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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I just shot a wedding for my friend's son. It was an on-again, off-again event. Relatives had to come from England. I got the word on a Saturday night. They found someone to marry them, and the next day, everyone was finally in the same place, even the seven children It was catered by Subway and and a local grocery. The ceremony was in their backyard on the lake shore under an oak tree. It was hot as blazes.

The sister of the groom didn't make the cake, but I believe she decorated it. No time!

There was a cooler full of ice and soft drinks in the kitchen and though they could've used more help, modest gifts.

When I got there, the groom was half naked, weed whacking. He was covered with sand and pieces of grass and leaves - so hot. No paid slaves here before the wedding and no honeymoon, either.

But I'd rather be there on the lake with these good people than sitting with the American mafia
in New York at Chelsea's wedding.

Who really cares about this stuff?

What I really care is that I (and you, and you and you) have to foot part of the bill by paying the Clinton's salaries.

Cheap shot? No, I don't think so, but when people are struggling to live, to keep their homes and jobs, I think it was in very poor taste. They sure didn't redistribute anything, did they?

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