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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


If you have a soldier in the family, I hope you sit them down and have a little talk.  This "army" is being
lied to, hoodwinked, brainwashed, and sacrificing their lives for a fraud-in-chief.  They are not fighting for the country.  They are his pieces on the chessboard.  Nothing more.  Pieces of plastic or wood.  Not flesh and blood.  They will fight for him, but not the Constitution or the country.

If my son or daughter, husband, wife, etc., even fleetingly entertained the thought that the military was for them, under this f*^%*(#G fraud, who can't even get into the military because he has phony papers, and no documented past, I would lock them in a closet until he's out of office.

If you want your beloved family members to come back in a body bag, maimed in mind and body, then give them to the president.  He doesn't care.  He doesn't care if you're white, black, brown, yellow, blue, pink or rainbow.  You are cannon fodder for him.

If your child dies at his whim, you'll be lucky in this second term, to get a form letter signed with an electric pen.

There is something psychologically, pathologically wrong with this guy.  There will be orwellian, endless wars if he retains the now sullied seat of the president.  

Lucky you.

I don't know why the Congress hasn't impeached him and thrown him in prison.  We have almost run out of time.

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