Writing,poetry,photography, animals,nature,politics and the vagaries of a wandering mind.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Just WTH is going on around here?
TSA claims Congress has no control over it; refuses to attend hearings

Officials who lead a federal agency
created and funded by Congress seem to no longer feel obligated to
appear before the congressional committee charged with overseeing the
daily operations of that agency, then tyranny must exists.
The Notorious John Pistole, the Obama
Administration's top Dog of the Transportation Security Agency. It seems
he is refusing to appear before the House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee, but he's even gone over the line and said the congressional committee possesses "no jurisdiction over the TSA."
We don't answer to you or anyone!!!!!
According to the committee's website, Pistole was requested to appear before the panel's subcommittee on Aviation Nov. 28, to provide testimony at a hearing titled, "How Best to Improve Our Nation's Airport Passenger Security System Through Common Sense Solutions."Chaired by Rep. Thomas Petri, R-Wis., the focus of the hearing was to "examine the impact that the regulations and policies of the Transportation Security Administration have on aviation passenger experience and the free flow of aviation commerce," according to a summary posted on the panel's website.Despite being requested by a duly authorized congressional committee, Pistole, via a statement issued by the agency on its website, refused to comply:By U.S. House of Representatives rules which state that the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has no jurisdiction over the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), no representative from TSA will be present at the Subcommittee on Aviation hearing scheduled for Nov. 29.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well there you have it....As in Nazi Germany leading up to and including WWII, the GESTAPO was an agency which ran with the blessing of Heir Hitler and with impunity, it did not need to ask for permission, it followed its mandate which was to Search and Seize at its pleasure any and all suspected enemies of the state, whether it be Jews, gentiles, artists, gypsy's, intellectuals, resistors of any kind, they could arrest them, hold them indefinitely with out due process, interrogate them for days, torture them , and have them vanish, and or have them executed what ever they wanted. sound familiar Folks?
Now listen up people, you had better get a handle on this agency or they will be knocking on your door asking you for your flippin papers, and members of your family will start disappearing!
Defund the TSAIn the upcoming 113th Congress, which convenes Jan. 9, Mica steps down and will be replaced by Rep. Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania. When asked by reporters for a reaction to the TSA's refusal to show up and testify at the scheduled hearing, as well as the agency's declaration it did not fall under the auspices of the committee, Shuster explained: "I don't think we have direct jurisdiction but when they impede commerce, when they impede the traveling public, they need to answer to the committee."In an interview with Bloomberg News, Shuster said he "absolutely" expects the agency's officials to appear at Transportation committee hearings. When asked what he would do if they refuse, Shuster was cryptic: "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."As we've reported often - and will continue to do so - the TSA is a rogue agency being run by unelected bureaucrats who believe they don't have to answer to anyone - the public, which has grown tired and wary of the behavior of its agents, or the elected congressional representatives charged with overseeing it.No bureaucracy is above reproach. Congress has the power of the purse strings; it should exercise that power and defund the TSA.
While I personally despise the TSA, its
statement clearly says that it will work the with committees that
actually do have jurisdiction over it, which would be the House
Committee on Homeland Security.
America - everything you have stood for
is going down the gurgler. They say there are three types of people in
the world - Those who MAKE things happen, Those who WATCH things happen,
and Those who WONDER what happened. Which are you going to be?
The TSA is getting its marching orders
from Barack Obama, the great dictator. That's why they're brazenly
ignoring their subpoena to appear. If Americans don't hold Congress
accountable and force them to defund this illegitimate organization,
then the USA as we know it has ended and has fallen into tyranny. No
doubt about it.
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
The Obama administration wants to close Benghazi-gate by insisting that no scandal exits.
The White House Press Secretary recently said that the president is “not particularly concerned” with the post-attack deception of the American people.
Yet, a few key leaders on Capitol Hill are on the forefront of keeping this dialogue and investigation alive.
++“The biggest cover-up in history”
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) asserts that Benghazi-gate “is gonna go down as the biggest cover-up in history.”
Senate Minority Whip John Kyl also raised the intensity of the debate by emphasizing he thinks there has been a high level cover-up. On a CNN program, he posed the three most pressing questions…
“Why weren't the warnings about the need for security heeded?
Why weren’t the requests for help during the terrorist attack answered?
And why did the administration think it had to cover up all of the things that occurred before by putting out to the American people a narrative that I think will turn out to be absolutely false.”
I believe that – to the dismay of the Obama administration – public pressure is keeping this debate alive. On Monday, we are delivering the petitions of over 51,000 friends of Liberty Counsel who are calling for a full congressional investigation.
BARRY, to have your petition included, I must have your signature by 9:00 am ET on Monday morning.
I urge you to take a minute now to be included in this important delivery. Click here to add your name:
I am also pleased to tell you that thousands of faxes demanding a full investigation have been raining down on Capitol Hill for many days now to intensify the pressure on our elected officials.
Patriotic citizens must call on Congress to expose the cover-up – no matter who it implicates. We must demand accountability!
The only way the truth will surface is if the American people continue to demand it.
Please, join us in calling out the people responsible for this cataclysmic failure by signing our powerful petition:
Thank you for joining us in this important initiative to take a stand for those Americans who were so brutally murdered at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.
Mathew D. Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

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Back in the Reagan years, we were rated #1.
Where will be 4 years hence?
~ J
Friday, Nov 30
Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world (and the U.S. is 16th)
- Quality-of-life
index links results of who is happiest and who has best quality of
life in terms of wealth, health and trust in public institutions
By Larisa Brown
PUBLISHED:16:09 EST, 28 November 2012| UPDATED:16:16 EST, 28 November 2012

The where-to-be-born index of 2013 which shows Switzerland at the top
Switzerland is the best place to be
born in the world in 2013 - and Britain is just 27th - behind South
Korea, the US and Israel, new research shows.
People born in Switzerland will
tend to be the happiest and have the best quality of life judged in
terms of wealth, health and trust in public institutions.
The Economist Intelligence Unit
(EIU), a sister company of The Economist, attempts to measure which
country will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and
prosperous life in years to come.
Their index links the results of
subjective life-satisfaction surveys - how happy people say they are -
to objective determinants of quality of life across countries.
One of the most important factors
is being rich, but other factors come into play - including crime,
trust in public institutions and the health of family life.
In total, the index takes into account 11 indicators.
These include fixed factors such as
geography, others that change slowly over time such as demography,
social and cultural characteristics, and the state of the world
The index also looks at income per head in 2030, which is roughly when children born in 2013 will reach adulthood.
Small economies dominate the top 10
countries, with Australia coming second and New Zealand and the
Netherlands not too far behind.
Half of the top 10 countries are European, but only one, the Netherlands, is from the euro-zone.
The crisis-ridden south of Europe,
including Greece, Portugal and Spain, lags behind despite the advantage
of a favourable climate.
Interestingly, the largest European economies - Germany, France and Britain - do not do particularly well.

