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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What to do when your camera stops working...

December 10, 2008
The Right Way to Travel, Weekly Photo Tip

By Shelly Perry in Panama City, Panama

Today we went by dugout canoe to spend the day at an Embera Indian
village. While we were there, two people’s cameras stopped working.
They were fine one minute, and then they just quit. The power was
still on, but you couldn’t take a picture.

So here’s what we did to get them up-and-running again -- and what you
can do if you find yourself in the same situation:

1. Make sure the memory card isn’t full. If it’s full, replace it with
one that has space.

2. Turn the power on and off.

3. Turn the camera off. Remove the battery. And then take the battery
and rub the connectors on your pants. (Or, if you’re home, you can rub
the connectors with a pencil eraser.)

Today, these three steps worked. Our two photographers were back
up-and-running fast.

I can’t say for sure what caused these cameras to freeze up, but I can
guess. I think it was the high humidity and heat.

Very cold temperatures can cause the same problem. If you’re shooting
out in the cold, keep your spare batteries where it’s warmer -- in
your pocket near your body.

[Ed. Note: Now that you know what to do with a frozen camera, don’t
forget about the other side of photo technology -- the post-processing
in your computer. Here’s an article from our archives on what to do
when your computer is being sluggish:

Prevent your computer from slowing down and freezing, and get back to
editing photos, submiting articles, and making more money from your
travels. You’ll find all you need to know about computers -- and
nothing you don’t -- in Computer Basics for Travel Writers and
Photographers... on sale now until midnight, December 31, during our
Holiday Sale, here: .]


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