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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have been goatless for many years. Too many years. They are a perfect pet, companion to children, useful for milk and cheesemaking and keeping your yards trimmed. While they aren't grazers like a cow, they are browsers like deer. But they will eat grass in a pinch and they adore berries - like the blackberries that grow rampantly in my corral.

They are quiet, clean, smart, friendly animals and they can be taught to walk on a lead like a dog.
My Flopsy, a rescue, would come into my kitchen to be milked every morning, eat her grain while that was going on, then take the investigatory stroll through the rooms to see if anyone was home.
Then she'd come back into the kitchen to be let out. And never an accident.

From Flopsy came outrageously good mozzarella. She was, I believe, a Nubian/Alpine cross which I'd been told gave really good tasting milk (which she did). She had a terrible case of mastitis when I got her, and she was very thin (being fed nothing but bran), having a kid at her side, and giving nothing by clear fluid. So a friend took her kid, I kept her and got her over the mastitis, and she became a treasured member of the family and a companion to my old donkey, Samantha.

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