Charlie my boy, we're about the same age, kiddo - you gonna take away 2x4s, broken concrete, nailguns,
screwdrivers, paper clips, pens, pencils, chopsticks? How about, electric drills, chainsaws, baseball bats,
toothbrushes, pipe, electric conduit, rocks?
We know you've wanted our guns from day 1. You'd probably be so scared to death sitting next to someone who was a current veteran, your heart would stop without your bodyguards (armed) around, wouldn't it?
I've been a southerner for a couple of decades - and I've not met more fair minded people anywhere. The stereotypes are gone and Obama brought divisiveness into an art form. Like in all nations, it isn't the people against each other, it's that the government sets us against each other.
Bear in mind, and be fair about it Charlie, that Obama is half white, half black. That means bi-racial. Had he chosen his Caucasian side over his black side (which he favors in appearance), would you have called him a honky? Just asking.
But one more thing, Charlie with your pomaded hair that you must hate because, you're a black man, right?
You need your bodyguards to keep your worthless body safe.
We don't need bodyguards. And we don't invite trouble in. Stop your racist mouth from running. You offend me. You are humiliating every black person in this country by putting them down instead of elevating them into employment. You've made them your slaves.
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