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Thursday, May 6, 2010


I am so independent in my thinking that this just made me nauseous. I have a friend in NYC who would read this and write a check immediately. He is a social progressive, in the entertainment industry, and is as close minded as you can be. Whatever the Democrat party wants, he will deliver. He is a mindless follower. The guy's loaded. A millionaire many times over. I sent him something from this blog the other day and he sent me a terse response to stop sending this crap to him. The subject was retirement funds and Obama's grab for them. Obama cannot do anything wrong. How does this compute to a normal human being? How does it compute in the mind of a Jewish liberal? Michael Savage says often that "Liberalism is a mental disorder" and I believe it.

You cannot communicate truth to these people.

This piece of propaganda is really over the top. It's pure bull. Obama is doing all he can possibly do to destroy our country and our country's relationship with Israel. I read the news; you read it - are the words different? Do these people have a form of dyslexia?

This is propaganda. It is so crystal clear that there cannot be any doubt.

If you have any liberal Jewish friends, I urge you to attempt to engage them on this and try to get through to them. Obama is NO friend of Jews or of Israel, and neither are the evil triplets, Reid, Pelosi, Biden.

I'm going to send this organization a short, nasty note. I hope you do, too.

Imagine, just for one moment, the headlines on the morning after
Election Day if the Republicans hit their dream trifecta and take the
Senate seats of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Any other
victory or loss will pale in comparison to these trophy races.

NJDC's PAC has closely analyzed election returns from the last three
"off year" elections. We have concluded that in a close election the
Jewish Democratic vote potentially can make the difference.

Jewish voters do turn out and vote. History tells us, however, that in
non-presidential election years, we can't count on the close to 80%
overwhelming Jewish support that Democratic presidential candidates
usually get. In fact, in the blue state of Illinois, if the level of
Jewish Democratic voters slips even 20% to Republican candidates, the
Democratic state-wide margin is reduced by nearly 70,000 votes. That is
more than enough in a close election to turn the tide.

For voters who care about Israel, it is absolutely invaluable to have a
Majority Leader like Harry Reid who says that "an unwavering commitment
to Israel is not a Democratic or Republican value, but an American

In the open seat in Delaware, do we really want to see a Republican
Senator who voted with his cronies against health care reform instead of
New Castle County Executive Chris Coons who strongly supports the
landmark health care legislations and commits to working to make it

And while Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance with more Supreme Court
confirmation votes in the future, what pro-choice voter would want
President Obama's seat filled with someone who strongly supported the
Hyde Amendment and voted for the Stupak Amendment - instead of
steadfastly pro-choice Alexi Giannoulias?

NJDC PAC is the only PAC in the country which knows how to reach Jewish
Democratic voters and identify the issues which resonate most in the
Jewish voting community.

We need your help. There are more than 167,000 likely Jewish voters to
reach in Illinois alone, 42,000 in Nevada and even 10,000 in a small
state like Delaware. And remember that the last Democratic Majority
Leader was toppled by just 4,500 votes.

Please help us help candidates who support Jewish values. It means a lot
to our candidates to know that they are supported by Jewish Democratic

They say 2010 will be tough for Democrats. Let's make sure we keep
Jewish voters voting Blue. Please support NJDC PAC, help reelect
Majority Leader Reid, and elect Chris Coons and Alexi Giannoulias to the
U.S. Senate.


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