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Friday, October 31, 2008

Bill Balsamico and the Casa D'Ice Billboards

Bill Balsamico has a restaurant and is a very outspoken fellow. His billboards outside have become famous, and if you're on the internet, I'll bet someone has passed at least one on to you.

Here's what I got today from Bill's billboards at Casa d'Ice.

What 2 Senators have in common

You may find this very hard to believe ..but it's true. Both Senator McCain and Senator Obama have something in common. They have both spent several years of their adult life in the company of enemies of America. Unfortunately for Senator McCain he spent over 5 1/2 years as a PRISONER OF WAR with the enemy while Senator Obama spent several years at FUND RAISERS and SEND OFF DINNERS (spreading the wealth) with the enemies and terrorists. WOW!

Bill Balsamico
Casa D'ice
N. Versailles Pa. 15137

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Casa D' Ice
1901 Lincoln Highway
North Versailles, PA 15137


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