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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


If this doesn't scare you half to death, I guess when your door is battered in and your possessions stolen, and you're put on a white bus and go to a FEMA collection center and then to a FEMA camp, you'll believe me then.

I have heard the term "Super Congress" or "Super Committee" for two or three days now. It's here. This is not a joke. It is the end of America, no matter what age you are. unless we follow the citizen mandate that rises in the Declaration of Independence.

The Founding Fathers handed us a republic, but we aren't taking up the call to action prescribed in the Declaration of Independence. Read it tonight.

People don't know about this. Please look to the sidebar and make this go viral.

And by the way - if it isn't on a sticky note on your computer, the number, toll-free to Washington to give them verbal hell on this is 1-877-851-6437. Don't feel you have to be respectful. "They" are NOT respectful of us. Tell it like it is; tell them how you feel, in no uncertain terms.  make yourself a google alert to stay on top of this.  This is hard tyranny and America is now in its death throes.  Are you going to stand up and be counted, or wimp out and hide in your closet?

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