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Thursday, October 21, 2010


Chaplain Lindsay Williams
, of gave an absolutely heart-clutching interview today on Alex Jones as to forecasting the very near future.

I've heard him many times on several different shows for many years. He is NEVER wrong.
If you haven't made preparations for survival, you need to hear this broadcast by going to tonight for the rebroadcast, or tomorrow. As soon as you can.

Prepare now for: 6 months food and water for your family, plus pets.
The cyber attack Janet Napolitano warned you about, because IF it comes, it will mean the power grid will go down, your ATM card and your computer will not work; your well, your lights, everything electric will go down. You will have NO access to cash.
Houses purchased in the last 10 years are not yours. The mortgages were cut up and farmed out to anyone who would buy them. Most went to China. Your warranty deeds
are worthless. The banks took the money and took care of that. Mortgage Backed Securities.
The house you bought as a repo - same thing. Your warranty deed is worthless.
You will be homeless if the owner of the mortgage wants it back. This is the global government at work.
Williams said we will not recognize the USA in three years, and I cringe at this.
I have grandchildren.
Gas - have you noticed it's rising in price again? He says it will be $4.00/gallon shortly. Then it will go up to $8/gal. Think what goods our truckers bring you. How will that affect price of goods and food and services?

Get rid of the motorcycle, the jet ski, the power boat. Turn them into cash. You can always buy them again. Be wise with your money, be thrifty.

Williams gave an in-depth interview, and it may appear on Youtube tomorrow or later this week. In any event, it will be in the Prison Planet archives after tonight.

Value your family?

Please listen. The worst thing to happen will be that you eat the food you've stored and the gold and silver coins you buy (I hope) may save your life.

Prepare for the worst, even if it doesn't come to be. But remember, Obama and the global elite need a crisis to remain in power. Be vigilant. It could come before the elections, or it could come just after. Something's in the air.

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