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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Here's a post I got permission to show you here...

It's from a person living in Texas, who supports Gov. Jan Brewer's legislation on illegal aliens.

If you doubt the validity and the purpose of Brewer's new law, here is "how it is". Read and learn.

i was a civil rights activist in Iowa years back. I have met with governors and congress man. But here I am called a bigot because i am white and don't speak spanish.

At a local family dollar store I wasn't able to get correct change and the clerk got mad and me when I calmly asked her if she spoke english. I was calm and collected until the manager came up and told me I needed to speak spanish if I was going to live in this area. That pissed me off! This is texas not mexico. Fine she speaks spanish but at least have the clerk on the register know english and be able to make change. I was told to leave and banned from the store. when the minute men group came through town I talked to them because we live on an arroyo that they catch people on all the time. I was threatened by people in town til i told them I didn't sign up. we have had minute men groups here off and on and one guy used to fly his plane over dropping water bottles to illegals in the desert and only caqlled border patrol when they signaled they needed help. But the drug runners and coyotes kept shooting at the plane. So he quit. Its not just the drug runners now getting violent with ranchers in the area. the coyotes (human traffickers) they are now shooting ranchers that see them so they can't call border patrol.

as for the law in az. personally i am for it on a lot of levels besides just the violence. I cant go anywhere i want in the world and not have to show my passport or other papers. i have been to mexico for various reasons since we moved here. But if I go over there I have to have my passport and photo id ready at all times. the military the police, constables or any city official can ask for the documents without any reason just ask for it. if you dont have it they have the right to take you to jail on the spot. and wwho knows when you will get out. there is a big thing going on right now with a missionary that was attacked and almost killed in juarez. the hospital over there took him in and got him stable. when he tried to leave to come home to get medical help, they demanded he pay cash for his bill when he didnt have it he was arrested and put in a police hospital section and is still there waiting for his family pay his fines for trying to skip on a medical bill. marcia went to our county hospital with a suspected heart attack. we waited in the er for 5 hours they told us she had to pay a $300 fee upfront when she didn't have it. we had to wait 7 more hours on a possible heart attack. but there were some people that came in that told the desk they didnt have documentation and he was cut on the arm they took them back and they left while we waited. when I asked why he was sent through so much faster than us and he was cut and marcia was a suspected heart attack i was told that the undocumented mexicans are pushed through because they don't get paid for helping them. They just do what they have to to get them out of there. nice huh. Was the last time we used the county hospital.
Hell you can't be a us citizen and not carry your id without getting into trouble.
I don't think it's a law based on hate. I think it's a law based on frustration and being overwhelmed by a situation that we as a country has allowed to run rampant.

Like a little kid that was never punished that grows up to be a self jack ass and no one understands why. Well its time the child got spanked!

I know this has been in the news a lot lately. Thought I would give a bird's eye view of what's going on here. We are right in the middle of the violence along the border of mexico and texas. There are an average of 6 murders a day in juarez and climbs to abotu 20 a day on the weekends. In the Juarez valley its about 30 a day. We are half way down the Juarez valley on the USA side. daily I can smell smoke went outside and see the fires on the mexican side. Last Sunday when I left our place to go to the store we had border patrol the sheriff and even the game warden on our property. Lights flashing. When I tried to stop to see what was going on I was asked if marcia was home and if the door was locked then told to move on and not stop for anyone on the road. But refused to tell me what was going on. I was like oooooookkkayyyyyy. Turned out there was a huge gun battle right on the other side of the border and 4 wounded men crossed the rio (which is dry by the way) and where stopped on our property. We hear gun shots 2-3 times a week. there was a notice put up the friday before in the small town across the border from us telling everyone to leave by Easter. We have had 150 people migrate into our small community. Easter sunday they followed through with the threats and killed dozens of people and set the town on fire. we have had the sheriff go door to door and tell people not to go outside without a gun at all times. some of the people they goverment is allowing to live here are admitted gang members and drug runners for rival gangs. It's so bad I don't go outside unless I have to and only with my Doberman. We hardly ever go into fort hancock even for gas. because there has been shootings and kidnappings here as well. the school has had black window vans follow buses and kids are no longer allowed to walk to or from school even though it's a block or two. We had a congressman and a few other government officials come and talk to us. But they all just go on about how safe it is and there is nothing to fear. Well they don't live here! just another reason we want to move up to illinois. For those who say the violence isn't in the US then I say live here a week.

H/T to J

I agree - the child needs to be taken out to the woodpile and get a whippin' and you need to move!

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