On February 23, there will be a day of National Resistance across the nation. What does that mean? Speeches in the park? Flags? Horns honking support? People lining the streets with signs waving?
Why can't it be armed citizens, exercising their rights to keep and bear arms. In some states, there is no requirement for gun permits, which is as it should be, according to the Bill of Rights" and the Second Amendment. Exercise your God-given rights on that day, and show the regime your intentions to stand your ground against all enemies, foreign and domestic as we are required to do.
If we just honk horns and wave signs, we are participating in an activity that Cubans rely on when the electricity goes out - banging them at midnight in protest.
But just to let you know, there will be some kind of rally to protest the usurper of our rights who has created a communist regime in Washington, the font of all things unAmerican; the pit of sewage into which he has thrown us.
I will keep you up-to-date on our progress here. I hope that everyone who is worried about our future as a country, every gun owner, every man, woman and child, law enforcement, veterans, every LEGAL immigrant who enjoys what little we have left of our freedoms, and who understand how important participating in this protest for the message that if they send the helicopters and the Vipr teams, and "multijurisdictional" agencies for drills to get us desensitized to flying bullets and flash bang grenades in the dark of night, while military vehicles bristle with 50 caliber guns patrol, endangering our lives as we drive, or crouch in our dwellings hoping that the helicopters won't crash, our students terrified and told to cower and hide, WE WILL RESIST BECAUSE WE WILL NOT BE SLAVES TO THE STATE AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AS FREE, SOVEREIGN CITIZENS IN THE COUNTRY IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE.
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