Topic: Common Core, Benghazi, Energy
AgEnders Conference Call
TOPIC: Dr Preston Bailey - The Illiminati's Plans for America
"In order to save the planet, we must destroy capitalism"
Maurice Strong, UN Sec General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development.
Remember, we can't win if we don't know the game.
Please share this Newsletter.
Some of the issues in this letter are repetitive. That
is for a reason, it takes the average person 10 times to see something
before they pay attention. It is also important for you to understand
everything is connected
everything happens for a reason
nothing is random
everything is planned
This is a enewspaper, and should be read
one section at a time. After each section take a breath, let it sink
in, then think what is the opposite. Equate every regulation to Money, Power and Control.
Hello Americans:
The deception of this administration is finally being exposed. Yesterday we heard the beginning of the Benghazi slaughter of 4 Americans while our administration watched and Obama went to bed.
Today we heard to the slaughter of 26 Navy Seals as they flew into danger without proper US military support.
This administration has put Americans in danger by:
illegal immigration
phony scientific reports that will lead to famine and death
running guns to our enemy
failure to identify the enemy
failure to provide cheap energy
failure to secure the border
teaching our kids to be communists
regulating loss of land
failure to protect our military
forcing our military to fight with inadequate equipment
human trafficking
Expansion of Muslim Brotherhood - allowing them to help write the ROE
More military deaths in this administration.
refusal to prosecute the Wall Street bankers who orchestrated the
and that is just a few items. Every day to me it becomes more and more
evident that these criminals allowed to run our government are under an
extreme agenda (Agenda 21) designed to lie cheat and steal our wealth
and resources. Leveling the playing field means Americans must give up
their wealth. Americans must do more for less all to appease those who
do less but want more.
This administration has NO respect for individuals. They consider us
HUMAN CAPITAL only as good as we are to work for the state so they can
give our wealth away.
I am now embarrassed to say I was a teacher. There is no teaching only
government indoctrination of our children so they will learn how to
work for some favored industry. I used to teach America vs. Communism,
no longer taught in our schools. Now there is no America just
The question is what do we do next? If we let Benghazi, Fast and
Furious and Seal Team VI to slide, we are truly an nation lost. If we
do not demand the truth we will lose our soul. Will you help? Will you
make calls, send emails, follow the money, follow the truth. Will you
help spread the truth? Can you take 1/2 hr a day to preserve liberty and
freedom or are you so apathetic that America is no longer important to
End PC and pick up the phone. Call your legislators, local radio
stations and tell the truth. This administration LIES and we do not
have to accept lies. Demand consequences for treasonous actions.
Karen Schoen, AgEnder
Agenda 21 Around the America:
View share and like this video. We thank Kevin Koontz for his
tireless work to get this done. Great video to show at movie night.
Get behind this bill to leave the UN.
H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013
Date: Jan 03, 2013
Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Explanation: This bill was assigned to a congressional committee on
January 3, 2013, which will consider it before possibly sending it on to
the House or Senate as a whole.
Environmental Terrorism
Republicans block confirmation of EPA nominee. David Vitter of
Louisiana, the top Republican on the Environment Committee, told
reporters their boycott was not related to McCarthy's qualifications but
to her refusal to answer questions about transparency within the
Rain water does not belong to you, so says your government. When you do not stand for your rights, you will lose them.
Many municipalities are charging a storm water run off fee.
Global Cooling Era to Bring Food Shortages and Social Upheaval Says New Climate Report Thurs., April, 25, 2013 Press Release 3-2013
2:00 PM EST The inaugural edition of the recently published Global
Climate Status Report (GCSR)© by the Space and Science Research
Corporation (SSRC), headquartered in Orlando, Florida, discloses
startling new information about global food shortages and widespread
social upheaval that is just around the corner; all the cause of the new
global cooling era. This single source document from the SSRC details
an apolitical, fact-based version of the Earth’s climate status as
measured by twenty four climate parameters.
The summary conclusion of the report shows that the planet is
heading into four decades of potentially dangerous, cold weather.Mr.
John L. Casey, SSRC founder, Editor of the GCSR, and author of the
internationally acclaimed climate book, “Cold Sun” was recently named
“America’s best climate prediction expert” by
elaborates on the stunning conclusions of the GCSR by saying, “The news
isn’t good, especially for those who still believe in manmade global
warming and that mankind’s CO2 emissions have a major role in climate
change. They will be totally unprepared for this new cold era.
