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Monday, November 3, 2008

A post from a friend, who is very devoted to the ideals of freedom and liberty...

I generally do not send political writings to my email list, I did one other time, and i had 2 ask me to remove I did. I am taking the risk again, because our country is on dangerous ground. With the new election tomorrow, nothing has changed. There is no change. We have had puppet presidents since the end of World War 2 bouncing on strings pulled by the New World Order Puppet Masters, the bankers and corporate giants who control our puppet government. We moved from the American Dream, which is the Republic our Founding Fathers left us to a Global Nightmare. There will be no change until , We the People, demand that our politicians return to the Rule of Law, our Constitution. A very intelligent man said something once..."Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." That was dear Thomas Jefferson. We had individual sovereignty for about 100 we are living under an oligarchy, a pack of greedy money masters who have no allegiance to anything but $$$$ and power. I leave you with this thought, from John Perkins, who wrote the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". Suzanne
"Beyond my own personal dilemmas, my times in Colombia also helped me comprehend the distinction between the old American republic and the new global empire. The republic offered hope to the world. Its foundation was moral and philosophical rather than materalistic. It was based on concepts of equality and justice for all. But it also could be pragmatic, not merely a utopian dream but also a living, breathing, magnanimous entity. It could open its arms to shelter the downtrodden. it was an inspiration and at the same time a force to reckon with; if needed, it could swing into action, as it had during World War II, to defend the principles for which it stood. The very institutions--the big corporations, banks and government bureaucracies--that threaten the republic could be used instead to institute fundamental changes in the world. Such institutions possess the communications networks and transportation systems necessary to end disease, starvation, and even wars--if only they could be convinced to take that course.
The global empire, on the other hand, is the republic's nemesis. It is self centered, self serving, greedy and materalistic, a system based on mercantilism. Like empires before, its arms open only to accumulate resources, to grab everything in sight and stuff its insatiable maw. It will use whatever means it deems necessary to help its rulers gain more power and riches." John Perkins---Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

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