Number one, the favor. If you're going to leave me a comment, please leave your email or your url so I can respond.
Number two: I was looking for a recipe today for chicken croquettes, and got to thinking about my favorite guys on the Travel Channel. They are Anthony Bourdain of No Reservations, http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Anthony_Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods. http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Bizarre_Foods.
They'll take you around the world to holes in walls, tents, back rooms, food courts, city streets, to a fire in the desert, and between them you get sharp, intelligent, witty dialog with great food. Andrew isn't really a "bad boy" (Bourdain is), but he eats really disgusting food - things I'd never consider (he likes worms, which apparently, not a lot of cultures prepare well), and stinky tofu
which he couldn't even gag down.
Bourdain's ascerbic, a great writer (I love his blog), irreverent. Both bring the culture to you; you get the urge to pack a bag every Tuesday (here), reach for the phone and buy a ticket.
Watch then once (Bourdain follows Zimmern) and you'll be hooked.
Who's first in line for the stinky tofu?