
Not only did it occur in 1798 and 1799 to protect the citizen from the Alien and Sedition Acts, not only was nullification used to OPPOSE slavery in the 1850s,
but it is happening RIGHT NOW in response to unconstitutional and
unjust federal laws. It is not surprising that you don’t hear about this
in mainstream media, but why are our legislators unaware of this? Are
they really ill-informed and misguided, or do they simply want us to
believe they are? Consider this:
Currently at least three states are
supporting legislation called the Privacy Protection Act that would
nullify federal surveillance laws and the use of drones within the
borders of their states. The federal government does not have the
authority to violate the rights of the citizens through surveillance.
That is precisely why we have the 4th Amendment. And when a law is contrary to the Constitution, as Alexander Hamilton said, it is null and void.
There are at least 29 States that
have either passed laws or are supporting laws to nullify the federal
Real ID law that would take your driver’s license and convert it into a
“national identity card.” Once again the federal government does not
have the authority to demand such a requirement upon the States. These
States understand the ramifications of yielding this power to the
federal government and are standing against this unconstitutional
assertion of authority.
At least Three statesare
supporting legislation to nullify the unconstitutional definition of
the commerce clause as adopted by Congress and endorsed by the Supreme
Court. The Commerce clause was never meant to “control”state commerce,
but to create an environment in which States engage in commerce with
each other freely. It absolutely does not allow the federal government
to regulate industrial practice within the State. The Intrastate
Commerce Act effectively nullifies federal laws and regulations that
violate such limitations by regulating commerce and other activities
that are solely intrastate.
The federal government has no authority under the Constitution to
create and enforce criminal laws. Three States (Wa, Ca, Co) have passed
laws legalizing the use of marijuana and five other States are
also currently supporting legislation to nullify federal marijuana
laws. If the federal government has the authority to ban one plant, what
is to limit their authority to banning others, for whatever reason they
see fit?
In 2012 the federal government put into law the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2012. This Act, nearly unanimously supported by the
“conservative” Republicans in our House of Representatives, authorized
the president of the United States the authority to transfer the power
vested in him under the Laws of War, to any circumstance the president
considers a “hostility” whether foreign or domestic. It allows not only
for the indefinite detention of US Citizens, but permits for any use of
force that would be allowed under the Laws of War and gives the
president the authority to transfer that power to “domestic terrorist
fighting forces.” Eight States are taking measures to stand against this obvious use of tyrannical power authorized by the federal government.
Our final example, though not the last expression of State
nullification, addresses the unconstitutional regulation of firearms and
subsequent disarming of the people. Our Second Amendment clearly and
definitively protects the rights of all citizens to keep and bear arms,
at all times. There is absolutely no room for the federal government to
interfere with that right in any way, shape, or form. Any laws written
to address the illegal use of firearms must originate on the State
level. In a decisive response to current attempts by the federal
government to unconstitutionally insert themselves in a State issue, seven States have passed the Firearms Freedom Act and many others are currently supporting this nullifying legislation. Additionally, nine States are
also working on legislation called the Second Amendment Preservation
Act, which renders all federal gun laws, regulations, rules, acts,
orders, etc., null and void within the borders of the state.
Nullification is not just a State issue. It is a community and individual issue as well. As of January 23, 2013, there are over 90 Sheriffs across
the country that are REFUSING, in writing, to enforce any federal gun
control laws, and the list is growing every day. We need to support
these Sheriffs and demand that our own do the same.
There you have it, the dirty little secret that you are not
supposed to know: Nullification exists, nullification works, and
nullification is the RIGHT of every State to stand against the
unconstitutional assertion of power by the federal government. Share
this bit of information with your State legislator and if he still
wishes to hold fast to the idea that nullification is not lawful,
proper, or “kooky”, then mark this person as one who has no interest in
preserving your Liberty.
“The reason why Men enter into Society, is the preservation of their Property; and the end why they choose and authorize a Legislative is that there may be Laws made, and Rules set as Guards and Fences to their Properties, to limit Power, and moderate the Dominion of every Part and Member of the Society…whenever the Legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People…” John Locke, Second Treatise.
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