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Friday, October 16, 2009


and THIS FROM LIBERTY ACTION:  Yesterday, the secret meetings began in earnest.

Sen. Harry Reid met with Sen. Max Baucus, White House Chief of
Staff Rahm Emanuel and other officials BEHIND CLOSED DOORS to
re-draft ObamaCare. The entire Senate Democratic Caucus also

Reid had already indicated he will "liberalize" the bill to
mirror the approved House bill. Rahm Emanuel - the President's
"pit bull" - is involved at every step to make sure his boss's
full socialist agenda is included.

Soon they'll push the final version of ObamaCare directly onto
the Senate floor for a vote - quite possibly within two weeks -
and NO ONE has even seen an actual bill yet!

Today, they're even talking about using the "nuclear option" in
which they would attach ObamaCare to an appropriations bill so
it would only require 51 Senate votes to pass. The fix is in!

++Adding insult to injury, Baucus is already crowing victory

Yesterday, Sen. Max Baucus told the all-too-cooperative liberal
media that every Democrat and at least one Republican will vote
FOR national health care reform! The obliging media then reported
that ObamaCare has come back to life -- and is now practically
a done deal!

But how can ANY senator in good conscience support
what he or she has not even seen yet?

And just WHEN will America's citizens get to see the bill
that will change our Nation forever?

++This treachery is simply outrageous!

We can not let liberal socialist and anti-life Senators get away
with such blatant political manipulation when so much is at stake.
For our part, we are redoubling our efforts to get the word out
nationwide and to resist this tyranny.

+ + Tell the Senate: "Show Us The Bill!"

That's why I'm asking you to continue taking a stand with
me and to demand that the Senate SHOW US THE BILL before
any further votes on ObamaCare are taken!

We must do everything possible to keep the Obama/Pelosi/Reid
"fix" on so-called healthcare reform from dooming America to
the abortion mandate, the soaring deficits, and the wholesale
government takeover of our Nation's medical system.

Starting Monday, I want to have THOUSANDS OF FAXES flooding
the Senate EVERY DAY...demanding that we have time to see and
analyze the bill before any vote is taken!

But I still need your help to make this happen.

Please click here to schedule your faxes as part of this
massive "Show Us The Bill" effort over the next
two weeks:

My staff will make sure that a steady flow of faxes is arriving
at Senate offices from now until the vote -- but I need you to
schedule your faxes today to make this happen. Even if you've
already scheduled faxes, please consider increasing your impact.

Of course, if you prefer to send your own faxes, please go here
for fax numbers and sample texts for your faxes:

Reid, Baucus, Obama and Emanuel are desperate. They know
ObamaCare is sinking in the polls. That's why they're
resorting to this cynical game of political manipulation
and deception.

Well, I can not sit by silently as they plan the socialist
takeover of healthcare behind closed doors while keeping
the rest of the Nation in the dark. Thank you for telling
your senators, "Stop the backroom chicanery and ‘Show Us
The Bill!'"

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

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