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Friday, June 10, 2011


If you aren't aware of this Youtube contributor, his name is Alex, and he is French. He lives in Japan with his young family, and has been giving us updates on the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns almost daily since the tsunami.

Also, remember that TEPCO has contracts to build nuclear sites in the USA with GE.
Alex has told us of the government lies and coverups before they were exposed to the public.

If you are wondering why the media is covering up the graveness of this global disaster, he may have the answers to you. I found this installment particularly heartwrenching. I am sure you will agree. I hope he gets his family to safety OUT of Japan, which is now quite possibly uninhabitable, soon. Godspeed, Alex.

He is a dependable source of information.

I sent emails this a.m. to my contacts in Utah. Radiation from Fukushima in some places are very high. Dutchsinse, another Youtuber, has a site just packed with informational videos sometimes more than once a day with radiation, earthquake, scalar circles and HAARP rings which affect your weather. Please subscribe to both for accurate information.

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