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Monday, October 6, 2008

Browsing Youtube this morning, and found

many disturbing videos regarding the proud children singing for the leader, Barrack Hussein Obama.

If I thought Obama was the savior of our country, I would gladly vote for him. This is not a racist comment, and in no way should it be construed that way. I'd vote for
the Elephant Man if he were running and had substance. It's what is in the heart, it has to do with integrity, respect for country and wise decisions. It has to do with
honesty, background and knowledge. It has NOTHING to do with promises that will burden
us further.

But these children have been brainwashed by Obama's people in some way.

And that's downright creepy.

Here are a couple of videos that make me recall the tattoos on the wrists of holocaust survivors in New York. Though I do not remember the faces, but I remember the stories.

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