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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Bats are important insect predators and also pollinators. They are essential to farmers and the food chain.

And windfarms are also methodically slicing and dicing birds, including our raptors, also essential in keeping the rodent population down - a significant niche in the food chain, and that includes US.

I just send this link to my friend, world-reknowned bat authority. Her answer was glum. "Between whitenose (fungus) and wind farms, there won't be any bats left."

So we are destroying, through the green agenda and the panic it has caused, the end of several species, all related to the food chain. To take up the slack of bat deaths, farmers are purchasing huge amounts of insecticide to poison the insects the bats would eat naturally, and in turn, poisoning you.

Do you recall all the posts I've entered here on population control? Doesn't this ring true regarding this?

Our bees are dying. I have not seen ONE HONEYBEE this year, yet the mosquito truck rumbles and hisses through our neighborhood which is patrolled by ONE BAT who hasn't succumbed yet to whitenose or starvation.

The green agenda and biodiversity is a crock of shit. But then, we all know that.

Develop our natural resources and let our planet nurture her own in her own way. We can help these creatures, but we cannot control them. That is out of our hands.

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