Scientists around the world have compiled and is discussed in our
global climate report for all to read." Read the full report
Send this article to DC and hound them until AMERICA GROWS FOOD again - or grow it yourself but PREPARE.
Lack of Global Warming seen everywhere except the hot air in the White House.
EPA Celebrates earth day at the Taxpayers Expense -
and you thought we were broke. EPA puts out press releases like this
one at least weekly. If you examine activities, you notice most activity
is spent on advocacy. Much of this advocacy is peddling the notion that
carbon dioxide is a pollutant that must be curtailed. Carbon dioxide is
an airbourne fertilizer essential for survival of life on this planet.
Oxygen supports combustion [...]
read more
Coal: As the real weather report shows the earth is
cooling the EPA lies continue. The newest one will close the coal
industry. Will Obama open the White House as citizens freeze after the
coal industry is closed by the EPA? and where is congress???
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been arrested.
Radical Islamic Watch
Subject: What died at Auschwitz?
Here's an interesting viewpoint .. The
following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian
Vilar Rodrigez and published in a Spanish newspaper on January 15, 2011.
It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest
of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.
By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez
"I walked down the street in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a
terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz ... We killed six million Jews
and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a
culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people,
truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who
changed the world.
These are the people we burned.
And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove
to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our
gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance,
religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an
unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.
They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities
into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the
apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder
and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical
hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for
backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of
the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their
children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for
those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for
themselves and others, for our children and theirs.
What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.
A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they
imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to
themselves. Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust
from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population
which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this
is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how
easily each country is giving in to it.
It is now more than sixty years after the Second World War in Europe
ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the
six million Jews, twenty million Russians, ten million Christians, and
nineteen-hundred Catholic priests who were 'murdered, raped, burned,
starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated.' Now, more than ever,
with Iran , among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth', it is
imperative to make sure the world never forgets.
This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people. Be a link in the
memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.
How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center
'NEVER HAPPENED' because it offends some Muslim in the United States ?
If our Judeo-Christian heritage is offensive to Muslims, they should
pack up and move to Iran , Iraq , or some other Muslim country.
Jihadis training in your neighborhood?
Senate President is responsible for failing to protect Floridains.
American Laws for America Courts failed due to the games played by
Florida legislators.
These people should NEVER be returned to office.
Senate President
Senator Nancy Detert
417 Commercial Court, Suite D
Venice, FL 34292
(941) 480-3547
Nullify ALL Unconstitutional Federal Laws
Nullification for Lawyers
Lawyers want you to believe that the Founders created a federal government that would determine the extent of its own power.
Property Rights
See how theft of private property is implemented...
Nations like Ethiopia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and
Sierra Leone, in Africa have “voluntarily” signed agreements with
multi-national corporations and foreign investors, allowing them to
control agricultural land. The nation’s leaders believe that giving
access to their resources will benefit their people; however this is
just another manipulative ploy to coerce and acquire control over land,
food production and security. Once agreements are signed, the land and
the people are indebted to the UN for slave labor to work the land and
watch their resources being reallocated to other countries for
consumption. The promise of investment and technological advancement are
just the hook to convince leaders to sign away the rights of their
people and their land.
NC: Don’t forget the FTTF petition for legislation against
Agenda 21 and your personal story of how Agenda 21 has affected you,
your neighbors or your community. See:
TX: Eminent Domain use in secret meeting to steal private property. Sound familiar?
FL: Imagine buying a car, having it stolen, finding it, proving theft and the judge says too bad the thief gets your car.
This is the Bill that the legislators of Florida think is fair for
Floridians when it comes to their homes. HB 87 will do exactly that.
Your legislators passed this disgraceful piece of legislation to protect
special interest, not you. Pasadomo and Latvala should be held in
disgrace for giving the finger to their constituents and the rest of the
Call Gov Scott 850-488-7146 and tell him to listen to Floridians and
Sen Soto who know this bill is a bad piece of legislation.
RED ALERT FL: HB 87 and SB1666
Economic Terrorism
Bill Clinton repealed Glass Steagall and set the stage for the largest
housing crisis in the history of America. Glass Steagall was the only
protection the consumer had from the fraud committed by the banks and
Clinton repealed it. Glass Steagal MUST be repealed.
