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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pre-written letter to your Congressman to print, fax or email against Obamacare

You and Your Neighbors Will Determine the Fate of ObamaCare
-- And the future of America

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Your congressman is one of almost 60 votes which will determine whether ObamaCare is passed into law -- and will, in turn, shape the course of American history.

On one side, your congressman is being bombarded daily with bribes, extortion, and lies coming from Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

Just the most recent fraud scheme (called the Slaughterhouse Rule after Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter) would "deem" the $2.5 trillion ObamaCare bill to have passed the House -- without the House ever having voted on it.

On the other side are the American people. According to one recent poll, three-quarters of them want to bury ObamaCare -- or else start over on a bipartisan solution.

Seventy percent of voters in another poll of key congressional districts like yours said they would be less likely to vote for a congressman who supported ObamaCare.

So you, your family, your neighbors, and your church

-- between now and this weekend -- may well determine whether ObamaCare is passed into law.

The phones are still ringing off the hook. Please keep trying to call. If you can't get a hold of your Congressman, then please email him or her the message below.

ACTION: Please contact your representative immediately! Have your family and friends call him. Have the members of your church or gun club call him. Urge him or her, one final time, to vote against the Senate's corrupt and bribe-laden ObamaCare bill.

Phone - toll-free at 877-762-8762; or call the regular number at 202-225-3121
Email - Visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send a pre-written message to your Representative.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Representative:

I am writing you with one final plea to vote against the Senate's corruption and bribe-laden ObamaCare bill.

On one side, I understand that you are being bombarded daily with attempts to bribe, extort, and lie to you.

Just the most recent fraud scheme (called the Slaughterhouse Rule after Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter) would "deem" the $2.5 trillion ObamaCare bill to have passed the House -- without the House ever having voted on it.

But on the other side are the American people. According to one recent poll, three-quarters of them want to bury ObamaCare -- or else start over on a bipartisan solution. Seventy percent of voters in another poll of key congressional districts like ours said they would be less likely to vote for a congressman who supported ObamaCare.

So I would urge you to ignore the bribes -- and listen to the people who elected you.


THE FACTS: Even AFTER the Senate "fix," the bill would still allow BATF to troll my confidential medical records in order to take guns away from potentially tens of millions of Americans -- without due process -- because they suffer from maladies such as PTSD.

If you support the Second Amendment, you won't vote for this bill.


THE FACTS: Make no mistake about it: In order for the sleazy "reconciliation" procedure to go forward, you will have to approve and pass into law the pack of bribes in the corrupt and discredited Senate bill -- without changing a single word.

And the votes are being corralled by Obama and Pelosi through a new round of bribes, threats, and corruption.

Even if the reconciliation "fix" is adopted, it will still contain virtually all of the bribes that made the Senate bill such a disgusting spectacle, including:

  • Mary Landrieu's $300,000,000 "Louisiana Purchase;"
  • A broadened version of the nauseating "Cornhusker Kickback" to get Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson's vote;
  • The roughly $10 BILLION (with a "b") bribe to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for clinics which could well be run by the anti-gun ACORN and Planned Parenthood;
  • The $100 million Connecticut "Hospital Handout" bribe to corrupt Senator Chris Dodd; and
  • The $300 million Libby, Montana, asbestos bribe.

If you don't support these, you won't vote for this bill.


THE FACTS: According to the Congressional Budget Office, ObamaCare would increase the premiums for insurance on the private exchanges by 10-13% over what it would be if
Congress did nothing -- and require, under penalty of imprisonment, that I buy it.

If you don't support increases in my premiums, you won't vote for this bill.


THE FACTS: 80% of middle class taxpayers would see their taxes go up -- directly or indirectly -- under the Senate bill.

If you oppose tax increases on the middle class, you won't vote for this bill.


THE FACTS: The House leadership proposes to pass ObamaCare through a slimy procedure of cheat schemes called "reconciliation" and "self-executing rules." To implement either of these strategies requires even more dishonesty:

  • Under "reconciliation," any language qualifying for special Senate procedures had to have been reported out of committee by October 15, 2009. As of March 15, 2010, the language was still not available, even though the House Budget Committee voted to approve the non-existent draft.
  • Under the Senate rules, these special procedures can be used only to reduce the deficit. Once you discount the accounting tricks and fraud that Reid and Pelosi are employing, ObamaCare would INCREASE the deficit by half a trillion dollars over the first ten years.
  • Despite Obama's lies, "reconciliation" has never been used for non-budgetary issues which do not reduce the deficit.
  • Now, House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) is proposing a plan (which has been approved by Pelosi) to "deem" ObamaCare passed without having the House vote on it. Nancy Pelosi is bragging that she likes this procedure because "people don't have to vote on the Senate bill." This, from those who are screaming about the importance of an "up-or-down" vote.

If you don't support this corruption, you will not vote for the Senate bill -- or, particularly, for "deeming" the passage of the Senate bill.

Richard Nixon "made history." And, while there are historic events which move mankind forward, there are events -- normally achieved through bribery, corruption and extortion -- which history looks back on with nothing but disgust. ObamaCare is such a sleazy development. Please vote against it.

And please know that, if you support this abomination, I, my family, and my friends will do everything in our power to insure that everyone we know is aware of what you have done.


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