Picturesque: Lake Brienz in the Canton of Berne in Switzerland. The country is the best place for a child to be born in 2013

People born in Switzerland will tend to be the
happiest and have the best quality of life judged in terms of wealth,
health and trust in public institutions.
Nigeria has the unenviable title of being the worst country for a baby to enter the world in 2013.
Despite their economic dynamism, none of the BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - score impressively.
In 1988 America came top of a rank of 50 countries according to where it would be best to be born in the world.
Read this and weep.
Send it to your liberal friends.
This is called eugenics. The imperfect are culled. The elderly are culled.
Culled means murdered. Ever hear of bucket dogs? Yeah - it all means the same.
Thank the resident fraud in the White House for this.
Read this and weep.
Send it to your liberal friends.
This is called eugenics. The imperfect are culled. The elderly are culled.
Culled means murdered. Ever hear of bucket dogs? Yeah - it all means the same.
Thank the resident fraud in the White House for this.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
There is a need for a person with a 4 year degree to serve as a Community Health Educator in partnership with institutions such as the South East American Indian Council, Inc., Native American Cancer Research, Inc and cancer partners throughout the Southeast. This is a paid part time position which we wish to announce to our SEAIC membership and others within our network who have American Indian heritage and are active in our cultural. Details of the position, responsibilities and duties are explained in the attached Job Search Document.
If you have a four year degree and qualify for the position as defined in the Job Search Document as an active American Indian in our cultural we invite you to send your CV [Resume] to Dana Kontras as specified int he Job Search document.
Please let us know also if you are interested and you are sending your CV to Dana Kontras RN.
This is a service which we wish to render to our members as we become aware of positions for full time, part time or volunteer service which benefit our American Indian people.
Dewey Painter
South East American Indian Council Inc.
Executive Elder Dewey E Painter Sr
Co-Executive Elder Jerry Lang
5587 Commonwealth Ave
Jacksonville, Florida 32254
South East American Indian Council, Inc.
American Indian Cultural Center
1650 Art Museum Drive Suite #21
Jacksonville, FL 32207
EMAIL: seamericanindian@gmail.com
Web Site: www.seamericanindian.org
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Florida: We gave Rubio his chance. As far as I am concerned, he is toast on the creek. I told you months ago he was at a Bilderberg meeting. But so was Romney. You attend a Bilderberger meeting and you become a globalist. That's it.
It's over, Marco. You have brought shame on yourself. We aren't going to let you forget that.
Time for a third party - Tea Party, Libertarian, the Constitution party...anyone of them better than the Republicans.
Florida: We gave Rubio his chance. As far as I am concerned, he is toast on the creek. I told you months ago he was at a Bilderberg meeting. But so was Romney. You attend a Bilderberger meeting and you become a globalist. That's it.
It's over, Marco. You have brought shame on yourself. We aren't going to let you forget that.
Time for a third party - Tea Party, Libertarian, the Constitution party...anyone of them better than the Republicans.
beward the traitor,
Libyan embassy,
Thank you Merlin!
Making 9 Million Jobless “Vanish”: How The Government Has Manipulated Unemployment Statistics
By Daniel R. Amerman, CFA
The unemployment crisis gripping America is the worst since the Great Depression – but the official unemployment rate is under 10%. How could that be?
When we look at broad measures of jobs and population, then the
beginning of 2012 was one of the worst months in US history, with a
total of 2.3 million people losing jobs or leaving the workforce in a
single month. Yet, the official unemployment rate showed a decline from
8.5% to 8.3% in January – and was such cheering news that it set off a
stock rally.
How can there be such a stark contrast between the cheerful surface and an underlying reality that is getting worse?
The true unemployment picture is hidden by essentially splitting
jobless Americans up and putting them inside one of three different
“boxes”: the official unemployment box, the full unemployment box, and the most obscure box, the workforce participation rate box.

As we will explore herein, a detailed look at the government’s own data base shows that about 9 million people without jobs have been 'removed' from the labor force simply by the government defining
them as not being in the labor force anymore. Indeed – effectively all
of the decreases in unemployment rate percentages since 2009 have come
not from new jobs, but through reducing the workforce participation rate
so that millions of jobless people are removed from the labor force by definition.
When we pierce through this statistical smoke and mirrors and
factor back in those 9 million jobless whom the government has defined
out of existence, then the true unemployment rate is 19.9% and rising,
and not 8.3% and falling.
For the small percentage of people who are aware that the purported
decline in unemployment rates is primarily based on the mysterious
rapid decline in “labor force participation rates” rather than the
number of new jobs, the government has a ready and sensible-sounding
explanation: the Boomers are beginning to retire in large numbers, and
with an aging population, the percentage of adults who are in the
workforce should logically be declining.
Based on in-depth analysis of the government’s own numbers, we will present herein the true picture: 74%
of the jobless who have been removed from unemployment calculations are
in the 16-54 age bracket, with only 26% in the 55 and above bracket. Yes, the population is aging – but the heart of the workforce participation deception isn’t about the old.

