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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Would you eat at the Road Kill?

How I came across this foodie's blog, I don't know, but there it was. My favorite watering hole in McCleod, MT. It's a welcome pit stop when you're thirsty from exploring the Boulder River taking pictures. I complained bitterly this last trip in September about not finding a moose. Whine, whine, whine. My friend, a Montana native and I, had exhausted all known moose habitats within a 300-mile radius and found not one. No track, no sign, no nothing. Montana is devoid of moose, I had decided, but then, owner Pam directed me into the game room and there was my moose on the wall!

Not quite what I wanted to take home, but a funny memory remembered with a chuckle and a big smile.

I'm not a beer drinker, but in the heat of the day, those tall glasses of brew taste so good. I can only manage half a glass. After that I fall off the stool. Good thing my friend drives. If I could down two of them, I would have to take a siesta on the porch. Unconscious. Hand me a Pepsi chaser!

They don't serve road kill. Really. They don't. But lunch is served and will fill you up and put you in good humor.

It's a funny name for a funny, funky little roadhouse that serves fisherman, campers, tourists,
kayakers, hunters, cowboys, locals (there may be 20 in McCleod), and an occasional movie star.

When you're coming or going into Boulder River country, stop by and say I said "Hi"!

Have lunch. Watch the world stand still on the porch - if you're lucky you might see a couple of vehicles go by to remind you you haven't gone to heaven. Pet the dogs. Meet some really nice folks. Life is good at the Road Kill.

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