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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Anyone who wants to buy a home should NEVER knowingly move into a housing development where there is a community upkeep fee (or whatever they call it), no covenants and no restrictions.

Though my street has grown up over the years, we can each have pig farms on our lots if we want - horses, chickens, guineas, goats, yes, pigs - anything we want. HOW can you knowingly move into such a neighborhood where you are restricted from having more than one tree in your front yard, your lawn kept at x inches (or else), the colors you paint your home, and limit the pets you have or where you park your vehicles, boats, campers, etc. There ARE other choices! This is not living freely. This is a "pretty prison".

If these are county or city rules, you HAVE OTHER ALTERNATIVES.

If I were Julie, I would fight this tooth and nail, but I sure would think long and hard about selling and moving to where no one has the right to complain.

The bigger story is this: WHY are Julie's rights to feeding herself and her family being wrenched from her, especially in a drought, AND WHO IS BEHIND THIS?

City now enforcing dog licensing violations against Julie

It is important to remember that the city can reinstate the charges against Julie at any time. So this is not a permanent victory. This is a tactic used by the city to try to make the public pressure go away.

As Julie writes on her blog: "We weren't actually cleared of any wrongdoing. The charges have not been settled in a way that gives us any assurance at all of them not coming back the second the media spotlight is off of Oak Park."

And even as they were dropping the charges against Julie for her front yard garden, they reinstated charges against her regarding the licensing of her dogs. Julie says she already paid the fine for the licensing of her dogs, but they are now dragging her into court and charging her with two misdemeanors related to her dog licenses.

So now she's facing not just 90 days in jail, but 180+ days in jail for something related to her dog licenses. And she explains on her blog:

"On a dumber note, the city has decided to reinstate the case about our dog licenses. When they came over and saw we didn't move the garden after their warning, they added a 'no license' charge for our 2 dogs. We went within the week to pay for licenses and even paid late fees, and when we came to court the prosecutor asked to see the documentation that it had been taken care of.

So, he wrote a few notes, it seemed like everything was taken care of, and when I was in front of the judge nothing was mentioned at all about the dogs. In fact, nothing has been mentioned since then about the dog licenses, with the exception of a few blog readers who noticed the dog charges on the ticket and asked me about it.

We thought the city just wanted the dogs to be vaccinated against rabies. Our vaccines for the dogs are now and have always been, current and up-to-date. We didn't protest. We didn't complain. We paid and we were done.

or so we thought…

So, the city still wants us to appear in court on the 26th of July. This time it will be for the dog licenses, which we have already taken care of. The dog charges are each a misdemeanor. So now we are up to misdemeanor x 2.

This is the way tyrants work. When pressured, they'll back off one thing, but then they will maliciously try their best to find some other way to make you pay. And if you embarrassed the tyrants, they will try to make you pay even worse.

Let it be known that NaturalNews will continue to cover Julie's story so that Oak Park officials cannot get away with punishing Julie for going public with the truth about what's really happening there. If necessary, we will repeat our call for public protests against Oak Park city officials, and I'm sure there are tens of thousands of NaturalNews readers who want to stay updated on this story and make sure Julie is left alone by the tyrants of Oak Park, Michigan.

So keep reading NaturalNews. We'll stay in touch with Julie and do our best to make sure she is left alone by the city and allowed to grow her tomatoes in peace!

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