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Friday, August 13, 2010



I wasn't aware of this until today. Now it's time for Rand Paul to hold a press conference to rub this smear in their faces.

Even Fox is reporting it.

So this is what we do. We Tweet, we Reddit, Digg we must, Facebook it, My Space it, send it to your lists, and do our searches for:

RAND PAUL HOAX until he does. So in the meantime, let's help this good man out!

This shows the depravity of the liberal left. They can't stand it and they will absolutely try to discredit everyone so they can control the elections. Don't buy into it.


Mark6569 said...

While I agree that this is a media hoax to take down someone who is threatening the establishment - I must disagree with your slant on the LIBERAL MEDIA. Which media are you referring to? GE ( General Electric - parent of NBC, and a war profiteer) - are they liberal? Time Warner? News Corp (Fox News)? Rush and Hannity are on more stations than all of the liberal talkers is there really a liberal media bias. You are a typical REPUBLICON who has fallen into the left/right paradigm trap. Stop watching Fox. Yo uare probably one of those people who think Obama is a Liberal. HA! You fool - he's more of a REpublicon than any prior Republicon president since CLinton...think about it. Wake up and turn off Fox News. You don't have to watch Fox to see pretty blonds....they are on QVC too.

May said...

I make it a point NOT to watch tv news. I don't watch Fox. I am not a fan of any party, certainly not the Democrats. I am a Constitutionalist. Corporate media is very dangerous. There are alternative sources. You either like or not the material posted here. You can agree or disagree. Fox is no better than the others - it is becoming increasingly left - but perhaps that is because the majority of the ownership is in the hands of the UAE. Whether it is printed media, tv, or radio, the liberal machine has its target squarely on anyone to their right.

Thank you for your comments and please at least use Drudge once a day.

May said...

Mark - I don't watch QVC, either.
I'm just the messenger trying to waken minds like yours to the light of the truth.