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Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have given blood and I have donated blood. I know that I am not ill or carrying a disease that has no cure in my body. I'm talking about HIV.

Now Obama wants to lift the ban on blood from gay men, apparently because of lobbying efforts.

I am also not a homophobe, as my gay friends know. But if they needed blood and I knew or suspected I was HIV positive, gay or straight, do you think I would donate my tainted blood to them? NEVER.

If the call went out for blood for a child, badly injured or ill, and you had HIV or other STD, like syphilis, would you donate your blood to that child, knowing that in time YOUR blood would cause illness or disease? I can't imagine that you would.

This is pure, terrifying insanity.

Click on the links in this article. You will all become enlightened.

Mr. Soetoro, the horror who sits in the White House, feet up on that 100 year old desk, doesn't care about you, whether you are straight, gay, white, black, brown, yellow or blue. He believes in eugenics,
and population control and he doesn't care who dies.

Under Obamacare, you will get the lowest - the least common denominator of healthcare - and you will pay for it dearly - in death, in suffering, and now tainted blood if we don't stop him.

Keep our blood supply CLEAN!

It is immoral and unconscionable to do otherwise.

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