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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The following paragraph and email was sent to me just now. I'm sharing it with you. I have warned against using Snopes, a kitchen table uber-liberal "research tool".

Just received this post. Can't vouch for its accuracy, but it's interesting, nevertheless. Likewise, as to the overall issues, themselves, i.e., short form/long form birth certificate, social security number, selective service registration, etc., while certainly nothing has been resolved one way or the other with regard any of them, that, it would seem, is exactly the point. Something just doesn't pass the smell test here, and there does, indeed, appear to be enough disturbing evidence that even the most sober of minds might reasonably demand clearer and more definitive answers.




Real BC BillboardRemember Barack Obama's widely-circulated short form "Certificate of Live Birth" called a COLB, posted by supposed fact checkers, the DNC and even the White House? Dr. Ron Polland, does; he claims he created it. Now he has released all his information, providing what looks like irrefutable Proof Positive evidence that HE, not the State of Hawaii, created Obama's Certificate of Live Birth – the short form certificate that for over two years was cited by the Obama election campaign, his media claque and even the White House to "prove" that Americans concerned with Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold office were crazy racists. Those of us who have been demanding an authenticated long form Birth Certificate from Hawaii were, it seems, among those NOT fooled by a fraudulent document.
In 2007 Dr. Polland, a computer graphics expert, created a short form Certificate of Live Birth with Barack Obama's name on it, just to show how easily a forgery could be made. He stored this example in an open, online photo sharing program called "photobucket" under the screen name "Polarik". In 2008, the White House claimed they had received an official copy of Barry's short form birth certificate, scanned it and posted the image online. Here's the catch; the link the White House provided to view the document was sourced through, a self-described "myth busting" website. proudly claimed THE certificate was ‘The real McCoy'. But incredibly – the image Snopes provided actually linked back to Pollard's concocted copy stored in his photobucket file. In fact, when you highlighted the image Snopes and the White House posted, the source came up as
Ask yourself, if the White House had received the short form Certificate of Live Birth directly from the State of Hawaii, had scanned and posted it themselves as they claimed, why would their supposedly authentic image link to Polarik's "photobucket " image? Why was there no White House server or government data source as the original hosting site for this "document" image?
If really were the fact checkers and myth busters they claim to be, why would they have "validated" Pollard's "Polarik" forgery?
Here's a fun little fact about the Internet – it is almost impossible to completely "scrub", i.e. remove, something from the web. It is after all a computer program. And as such, it documents everything… including's apparent incompetence and Barack Hussein Obama's fraud.
There is much more to know about recent developments in the long form, short form document fraud as the Obama eligibility scandal unfolds. ACT NOW – AND SEE WHAT MORE DOCUMENT FRAUD IS INVOLVED!
It is VITALLY important that we ACT NOW to protect ourselves from the constitutional crisis, identity fraud, and massive scandal being perpetrated by the man acting as President of the United States. We cannot allow this act of usurpation to continue unchallenged into a second term, and subsequently risk destroying what is left of Liberty, the Constitution and America. The answer is simple, BUT WE MUST ACT NOW!
No more scanned digital copies. We demand that in each and every State of this great nation, every Presidential candidate must provide to the State authorities with full public transparency an original, certified and authenticated Long Form Birth Certificate. Eligibility for office MUST be irrefutably proven prior to being placed on the ballot!
In Liberty,
The REAL Myth Busters – The Editors at Proof Positive

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Proof-Positive is a project of Americans United for Freedom,
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civic education and advocacy regarding important national issues.

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