In an extraordinarily cynical act, the government is effectively
saying that because the job situation has been so bad for many millions
of unemployed people in their 40s, 30s, 20s and teens, they can no longer be considered to be potential participants in the work force at all.
Because there is no hope for them – they no longer need to be counted.
And it is this steady statistical cleansing from the workforce of the
worst of the economic casualties – of these very real millions of
individual tragedies – that is being presented as a rapidly improving
jobs picture.
What the government’s statistical deception is hiding is a
catastrophic degree of change in generational employment levels, with
the situation being much worse for the young and middle-aged than what
is publicly presented. As the fundamental force of aging Boomers
increasingly collides with the fundamental force of an employment
disaster among younger Americans, the results may change everything that
we think we know about economic growth, budget deficits, Social
Security and Medicare, as well as all categories of investments.
Headline Unemployment (Box 1)

The graph above is our starting point and first “box”. It shows
the “headline” U-3 rate of unemployment in the US from 2007 through 2012
which is featured in newspaper articles and discussed on the cable
business news. The rates shown are annual averages, except for 2012.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in January of 2012 the
civilian labor force was 153.5 million people, of which 13.5 million
were unemployed. Thus the actual unemployment rate was 8.8%, and
seasonal adjustments dropped the reported unemployment rates to 8.3%.
(The raw numbers without seasonal adjustment were that unemployed people rose
from 12.7 million in December to 13.5 million in January, for a net of
800,000 people losing their jobs in the real world, with the cheery and
widely reported 0.2% single month decline in unemployment existing only
inside the adjustments within the models.)
Full Unemployment (Box 2)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates unemployment 6 different ways, U-1 to U-6, and it is only in the U-6 statistic that all the categories of unemployment are added together.
The two biggest differences between the U-3 official rate of unemployment and the U-6 full
rate of unemployment are in the treatment of the long-term unemployed
and involuntary part-time workers. For example, if you’ve been out of
work for a long time and you badly want a job, but you know from your
long search that nobody in your area is hiring; you already have
applications on file at every reasonable prospect, and you haven’t
filled out a new application recently – then from an official (U-3) perspective, you are not only no longer unemployed, you just became a non-person altogether.
Alternatively, if you have a master’s degree in engineering, lost
your job, and are working 15 hours a week (the most you can get) in a
convenience store at minimum wage to keep a little money coming in, then
from an official (U-3) perspective you would be fully employed.
In contrast, U-6 is a more inclusive measure of unemployment, as it
includes both the long-term unemployed and the involuntary part-time
categories. Thus, individuals in each of the situations described above
would be included in the U-6 measure.

The yellow area in the graph above illustrates what happens when we
look at the full, U-6 measure of unemployment. There are an
additional 11.8 million people in the US who are considered unemployed
under the broader U-6 measure, but not under the headline U-3 measure.
When we include these long-term and discouraged unemployed, that means
that there are 25.3 million unemployed, and our unemployment rate almost
doubles, as we go from 8.8% to 16.2% of the civilian work force being
In other words, the real unemployed go from the headline one-in-twelve workers, to one-in-six workers.
Understanding Workforce Participation & Unemployment
The term “Workforce Participation Rate” sounds so dull that it
could put even an economist to sleep. And for most of our lives it has
in fact been a remarkably boring statistic, changing only at an
excruciatingly slow pace. However, in recent years and months, “labor
force participation” has become a mystery worthy of CSI or Sherlock
Holmes. Bizarre, inexplicable things are happening quite rapidly within
this dry and deeply obscure measure. And, by fascinating coincidence,
if these odd reductions in the workforce participation rate were not
occurring, then the picture of the economy and employment that is being
presented to us – changes radically. Consider the following chart:

To understand how this obscure term not only relates to but
actually determines the very hot topic of unemployment rates, let’s take
a quick look at a round number example of an economy, with 150 million
adults, and say that of those adults, 100 million people want jobs. The
other 50 million are not part of the labor force by either choice or
circumstance: it could be they are stay-at-home moms, or in school
full-time, or retired, or have physical or mental disabilities which
prevent employment.
When we divide 100 million by 150 million, that is a workforce
participation ratio of 66.7% (which is close to the US norm over the
last 20 years). And when we calculate unemployment – we only look at
the workforce, i.e. people who want jobs. If 92 million people have
jobs, then our unemployment ratio is calculated by looking at the 8
million people who want jobs but don’t have them, and dividing them into
the labor force of 100 million people, which means that the
unemployment rate is 8.0%. This is shown as the “Starting Economy” in
the chart.
Now, let’s assume that 2 million jobs are lost, meaning that now
only 90 million people are employed. If there is no change in the
workforce participation ratio, then it is pretty simple: 10 million
jobless people out of 100 million people who want jobs, means the
unemployment rate jumps up 2% to exactly match the 2 million jobs lost.
If the workforce participation ratio were to fall by 1%, however,
then that would mean 1.5 million people would have left the workforce
(keeping in mind the ratio is based on the total 150 million working age
population, not the labor force). There are still only 90 million
jobs, same as with our 10% unemployment rate above, but because “the
workforce” has been reduced, we now subtract 90 million employed from
98.5 million in the workforce, and find there are only 8.5 million
unemployed people. And when we divide those 8.5 million into our
modified workforce of 98.5 million, unemployment has now risen to only
In other words, revising our workforce participation rate downwards
by 1% made 1.5 million jobless people just plain disappear, and dropped
the unemployment rate from 10.0% down to 8.6%.
That’s pretty remarkable, but not nearly as remarkable as what
happens if we drop the workforce participation ratio down by 2.0%. As
can be seen in the next line in the table, that doesn’t change the fact
that 2 million fewer people have jobs. But because 3 million jobless
people have now been removed from the unemployment calculations, we now
have an almost miraculous situation: the unemployment rate doesn’t rise
at all, but falls to 7.2%, with only 7 million unemployed out of a
labor force of 97 million people.
For a true miracle, however, we need to move the workforce
participation ratio down by 3.0%. The removal from the labor force of
4.5 million jobless people completely overwhelms the technicality of
there being 2 million fewer jobs, and sends the unemployment rate
plunging to 5.8%. Break out the champagne, because as the official
unemployment figures now prove: the economy is surging and happy days
are here again!
The secret to our miracle is that we have two “hard” numbers and
one “soft” number. The “hard” numbers are the total working age
population and the number of actual jobs. The “soft” number is the definition
of what percentage of the working age population wants a job. And a
government which desires to control public perceptions can, by
manipulating that obscure definition, make the reported unemployment
rate “sit, roll over or bark like a dog” at will, almost regardless of
what is actually happening with jobs.
Workforce Participation: Box 3
According to the government, among civilian Americans who were 16
years and older and not in prison or otherwise institutionalized, the
number who were participating in the labor force fell by an astounding
0.4% in the first month of 2012 alone, which was a reduction of almost a
million people. They didn’t have jobs, they were counted the month
before, but they can’t be counted now, according to the government,
because they aren’t in the labor force anymore.
About 309,000 are already included in the change in our U-6
unemployment measure, but the other 654,000 just don’t count anymore.
Which between headline unemployment, full unemployment and people just
disappearing from the labor market, brings us to the total of a full 2.3
million person reduction.
Box 1: Headline Unemployment (U-3) 777,000
Box 2: Full Unemployment (U-6) 848,000
Box 3: Additional Workforce Shrinkage 654,000
Total Job Losses & Workforce Shrinkage 2,279,000
To see the bigger picture – and a pattern that Sherlock Holmes
might find quite easy to identify – let’s take a look at population and
employment from the years 1998 to 2012 in the chart below (all numbers
are annual average except for 2012, which is January only).

