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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trilateral Commission Wants War with IRAN

This is an international operation - the most elite group of people on the planet. They are playing us like a giant chessboard - what's BAD for us is GOOD for them, and Al Gore, Bill and Melissa Gates, the Clintons, the Rothschild's the Rockefellers, the royals of every country, George Soros - the mega-billionaires are going to control you by medicine, by economics, by eugenics, by food additives and genetically engineered food, by currency, by limiting the size of your family, by eugenics. Every way they can to forward their agenda, they will do, by controlling politicians and governments. They don't care if your country fails in every way. It is up to the people to resist them. These are the globalist elites. These are the people who want to see you enslaved or dead.

Read 1984.

Be aware. Read and Resist.

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