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Friday, July 1, 2011


If you have a copy of the first edition of "Sam, the Grouchy As Usual Bear", hold on to it. If I ever get famous, you've got a hot property.

The online publisher (Irish Monahan), contacted me after I submitted this story to her online children's site, Irish Story Playhouse. Written primarily for children of combat-lost soldiers, she offered to publish it in several versions, including Kindle, Nook, audio book, two versions of ebook (black and white and color), to promote it (she did, a little), sell it at a discount on her site, and list it on Amazon, which she did.

I provided the artwork, charming little watercolors from my artist friend, Maggie Guinn.

We signed a contract, with all rights reverting to me. I had no problem with my share of the profits.

But the first quarter passed, and no payment. And the second passed, and we had no Kindle, Nook, or anything else promised. The phone calls stopped. The emails went unanswered.

A couple of weeks ago, I took a look at her website and my book was gone. No explanation.

I have no idea how many copies were sold.

And now that her phone number's been changed, I was forced to have the listing frozen at Amazon. There is a limited number of copies left, but if you buy them, the profit goes to her!

Her name is on the book as editor.

The time dragged on, no payment and no Kindle, Nook, ebooks, audiobooks though I asked about the Kindle, especially. Just excuses.

1. NEVER deal with a publisher who has four aliases.

2. NEVER SELF-PUBLISH UNLESS YOU DO IT YOURSELF. Find a way to upload it in your name if you don't know or understand how to do it. Eliminating the middleman gives you total control and payment.

3. Keep every email or other communication, from every source, regarding your book or article in a file. You'll be very glad you did.

Sam, The Grouchy As Usual Bear will be available again as soon as possible. I'll let you know.

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