The “Civilian Population” column includes everyone over 16 who
isn’t in the military and isn’t institutionalized, and the “Fully
Employed” column shows all employed persons, less those who
involuntarily have part time employment.
Prior to 2001, workforce participation had been unchanged at an
annual average of 67.1% for four straight years. Obscure, and about as
exciting as watching paint dry.
Then there was a recession. To help see the correlation with the
overall economy and purported employment situation, there is also a
column showing the U-6 unemployment rate, which climbed for 3 years
between 2001 and 2003. By interesting coincidence, the workforce
participation rate suddenly started moving, and dropped by 1.1% in four
years, as can be seen in the “Change In Participation Rate” column.
This may not sound like much – but as shown in the “Cumulative
People Removed” column, this 1.1% drop happened to remove 2.5 million
people without jobs from both the labor force and the unemployment
numbers. Most were never put back, but became a permanent reduction in
the unemployment rate, as a result of the government simply defining
them out of existence.
From 2003 through 2008 we then go back to watching paint dry for
six straight years, as the annual average labor force participation rate
stayed within the narrow 0.2% band of 66.2% to 66.0%.
Then the biggest employment crisis since the 1930s hits in late
2008 – and by some mysterious coincidence, the labor force participation
rate instantly becomes a fast moving statistic. It drops 0.6% in the
year 2009 alone – and in the process, just happens to remove 1.4 million
people without jobs from both the labor force and the unemployment
numbers. There are drops of 0.7% and 0.6% in 2010 and 2011, making
another 3.1 million people without jobs entirely disappear from view.
2012 workforce participation started with a sizzling 0.4%
decline, removing a million people without jobs from the labor force
statistics in one month - as the band played on, and the cheerful labor statistics helped the stock market indexes climb.
The last column, “Constant Workforce Participation” (CWP)
unemployment rate shows what unemployment statistics would have been in
each year if the government did not keep permanently removing millions
of jobless people from the unemployment rate calculations. This is a
modified U-6 full unemployment calculation, that includes the officially
unemployed, involuntary part-time workers, and the 9 million people
without jobs who have been cumulatively defined out of the workforce.

When we include all of the first three boxes of unemployment, then
the purported improving employment situation for the beginning of 2012
disappears altogether, and is replaced by a sobering statistic: in
January of 2012 the unemployment rate reached 19.9% for the first time
in this crisis. The situation is not improving – indeed, it is getting
worse again.
To see exactly how the CWP numbers are calculated, click here
to read “The Calculation Of Constant Workforce Participation
Unemployment”. This more technical article provides the methodology and
equations, as well as significantly more information on the different
classifications of the jobless over time, including the numbers behind
the dramatic slope of Graph A in the introduction.
Changing Trend Lines & Narratives
At first glance, the red CWP addition to the graph may have seemed
relatively minor compared to the larger U-3 and U-6 unemployment
problem, as it is the smallest of the three “boxes”. However, when we
include Constant Workforce Participation, we change both the narrative
and the longer-term trend line. Indeed, we don’t just change them, we
entirely transform them.

As we can see above, there is a compelling and accepted narrative
that the unemployment rate is falling, and we can read about it in every
newspaper. Just look at the numbers, and even without seasonal
adjustments, the rate is down by half a percent since 2009.
Include both U-6 and CWP unemployment, however, and real unemployment is up by 2.0%.
What the rapid removal of millions of people from the unemployed rolls
has accomplished, is to allow an entirely different narrative to be
used when discussing what is happening.
Unfortunately, there is an even more serious implication as well, and that has to do with the trend lines.

The blue arrow is the Headline U-3 trend from 2007 to January of
2012, and it shows a 4.2% rise in the unemployment rate. When we hold
workforce participation constant since 2007, the labor force becomes
about 160 million people, and a 4.2% unemployment increase means 6.7
million additional unemployed people.
The red arrow is the CWP trend line, and it has a much steeper slope – about 2.5X as steep as the U-3 slope.
Since 2007, the Constant Workforce Participation unemployment rate has
risen from 9.6% to 19.9%. This increase of 10.3% for a labor pool of
160 million people means 16.5 million additional jobless people since
The difference between 6.7 million missing jobs with a rapidly
improving jobs picture, and 16.5 million missing jobs with unemployment
still rising, is the difference between night and day. It is the
difference between a recession being brought under control – and a
depression that continues to worsen.
It is also the difference between perception management – and the truth.
The Young, The Old & Workforce Participation
For the comparatively few who follow workforce participation rates,
the government does have an easy explanation. It’s all those Boomers
in their vast hordes, getting old on us. Older people retire, so the
higher the proportion of old people in a nation, then the lower the
workforce participation rate should be, right? This is an intuitively
appealing explanation – and in truth, over each one of the next 15 years
this fundamental force of a declining number of workers per retiree
will indeed come to dominate the economy to an increasing degree, with
likely devastating implications for not just Social Security but the
stock market as well.
However, this growing pressure is still in the early stages, and is
nowhere near the dominant influence it will become within the next five
to ten years. The real explanation for what has been happening over
the last five years doesn’t revolve around the old, but the young.
Consider the chart below, which breaks the civilian population out
into age groups, and looks at jobs and workforce participation (all raw
data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as is everything else in
this analysis unless otherwise specified). The starting period is 2007,
the last year before the bottom started dropping out, and the ending
period is January of 2012.

