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Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama's draft registration altered?

There is NO transparency of records for this President. He has NO history that we can really trace with records.

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1 comment:

Sam Adams said...

At this stage of the game, the O-Man’s true citizenship, selective service registration status or anything else that can be dredged up are all academic. Many, not just the purple Kool-Aid swilling true believers, will think this smells of sour grapes. Bubba Clinton’s 1998 articles of impeachment (2 for perjury, 1 for obstruction of justice and 1 for abuse of power) involving a grand jury, a civil case and the House Judiciary Committee left him free to complete his second term.

It is difficult to believe so much effort is going towards the O-Man’s citizenship and a possibly falsified selective service registration form. Let’s face it, he would have to commit a violent felony on camera, in front of a room full of witnesses in order for an impeachment to be successful. We can only hope and pray!