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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bay County protest against Rep. Allen Boyd's vote on climate bill

They arrived in a trickle, most with gray hair, their signs condemning Rep. Allen Boyd (D), who was giving a talk on successfully growing a small business at Gulf Coast Community College. An older gentleman carried a bullhorn, occasionally streaming a diatribe against the the Clean Air Bill (or Cap and Trade), into the traffic along Highway 98. The remark was made that it was a shame that the demonstrators were older adults, and were they the only ones who remembered what it was like to feel free.

And then they came - businessmen and women on their lunch breaks, mothers with young children, fathers with their teenagers, retirees, veterans, students. Most were carrying signs, waving flags. They poured themselves along curb, encouraging motorists to honk their horns, waving signs; thumbs up and fists held high. An effigy appeared of Boyd hanging from a fishing rod, complete with tar and feathers. The flag of the colonies was paraded, flying among "Don't Tread on Me" flags and our contemporary flag. The enthusiasm was contagious.

And still they came. The elderly woman in the walker who barely made it across the lawn, the old gentleman on the bicycle flying two flags on his basket, attendees who joined the group who had taken the seminar.

Burnie Thompson, our affable WYOO talk show host who wakes us daily with "The Morning Show", along with Derrell Day of the Bay Patriots, put the call out yesterday.
Boyd would be speaking at Gulf Coast Community College, and we needed to take a stand against his vote on the Cap and Trade bill that passed in the House of Representatives this week, his questionable ethics, and his Constitutional oath-breaking. Would we come? Would we show our true patriotic colors?

That we did and more.

The crowd began to migrate toward the student union hall around 1 p.m. so that Boyd could not avoid seeing them. He would know that Bay Countians are fed up with his form of representation.
The man next to me smiles and says, "It's easy to feel good when you're right."

That seemed to say it all.

And then we watched the news. Though there were over 200 people, the television news media reported very low numbers. Boyd was interviewed by a reporter who asked if he had read the bill. He had, IN FACT, NOT READ THE BILL. He had the audacity to tell her that his staff read parts of it and reported back to him but they had not yet completed it.

Allen Boyd is on an agricultural committee. He is also a farmer here in northwest Florida and benefits greatly from policies he helps make. Subsidies subsidize him!

He has been a Representative for many years. It’s time for him to go. We must unelect him. His ethics are deplorable. And to think he can add his name to a bill that will give over our lives to big government, and a socialist/communist one at that, is unforgivable. This is a man who wants an estate tax so badly, he can taste it.

It’s time to get behind a new candidate (I met one yesterday) who is running for Boyd’s seat. Until I get permission from him, I’ll stay quiet.


Boyd could not avoid the protestors and smiled sheepishly when he exited a rear door. But when he got into his vehicle, he turned to someone. He was laughing. Laughing at the crowd. They didn't matter to him.

Not many of the Congress care about us. We need to remember that as they go about their own, personal empire building, without remembering their oaths of office to us and God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i agree, vote boyd out. i have emailed him on three different occasions and only recieved one standardized form letter from him.