If it were an aging population that was driving the percentage
changes in labor force participation rates, then we would expect to see
nothing happening with people below age 50, and the declining rates
would be with people in their 50s, 60s and over. But that isn’t what is
happening at all.
On a percentage basis, the largest number of people “defined out of
the workforce” by the government were 16-19 year olds. In 2007, 41.3%
of teens were counted for employment and unemployment purposes, but by
January of 2012, it turned out that only 30.8% were in the labor force, a
sharp reduction of 10.5%. So 1.8 million teens were dropped from the
labor force by definition, so they no longer existed for unemployment statistics purposes, and what every one of those teens had in common was that they didn’t have jobs.
The next biggest percentage change was among 20-24 year olds, who
had an abrupt decline of 4.6% in their workforce participation. For
some reason known only to the government, one million 20-24 years olds
just lost all interest in work, and could be removed from the
unemployment calculations.
In the largest age bracket, those 25-54 year olds in their prime
working years, there was another mysterious participation rate decline
of 1.5%. While much smaller than the percentage declines with the
younger workers, for the simple reason that there are so many 25-54 year
olds (124 million), the greatest number of jobless people went missing –
1.9 million – from the unemployment calculations in what is usually the
very heart of the labor force.
The 55+ age group actually saw minor increases in their
workforce participation rates, with 55-64 year olds experiencing a 0.1%
rise, and those 65 and up seeing a full 2.0% rise. This change in
behavior can be relatively easily explained by what has happened to
retirement account values, as well as the currently very low level of
interest rates, which slashes retirement income levels for many
potential retirees who have followed the conventional retirement
planning advice.
A generation that can’t afford to retire, doesn’t retire, and the
government statistics reflect this with a very small increase in
workforce participation rates among those 55 and older. Frankly, given
the state of retirement accounts and retirement income, it is curious
and even remarkable that the increase in workforce participation is
reported to have been so low in these age categories. If, say, 10%
more of the people turning 65 were actually wanting to stay in the work
force in 2012 when compared to 2007, but couldn’t find jobs, then the
size of the labor force – and therefore unemployment rates – would be
significantly higher.
(Interestingly, 55+ is the very best place to “game” the
workforce participation rates, precisely because it is the hardest to
get “caught” there, and there are statistical reasons to believe that is
exactly what is happening. If true, then the degree of participation
rate manipulation, and the millions of jobless people inappropriately
removed from unemployment calculations, could be much larger than what
is shown herein. However, to keep this article from becoming
book-length, that needs to be another topic for another day.)
Real Unemployment Rates Among The Young & Middle-Aged
When we earlier looked at round number illustrations of a
hypothetical government creating false unemployment statistics through
manipulating participation rates, the examples of 2.0% and 3.0%
manipulations turning 10.0% real unemployment into 7.2% and 5.8%
reported unemployment, might have seemed a bit “over the top”.
In this instance, however, all we need is the federal government’s own very dry and obscure tables of data, and an understanding of what it means,
which this article seeks to provide. When we use this data – we see a
degree of blatant manipulation in the real world, that actually puts our
round number illustration to shame.

There were about six million employed teens in 2007, and by 2012
this number had plunged to four million, meaning that one in three teen
jobs have disappeared. Yet, the official youth unemployment rate is
stated to be only 24.2%. This deception was accomplished by simply
dropping a 1.8 million teens (10.5%) from the labor force, thereby
hiding what would have been a 43.5% unemployment rate with a constant teen workforce participation rate
. (There are 17.1 million 16-19 year olds (rounded), and with 2007′s
participation rate, 7.1 million of them would be in the labor force, and
with 4 million actual jobs, that means 3.1 million unemployed, which
works out to our 43.5% unemployment rate).
Overall levels are even higher when we take into account that this
is just the headline U-3 unemployment rate. The government does not
breakout the U-6 data for all age groups, however we can do an even
adjustment of all age groups for both involuntary part time workers, and
“normal” discouraged workers, which works out 6.6% for the nation.
Adding that average adjustment to the teen data produces a 50.1% unemployment rate.
When we look at 20-24 year olds, then the reported unemployment
rate of 14.2% was actually created by the government dropping the labor
force participation rate by 4.5%, which concealed what would otherwise
be a headline (U-3) unemployment rate of 19.5%. When we hold
participation constant, and adjust for the full (U-6) number of jobless –
thereby including all three “boxes” – the true unemployment rate for
20-24 year olds becomes 26.1%.
(As covered in my article, “Hiding A Depression: How The
Government Does It”, there is actually a 4th box as well, which is the
“artificially employed”: those whose jobs depend on the government
spending money which it doesn’t have and can’t realistically repay.
When we add the number of jobs dependent on maintaining an impossible
level of government spending, then the total unemployment rate for the
nation rises to near 30% for the nation as a whole, and about 35% for
20-24 year olds.)
It is reasonably well known that there is a serious unemployment
crisis among the young in America. What is not understood is that the
situation is worse than what is shown in the official statistics.
Indeed, the government is taking extreme (statistical) measures to make
sure that the public remains uninformed about the full extent of the
youth unemployment crisis.
The problem also extends to the center of America’s workforce,
those aged 25-54. There were 7.2 million fewer employed people in their
prime working years in 2012 than there were in 2007, and there is just
no getting around the 7.2 million people adversely affected. There was a
manipulation here as well: for no logical reason, the workforce
participation rate was dropped by 1.5%, which reduced the headline
unemployment rate from a real 9.6% to a reported 8.0%. Adjust for full
U-6 unemployment, and with all three boxes our total is a 16.2%
unemployment rate for those in their prime working years.
(As an aside for mathematically oriented readers: some of the
variations in the impact of participation rate changes may intuitively
seem a bit “off”, but that is because the degree to which a given
participation rate change affects an age group is dependent on the
starting labor force participation ratio for that particular group.)
An Aging Population & Shifting Age Buckets
One way of thinking about workforces and participation rates is as a
series of buckets based on age. As a year-class (say those who
graduated from high school in 1970) ages, they pass through this series
of buckets, and their participation in the labor force changes depending
on which age bucket they are in at the time.
Historically and with a normal economy, the participation rate
sharply rises between ages 16-24 as people steadily move from the
schools to the workforce, and the full adult participation rate of
around 83% is reached by about the mid 20s. This peak rate stays in a
fairly narrow range for about 30 years, and then as people reach the
latter half of their 50s, a significant decline in participation begins
that accelerates through the 60s until only 10% of the population is
still in the workforce at age 75 and beyond.