Read Rick Santelli's analysis
Marketplace Fairness Act, Even though the National Internet Tax
Mandate cleared the Senate yesterday by a vote of 69 to 27, this fight
is far from over.
In many ways, it's just begun.
You see, thanks to a massive outpouring of opposition from concerned Americans like you, the National Internet Tax Mandate didn't clear the Senate by as wide of a margin as the tax-and-spenders originally expected.
That means you and I have a real shot at defeating this dangerous scheme in the U.S. House.
So it's absolutely critical you sign the petition
Call your Senators' FL: Sen. Bill Nelson: 202-224-5274
Sen. Marco Rubio: 202-224-3041
New video honoring Marco Rubio the Amnesty Man - from Floridians for Immigration Enforcement.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration
Pssst… Sen. Rubio, Remember Me?
Dear Sen. Rubio:
me? I was part of the Tea Party grassroots movement and one of your
BFF's during your campaign to become my Senator. Of course, as any
middle or high school girl knows, BFF's rotate in and out depending on
their usefulness. Apparently I've outlived my usefulness, at least until
your next campaign. I'm sure my aversion to becoming a gang member also
played a part in your no longer hearting me.
worked extremely hard on your behalf. I made hundreds of phone calls, I
walked not only my neighborhood, but surrounding neighborhoods, I put
out signs, I convinced skeptics you were sincere, but most of all I
believed in you. I did all this to send you to D.C. to stand up to the
progressive left and the GOP RINOS. How did you repay my faith in you?
You joined a gang comprised of the very people I sent you to fight
against to push amnesty for over 11 million illegal alien lawbreakers.
I'm honest enough to admit I was duped. You have new BFF's and I have
egg on my face.
You have teamed up with not only the most radical I-hate-America President this country has ever known, but Chucky we'll never do amnesty again (circa 1986) Schumer; Robert I didn't have sex with that underage girl, Menendez; John If
we do succeed, and I think we will, it will be a testimonial to Ted
Kennedy's effort years ago that laid the groundwork for this agreement McCain; Jeff I've
co-sponsored five amnesties, including being the chief original sponsor
with my good buddy, Rep. Gutierrez, for the infamous STRIVE amnesty Flake. Senator, if I had wanted to send another clone of these Senators to Washington, I would have voted for Charlie I'm a Republican, no, I'm an Independent, no, I'm really a Democrat Crist.
a 2009 interview you made the following statements; I'm strongly
against amnesty and Nothing will make it harder to enforce existing
laws than to reward people who broke them. Senator, I took you at your
word, but I'm beginning to wonder exactly what your word is worth. There
is no way to reconcile your emphatic statement in 2009 with your push
for amnesty with your new found friends. The video can be found here:
unease with you actually started to manifest itself with your vote in
favor of the NDAA bill. In response to the many times I voiced my
objection to that vote, I was told your vote reflected your extreme fear
of Terrorism and defense of this country. Really? That myth was put to
rest when you chose to vote to confirm John Kerry and John Brennan. To
bolster your trust in John Brennan comes this story from the Washington Post
whereby an agent tied to of all things the horror of waterboarding was
passed over for the position of Head of Clandestine Service. Of course,
the fine upstanding Senator from California, Diane Feinstein, showed who
is really in charge by calling Brennan to express her concern over the
possibility that someone so closely linked to the interrogation program
would be put in position to lead the agency's spying service. At the
same time Mr. Brennan is busy destroying the CIA, your pick for
Secretary of State, John Kerry, is busily handing out my tax dollars to
those good guys, the Muslim Brotherhood. Would you like a do over on
your vote, Senator?
now having taken care of the State Department and the CIA to bolster
the fight against terrorism, you turn your attention to the plight of
the poor criminals who swarmed across our border.
mind they broke the very immigration law you said needed to be
enforced. We now must reward them for flaunting our laws by granting
them amnesty. Please stop trying to spin me by telling me it's not
amnesty. From the Merriam Webster Dictionary comes this definition of
Amnesty: the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is
granted to a large group of individuals. Please pay attention to the
operative word: pardon. That's exactly what your non-amnesty bill does,
grants pardons to the illegals in this country.
mind your bill creates a huge new Federal bureaucracy relinquishing
most of the power to enforce it to Big Sis Napolitano. After all, you
profess to be a conservative for limited government. There's that
problem taking you at your word again.
mind your bill establishes a new slush fund that will redistribute my
taxes to groups such as Acorn (no, they haven't gone away) and LaRazza.
