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Friday, January 6, 2012


Dear God -

Please give our people the wisdom and the strength to fight the dictator, who came from nowhere, without a past, who surrounded himself with criminals, powermongers, warmongers, global manipulators and thugs who are power-crazed, and working for one goal - to make all US citizens bow down to the "king", Obama. He parroted a script, lied and deceived us, talked with hypnotic rhythm, looked cool, promised prosperity to everyone but didn't explain, well, just how. And we bought his lies - most of us, anyway.

We trusted fresh Congressmen and Senators, and they were deceived, promised riches or intimidated by the dictator. They have seen what unlimited power can do, and it destroyed their minds, just like narcotics. They forgot us. They forgot because they didn't have to remember in the powerful wake of the pirate ship, Obama. Now they have abandoned and deceived us!

And now we are at the edge of the precipice, and many of us don't know how to hang on to our liberty, our freedom, our country, even while it was eroding a decade ago. We are confused and angry and some are still sleeping.

The formula to inspire us is found in the Declaration of Independence and so is the remedy for the dictator. The book of rules for government limitation is found in the Constitution and the Amendments.

Please give us strength and courage in this time of flux and danger to fight for the rights You gave every man. Many of us believe falsely, that our rights are given by government. That is what they count on. But our rights come from You.

There is no need for violence unless our voices are met with violence. You will give us a sign - and that is when the edge of the precipice crumbles under our weight as his troops push us into oblivion. But will we heed it? Or is it now, before we are pushed over the edge? Help us to know the difference.

I pray for our wisdom, inspiration and memories of freedom in years past. I pray for the safety of the American people and a peaceful transition and return to Constitutional government, but we will remember also, that the Tree of Liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots.

We have seen tyrants and dictators fall in bloody war in the last few decades. But while we were watching, a dictator rose in our own country who hypnotized us into compliance.

He has created a police state; a bubbling cauldron of evil. He has invaded our minds and our children's minds with propaganda, . He is watching us. He sees what we write. He knows what we say. He tracks us. He has drones surveilling us. He has stolen our Republic. He is diabolical. In his twisted, perverted mind, he has decided to take Your role and have laymen decide when it's time for us to die. He is a monster. He is a liar. He is a traitor but his army - his private army - is growing and marching. He has blinded our military men and women and their commanders, and convinced them their oaths to the Constitution are not as important as an order from the dictator.

Perhaps he is The Beast, as we read of in the Bible?

Please tell us that our dead, dying and maimed soldiers strewn over the battlefields of the world, did not fight in vain for our freedoms. Did they?

No one is safe.

We pray for strength. We pray for victory. We pray for freedom, liberty and peace.


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