As shown in the table above, between 2007 and January of 2012, the
number of people over the age of 55 grew by 10.4 million, and the number
of people aged 16-54 shrank by 17,000. Because we now have 10.4
million people who have moved along to older age “buckets” where we
normally have falling participation in the workforce – the average
participation rate should be falling, all else being equal (the adverse
developments with retirement investment accounts and interest income,
however, mean that not all else is equal).
To find out how much changing ages should have changed
participation, we pour into each age “bucket” the appropriate number of
people for early 2012, and find out what would have happened if the
government had held the participation rate for each bucket constant at
2007 levels.
When we do this, we get what is shown in the line “Expected Age
Related Workforce Change”. When we compare 2007 to 2012, then in a
normal economy we would have expected a reduction in workforce
participation of about 2.7 million people, with the aging Boomers and
their parents removing about 2.5 million people from the workforce, and
the changing age composition of the younger than 55 population should
have removed another 150 thousand people (the prime 25-54 age group
actually shrank by 1.3 million, and were replaced by less likely to be
employed 16-24 year olds).
However, the government didn’t remove 2.7 million people from the
workforce – it removed 6.5 million people. Everyone else was removed
via the method previously described, that of changing the workforce
participation rates for each age “bucket”, primarily among those 54 and
younger. The “Workforce Participation Rate Change” line is from Chart J
above, and it is found by multiplying the participation rate definition
change by the number of people in each bucket.
When we add both categories together, that of people moving into
different age buckets, and that of changing government definitions for
what percentage of each age bucket is in the workforce, then we get our
6.5 million total change.
Of the total, only 1.7 million, or 26%, were aged 55 and older (net
of the 860 thousand jobs added by slightly increased workforce
participation). Conversely, 74% of the removal of the jobless occurred
among those aged 16-54, as the government has blatantly and rapidly
changed labor force definitions for the young in a manner that has
twisted a rising 20.0% unemployment rate into a publicly reported
falling 8.8% unemployment rate.
The truth about unemployment is not what the press releases say it
is, and it is the U.S. government’s own numbers that prove this in
damning detail.
It is worth noting again that perhaps the most questionable aspect
of the government’s numbers is what is happening to those above age 55
when it comes to retirement choices, retirement account values and
retirement income. In an environment where retirement account values
are falling woefully short of financial planning projections from years
ago, and interest rates are not much above zero percent, is it really
true that only a mere 0.1% of potential retirees who are in the key
discretionary retirement age range of 55-64 have changed their behavior
between 2007 and 2012?
Based on who you know, do you believe that among 55-64 year olds,
the number choosing to delay retirement and stay in the workforce has
climbed only from 63.8% to 63.9%?
If more than one in a thousand potential retirees aged 55-64 is
changing their individual behavior because of what has happened with the
economy and investments, and they are attempting to defer retirement
but they don’t have a job, then the true total of jobless being hidden
since 2007 could be significantly higher than 6.5 million, and the real
unemployment rate could be higher than 20%.
The Bigger Picture
The heart of the long-term problem with employment in America can
be seen in Chart G above, when we compare the population for 2000 and
2012, and those fully employed in each year. The “working age” civilian
population rose almost 30 million – from 212.6 million to 242.3 million
– while the number of fully employed people fell 1 million, from 133.7
million to 132.7 million.
Our long term labor force participation rate is about 66%-67%, or
two-thirds. So to maintain constant employment rates, if there are 30
million more people over 16, there need to be 20 million more people in
the labor force, and roughly 19 million more jobs (allowing for normal
unemployment). Instead, when we look at the fully employed (employed
workers less involuntary part-time workers), there are one million fewer jobs now than in the year 2000.
Thirty million more people over the age of 16 and one
million fewer people being fully employed is a shortfall of 20 million
jobs, and this by itself creates Great Depression range unemployment
levels. Fundamentally, this is not even remotely consistent with a
reported unemployment rate in the 8% range.
The government is attempting “information management” (aka
manipulating statistics in a manner specifically intended to deceive)
when it comes to how the public perceives this situation. The method
used is to split the catastrophe into three boxes: putting 13.5 million
jobless people into the first box of official unemployment for press
release purposes; segmenting another 11.8 million jobless into the
second box that is hidden in the U-6 footnotes, and making another 7.2
million jobless disappear completely by using the third box of changing
the workforce participation rates (outside of U-6 since 2000).
Those three boxes add up to 32.5 million jobless, and the 12.5
million jobless over and above the 20 million missing jobs is in the
ballpark for what would be “normal” (5.2%) full unemployment for a
population of 242 million people aged 16 and above.
Everything adds up, and the big picture of those 20 million
missing jobs reconciles with current improving official unemployment
statistics when we dive deep into the heart of the workforce
participation deception, and discover that the worst of the damage is among those younger than 55.
That is the opposite of the cover story for the decline in labor force
participation rates to date. But intuitively, this is a good fit with
the big picture of 30 million more people in the working age civilian
population, and 1 million fewer jobs.
We might expect that those who have good jobs would (mostly) pull
those jobs forward in time along with them, but that those who enter the
labor force behind their employed elders find that the door is shut, at
least when it comes to the most desirable jobs. And it gets a little
worse every year, as teens enter their 20s, go through their 20s, and
then enter their early 30s, without ever landing the kind of solid and
reliable middle class job that can support a family in a house (or pay
enough in taxes to support a retiree and pay for their health care).
And when we pierce through the statistical manipulations – that is
exactly what is happening. Employment has been devastated among the
young. Which is precisely why there has been such a blatant
manipulation of workforce participation statistics among the young in
particular. With nothing in those statistical manipulations changing
the bigger picture of twenty million missing jobs, and a total that
continues to grow annually.
Deceptions & The Problem With The Future
One of the big problems with deceptions is that they can have ripple effects.
These ripple effects can cause particular problems when it comes to
our expectations about the future. If what we believe about the past
and the present are both wrong – then when we project forward that false
information, we get a result that is likely to be disastrously wrong.
This statistical problem is sometimes referred to as GIGO: Garbage
In, Garbage Out. Unfortunately, we have a major GIGO problem when it
comes to the future economy, tax revenues, deficits, Social Security,
Medicare – and investment performance.
When we project forward the train wreck that has been happening
with employment and workers younger than 55 – then everything that we
think we know about Social Security, Medicare, and federal budget