Heck, we all know they are fine upstanding organizations who only have
my best interests at heart. What's a little corruption and voter fraud
among friends?
mind we have already established a cradle to grave entitlement society
in this country. Your bill further extends that generosity to not only
the people of the shadows, but all the family members the amnesty
provides for. As pointed out in the new report from Heritage on the cost
of the Gang of 8 amnesty plan, taxpayers can expect to pick up the tab
for at least $6.3 trillion in benefits for your newly legalized citizens
and their families. Oh, wait, your Mythbusters Website says they won't
get Federal benefits. The only thing Mythical on that website are your
facts. In case you haven't had the opportunity to read the Heritage
report, go here.
you have asked for ideas to make your bill better. Here's mine, BURN
IT! As the ashes cool, how about we try the following:
Build that fence we were promised in 1986.
Enforce our current immigration law.
Immediately cut off taxpayer funded welfare and education for illegals.
End the practice of sanctuary cities.
End chain migration practices.
End the anchor baby citizenship.
And, horror of horrors, bring them out of the shadows and send them home.
Senator, please don't contact me when you are once again campaigning.
I'll be too busy looking for a new BFF. As the saying goes, fool me
once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Helton is a tea party activist at the local level in Gainesville, FL as
well as belonging to both a Statewide and National Coalition.
Protest Marco Rubio's AMNESTY Plan
National Defense:
Navy Seal Team VI...Government incompetence led to the death of America's Elite..
Extortion 17 Benghazi to Obama
If we accept lies, we will get lies. End PC. Call your legislator.
Tell them to investigate until they get the truth and impeach and try
those responsible for treason.
Will Behghazi be the end of the Obamanation in the WH?
Will you call your legislator and demand Impeachment or will you sit like a lump complain and wait for others to call?
Who controls your destiny?
We were told we were crazy and Agenda 21 does not exist. LIES of the
media. In 1994 this children's guide surfaced. This guide addresses the
military through propaganda. No wonder children grow up and have no
respect for the military.
According to Rescue Mission, a Children's edition of Agenda 21, written and published in 1994, "Agenda 21 says, " Funds could be raised by reallocating resources now committed to the military."
The questions are:
If Agenda 21 does not exist why was this book directed at the
children? Because these children will grow up and believe that these
policies are the best.
Where are these children today? IN our congress.
Do you now understand how indoctrination works?
DHS: The Department of Homeland Security is under
investigation for purchasing large stockpiles of ammunition, days before
legislation was introduced that would restrict the amount a government
agency can legally buy. Call your Representative and support this
investigation. NO FUNDING until they stop and answer why.
Nullification is not just limited to the 2nd Amendment.
He who controls health controls you.
GM Humans next:
Parents are getting involved.
Parent Led Reform, in collaboration with Truth in American Education,
hosted a second rally via Twitter Thursday May 2nd. The #Stopcommoncore
Twitter Rally shared research diligently collected by parents, citizens,
and education professionals concerned about the government’s push for
national common standards in education with a wide reach of nearly 9.8
million Twitter users.
LA: When did we get standards? How did we get assessments? Is there an agenda connected to either or both of these?
Our system of education was created and shaped according to the
progressive ideology and agendas of Horace Mann (1796-1859) and John
Dewey (1859-1952); the “philanthropy” of Carnegie, Rockefeller, many others, and now Gates; the NEA; psychologists; Marc Tucker;
UNESCO; and, the unconstitutional actions of many officeholders:
The Father of the Common School Movement, Horace Mann, advocated and
introduced the Prussian system of education to the U.S. It is important
to note a remark made by one of the Prussian architects of the system:
"If you want to influence [the student] at all, you must do more than
merely talk to him; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way
that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will."...
read more
Pennsylvania Responds to National Education Standards
Thank you for helping to stop Pennsylvania's implementation of
national education standards known as Common Core. Things are moving
quickly and gaining speed across the Commonwealth. Just this week,
Truth in American Education moved Pennsylvania into their "Rejection Pending" category and
revised their map to show us as a state that is "Fighting Back" and that is solely due to your efforts in contacting your legislators.
