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Monday, May 31, 2010

Canderous Colon and Washington

Cancerous Colon and Washington
by M. Sidney Wallace
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Government, (local, state, federal and international), has just one purpose for existence. Thomas Jefferson stated the best reason for a government in the Declaration of Independence for the United States.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness --That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men...
People come together to form a government for basic protection from nature and other men outside the governmental boundary. Initially a government will employ a very small group to codify the rules and regulations to apply to this government. Next the entire group votes to accept or reject what these employees have drafted. This is the basic unit of government and how it is constructed. The community next will appoint or select a judicial group to oversee the application of the rules to insure enforcement equally without bias for all citizens. If citizens unsatisfied with the rules or the application there of, they can either work to change the rules or leave. The sole reason for a government existence is still to protect the basic rights for its group from inside and outside its borders.
Unfortunately there is a certain type of person that thinks they can make better choices for everyone else than they can make for themselves. When these people are elected to the governing body, they start to campaign for the expansion of the role of government. They start by expanding the rules of the community to restrict what the citizens cannot do. As the number of rules increase, the cost of government increases likewise, and taxes go up correspondingly. They promise the members of the community better schools, roads, health care, homes, infrastructure, higher standards of living, and longer life. These charlatans and would be politicians begin by raising taxes to pay for ever-growing plans. They tell the citizens of the community that they can do a better job than anyone else. If the voters will simply accept them as their law-maker and law enforcer all of their problems will be solved. In reality all the people simply wanted was security to live their life the way they decided was best for themselves.
Just as a certain type of person wants to make decisions for everyone else, there are certain body cells growing faster than necessary. We say that person has a cancer. We next take steps to remove these cancerous cells otherwise these cells will destroy the host body. A government, like a cancer, does not need to grow any larger than necessary to protect the basic rights of its members. Local, State and the Federal Government in Washington is a cancer and it needs to be removed for the good of all the American people. Just as a cancerous colon has to be removed to preserve life, the go along to get along socialist in Washington must be removed to preserve America.
America was not built on government actions; however, government actions will surely cause its destruction.
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