deficits shatters into little pieces. The unending trillion-dollar-plus
federal budget deficits that we see discussed in newspapers – are
themselves based upon ignoring what has actually been happening with
employment since 2000, and instead projecting forward the healthy growth
of a healthy economy, that in truth hasn’t been healthy for a long
time. Without that growth – taxes are much less than projected,
deficits get much larger, and the crises with Social Security and
Medicare get much worse, much faster.
The heart of the problem is that there are two different kinds of
reductions in workforce participation rates – and they are on collision
courses. One kind is the subject of this article, which is the
statistical deception that is being committed to cover up the full
extent of the still growing unemployment crisis among those aged 55 and
The second kind of falling workforce participation is the
fundamentals of demographics and what will become a dominant reality for
the economy. The Boomers are aging, and by 2027, population
projections are that there will only be two people in the 16-64 labor
force for each person aged 65 or over. Leaving aside children, and
going a level deeper than the facade of money-based projections, the
true fundamental factor that governs everything is the ratio of two
people producing resources for each one hopeful retiree consuming
resources. (Over the long-term and for societies as a whole, money is
only an easily manipulated symbol; goods and services are the reality
that determine actual standards of living.)
Even with a robustly healthy economy and full employment – let me
suggest that it has always been a very dicey proposition in terms of
those two workers paying for their own family, the military and
government infrastructure and other transfer payments, and then
supporting one older person between them, while buying out massive sums
of Boomer retirement account and pension investments at the highest
prices in history with the money they have left over every year.
Indeed, in my opinion this has never been possible, and as I have
been writing about for many years now, much of conventional retirement
planning is based on a fairy tale which assumes fifty million Boomer
investors can compound paper wealth together at a rate much faster than
the growth in the real economy – and then somehow simultaneously cash
this paper wealth out into real resources that don’t exist.
But when we have a real economy that isn’t experiencing healthy
growth but is instead staggering, with imploding employment levels among
younger workers – then there are two major implications which turn a
building disaster among the young into a future disaster for the old.
The first implication is that the gap between what has been promised and
what is available must grow. The less real wealth that is produced by
the actively working young, then the less wealth there is available for
the old after retirement, whether we are talking about public transfers
or private investments.
Politicians and financial firms can make all the soothing
projections they want, but the fundamentals are that fewer jobs for the
young mean greater eventual impoverishment for the old, and there is no
getting around that.
The second implication is that the demographic financial crisis is
brought forward in time. An average of four million Boomers will be
reaching traditional retirement age each year. Meanwhile the job base
among the young has been shrinking. The longer those two forces are
occurring simultaneously, the faster the gap between expectations and
reality grows, and the sooner the arrival of a crisis which could dwarf
what we have seen to date.
This situation is a powerful incentive for older Americans to ramp
up their savings and investment rate. Ironically however, the worst of
the damage from employment statistics GIGO is not in the public sector,
but can be found in the deception of private investors. Most of the
value of the stock market is based upon expectations of future growth,
which are being enabled by garbage statistics about what has actually
been happening in the past and present. Remove the growth – and most of
the current value of the markets goes with it, for when jobs implode, so do stock markets.
This can be seen very clearly by what happened to stocks the last
time we had a major (albeit lesser) jobs crisis in this country. As
covered in my article, “Deadly Dow 36,000 & The Secret History Of A
70% Market Loss” (link here),
there are ample historical reasons to believe that the jobs crisis may
create a stock market illusion, with apparent rising stock market
indexes that mask investment values plunging in inflation-adjusted
This is a national emergency, and what is needed more than anything else is full honesty about what is happening, and a nation pulling together to change what can be changed.
And you couple this with Pistole's refusal to allow TSA attend a Congressional meeting because CONGRESS HAS NO CONTROL OVER TSA?
And you couple this with Pistole's refusal to allow TSA attend a Congressional meeting because CONGRESS HAS NO CONTROL OVER TSA?
Thanks to RD from the AMOJ list on yahoo.
He doesn't think the fraud-in-chief isn't really that smart - but he's smart as a fox. He hoodwinked most of you by lies, deceits, smoke and mirrors, by bribes...that said, have a look.
Obama’s Latest Attempt To Overwhelm The System
November 23, 2012 By Thomas Paine
If you are a business owner, you are well aware that President
Obama has imposed over 6,000 new regulations on businesses in just 90
days. This doesn’t even begin to address the massive amount of
regulations imposed over the last 4 years. The bigger picture is that
it’s all part of his plan to “OVERWHELM” the system.
Karl Marx said that capitalism will eventually fail and that
communism is the solution and end game. He says you can wait for that to
happen, or you can accelerate
the process by overwhelming the system and destroying capitalism. There
will be so much chaos that it is easy to take away rights and take
control as the government savior.
Once that occurs, you implement communism. This process can only be
understood by the “enlightened” government leaders (Obama and the
like). The masses are too stupid
and ignorant to understand how good communism will be for them, so they
need to be forced down that path, by any and all means possible. Lie,
deceive, create class and race warfare issues, and use catastrophes (and
if there are none, make some up; the ends justify the means.) That is
why every time Obama speaks about anything, you will notice that it is
always very dramatic (and the world will end if we don’t do it right
Examples include Obamacare and his “Jobs bill.”
If the progression is not fast enough, then Karl Marx says you need
to kill people to help the greater good achieve “enlightenment”. That
is why in Russia, they killed 60 million of their own people, for the
greater good. Of course, the greater good is so the top 3% in government
leadership can have all power and wealth and remove all means for the
masses to ever be able to topple them, including taking all rights,
removing all weapons, and eliminating religion.
To deflect those who say that Obama is not a Marxist.
His favorite college
professors are Marxists, his favorite books were written by Marxists,
his parents and grandparents were Marxists, their friends were Marxists,
and his administration is full of Marxists. I know they don’t like that term; it is “progressives” now.
As dumb as he seems, I actually believe he knows what he is doing.
The unfortunate part is that we don’t think it could ever happen here,
and we don’t know enough about communism to realize what is happening.
Most of us don’t even know much about our own Constitution and the reasoning and brilliance behind its development.
Read the Federalist Papers and other writings from our Founders;
they knew we would want to move towards socialism, and so they wrote the
Constitution the best they could to prevent that.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Ann Barnhardt is close friends with former Navy Seal Mike Bracken who authored this piece below.