Kansas is fighting back also. A rally against CCS
was initiated in Topeka on May 8. We appreciate all the support and
look forward to seeing you in Topeka.
GA: Local School Board in GA refuses to buy CCS Math texts.
Florida: Although FL did a great job in stopping Common Core Data Mining, one bill HB1076, had a major change that was missed.
Snake Legg, oops Sen Legg, changed the wording of HB 1076 on line 220
from Florida Sunshine Standards to Common Core Standards. Our work has
just begun. Common Core is now in FL. This Bill must be repealed.
Improving Student Learning, A Strategic Plan for Education Research
and Its Utilization, National Research Council, 1999. This study
explains 100% what is going into the nations schools right now. It is a
"how to" on implementing a Marxist curriculum, and a deliberate
dumbing down...forget the bright students. After all, we are a
"democracy". If you want to understand Communist Core, this is for you.
The bibliography alone is worth the price. But the price is
ridiculous! One cent at Amazon, plus shipping.
TN: Karen Bracken explained Common Core to the Chattanooga Tea Party. Listen to Karen
Power point, Brochures are available on solutions section.
For a good history of American education get the CD or download the documents in the store
Today your legislators have little or know knowledge of America.
Jeb Bush and Bill Gates have decided that want a one size shoe fits
all mediocre, expensive education. Are your blinders still on? or can
you see this hoax for what it is, a huge profit center and the
destruction of free will. Stop grant money for COMMIE CORE.
RNC adopts anti-Common Core resolution but Jeb Bush didn't get the memo. Someone send it to him.
Choice is not the answer. Choice is the diversion. How many choices does your child need to learn communism?
Order your bumper stickers. 50¢ each
Blanket your community.....
Devvy Kidd:
the usual commentary about Barry Soetoro aka Obama and what he's done
and is doing to this country, is there any way to get him out of the
White House? read more
Fed up, want to really do something to make a difference,
Liberty Empowerment Institute.
Communication Is Key...
your own media. There is only one way to take back America and that is
with the truth, education, communication and action. So what can you
Columbia, MO, March 7, 2013 - "Who controls our media?" Speculation
abounds as, clearly, our population knows the media cannot be fully
trusted. The polls reveal the distaste our population has for the
mainstream media. Yet, who does control our information? Peddling
Influence, the latest expose' by independent filmmakers William Lewis
and Gary Franchi, exposes this as it answers such age-old questions as:
Do we really have free press?
Use the front page and name, become the American Patriot news of__your county____
To make it easier, the front page and
cover is federal, just add your state and local info on the back. Work
together with others in your state and local. United we win.
This is a perfect project for your
group and youth in your community. Imagine if your community was
informed when Agenda 21 meetings occurred, when commissioners made
decisions prompted by Regional Councils, NGO's and Non profit
conservation groups. If you print the truth they will read it. Too many
people are hungry for truth, you can provide it.
The youth can become the reporters, learn graphics, get distribution. Ask them what they want to read...You will wind up teaching them a lot of truth and they will learn to read.
Warren Buffett is busy buying local newspapers, Does he own your county yet? or will you?
Want to go HiTech, can you produce a show? Do some DVDs, radio TV?
Are you creative? Check out our new network participate in
Join us as we bring up our new IP radio and TV shows for truth in media.
Watch us
Join the Liberty Belles as we discuss current events
Join us on our AgEnders Thursday night conference call.
Karen Schoen:
John Hallman - Legislative Update
Sylvia Landes - fraudclosure update
Guest: DR Preston Bailey The Illuminati, Fact or Fiction
Join Karen Schoen, John Estabrooks, and a great group of guests on AmericaFreedomWatchRadio.
Coming soon: New time 8PM EST, 7CST, 6MST, 5PST.
Wednesday 12Pm (noon)EST
Thurs 5AM EST,
Sunday 12 AM (night)
Action Plan
Put your committee in the subject line.
Remember God helps those who help themselves.
help us by making a donation of any amount for newspapers, trips to
Tally for citizen lobbyists, the TV and radio station, postcards, DVD's.
Anyone making a donation of $20 or more will get a DVD of their choice.
God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.
In Liberty,
Karen Schoen and the AgEnders
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