Obama is hell bent for leather to
create a dictatorship like Christina Kircher of Argentina , his idol.
Look what she did with retirement trusts, private property
& buisness ownership down there.
These folks are now going t move so fast that it will make your heads spin.
To All,
I agree with Ann completely, we need to secede from this corrupt system. There are a few things I would add. Cash out 401ks, IRAs and any other retirement that you have; the government is already scheming to take it from you; take the penalty and cash out. Federal pensions have already been looted; if you have a government pension try to take a lump sum now.Look into putting property into a trust to keep the government and IRS from getting it.Check out this site, livefreenow.org, for some great information on how to avoid the illegal IRS tax.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 7, AD 2012 6:23 PM MSTNow do you understand why I had precious little to say about the "election"? The results of this election were determined in 2008, including the faux-opposition candidate. You people who have spent the last several months breathlessly agonizing over this, analyzing fake polls and deluding yourselves into believing that this was somehow a legitimate operation are just sad. You're like the people in Iraq who supported the opposition candidate to Saddam Hussein for all of those years. Yes, Saddam Hussein held "elections". Regularly. That is what happened here yesterday. We had a Saddam Hussein "election".This can all be summed up in one simple sentence that I have been screaming from the rooftops ever since November of 2008:
These people are NEVER going to walk away.
The Republic was overthrown in a neo-Stalinist putsch four years ago. Stalinists don't walk away. Ever. Stalinists don't hold elections - they put on shows to delude the masses, which they consider to be vermin, into believing that they still have some say and some degree of freedom. And when even that gets tiresome for them, they start slaughtering people. By the tens of millions.
Note that all of the so-called pundits on the so-called "right" are avoiding the issue of massive voter fraud.
They're all just spewing the same nonsense as ever:
The fight has just begun! This is when the real hard work begins! Yay! We'll show 'em in 2016! Yay!Meanwhile, here in the land of reality, my inbox is filling with emails from people who are just now realizing that they are probably going to die an unnatural death, and probably within the next several years.But it's cool, because Ace put up a recipe thread today. Spit on one's hands and hoist the black flag, indeed!
So, what to do now? I have several action items for you. These are all re-hash, but I'll put them together and re-post them because maybe, just maybe, you people are actually ready to listen and do something.
1. TAX STRIKEIf you are self-employed, stop paying quarterlies and DO NOT FILE next April. Boehner rolled over this morning and announced that the "Republicans" are gung-ho to raise taxes. They can only raise taxes on you if you pay taxes. Don't pay. DO NOT FILE.
IF YOU ARE NOT SELF-EMPLOYED and your employer withholds your taxes, all you have to do is increase THE NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS YOU CLAIM. Exemptions are NOT just wife-and-kids. People who make large charitable donations kick up their exemptions, as do people with big mortgages. In theory, there is no maximum to the number of exemptions you can claim, but 9 is considered to be the "normal" maximum. Go to your human resources / payroll department tomorrow and tell them you want to increase your exemptions and thus decrease your withholding as much as possible. Then, next April, DO NOT FILE.
There is exactly ONE non-violent remedy left to you, and that is a tax strike. If you do not do this, you are guaranteeing, and I mean 1000% guaranteeing, that there will be a massive hot war and genocide in the United States within the next decade. Go find a good teenaged boy. Look into his eyes, and then understand that if we do not starve the Putsch Regime in Washington, that boy will almost certainly die in the war.
2. MEDIA STRIKEIf you do not now understand that the media is enemy number one of you, your family, this culture and of God; if you do not understand that the media is SATANIC, then you are either terminally stupid or you are hopelessly addicted to the satanic filth, agitporn and lies yourself. Pick up the phone, call the cable or satellite company and TURN THE SHIT OFF NOW.
Oh, and by the way, I found out how much you are paying for each cable channel. It is roughly $0.12 per month per channel. I saw this figure in a recent story about Algore's Stalinist propaganda channel, Current TV, which they are now trying to sell. Current TV goes into 60 million homes and has annual revenues from their cable and satellite royalties of $86 million. That is $0.12 per subscriber per month. So, you are offering that "pinch of incense" of $0.12 per month (at minimum) for every channel that is included in your cable or satellite package, including the sodomite channel, including MTV, including MSNBC, whether you watch it or not, and even if you block it on your cable box. Your money is still going to these outfits every month, and in doing so you proclaim that "Caesar is lord". St. Polycarp, pray for us.
3. FINANCIAL MARKET STRIKEGet out, get out, get out. Close every brokerage account without exception. When my economic presentation is posted within the next few days, you will clearly see why. Pull your bank accounts down to the bare minimum. Buy gold and silver. Keep some Federal Reserve Notes on hand. Pay off debt and hold clear title to as much as you possibly can. Start liquidating your stuff now if, like me, you are going to eventually lose your home, which should actually be in play for almost everyone except the very wealthy who don't need to generate any income (and thus pay no taxes) to survive and and simply live off of their existing wealth. Anyone who generates income and declares a tax strike should start preparing now to have their home and the contents of their home seized. Thus, get rid of everything now so that there is nothing for them to seize.
4. CANCEL YOUR HEALTH INSURANCEFind cash-only doctors (general practitioners) operating in your area and establish a relationship with them now. Once you find a cash-only G.P., get a list of cash-only surgeons and surgery centers.If you live anywhere near Oklahoma City, there is already an outstanding cash-only surgery center in your back yard. CLICK HERE TO BEHOLD THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE.
5. START THINKING AGGRESSIVELY AND OFFENSIVELYI'll just give you an example so you know what I mean. I found out that when you don't file with the IRS, what they do is "subpoena" your bank statements from your bank, and then they simply go in and add up all of the credits in your bank account and IGNORE ALL OF THE DEBITS. No expenses are recognized whatsoever. Every dollar "in" is considered to be pure, fully-taxable income.Sounds horrible, right? Especially if you are a business owner like me, right?
So, how do I make this work for me? Simple. I'm going to get some cash deposited into the bank in a quantity that I am prepared to lose, and then I am going to login to my online banking interface and sit here all blessed day and transfer that quantity of money between my bank accounts. I'm hoping to "generate" "income" in the form of credit entries on my bank statements into the eight figures.
In theory, if I had enough of a cash base, I could literally offset the entire national debt by "generating income" for the IRS in this way. But, I'll just target an eight-figure "taxable" income for 2012. Heh.
See what I'm getting at here? You don't cower. You RUN AT THEM.
If those rat bastards want to play, I'm their huckleberry.Say when.
'Put yur trust in God...and keep yur (gun) powder dry!'
So there's the article. Take it on its merit or not.
I am neither for or against it - it's up to you to decide. But we need to do something and we need to start NOW!
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