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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."- R. Reagan

On Saturday in Tucson, Judge John Roll ,63; Dorthy Murray, 76; Dorwin Stoddard, 76; Christina Greene, 9; Phyllis Scheck, 79; and Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, were gunned down by a psychotic maniac who is reportedly addicted to marijuana, denounces religion, believes the U.S. Constitution is "treasonous" and lists The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf as two of his favorite books.

This is hardly the picture of a right-wing zealot; yet less than an hour after news broke of the shooting, political cartoonist David Fitzsimmons said on CNN: " The Right in Arizona, and I'm speaking very broadly, has been stoking the fire of heated anger and rage successfully in this state ."

Shortly afterward, Paul Krugman of the Washington Post took to his blog to say, " We don't have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was ." He linked the shooter's actions to "the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc." and spoke of "the violence I fear we're going to see in the months and years ahead. Violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate."

Not once in all of the murderer's Internet rants did he reference talk-radio, the health care debate, the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, or Fox News. NOT ONCE.

Because social progressive liberals cannot defeat conservative America at the ballot box, they will use the media to denigrate conservatives and insult our patriotic beliefs.

Welcome to government control and censorship in the 21st century: this is Obama's vision for America - to shut you up. Please help AmeriPAC with our media efforts as we counter the Liberal propaganda machine, and fight for our Constitutional right to debate the status quo. If we remain silent, we allow them to continue their tyranny!

AmeriPAC requests your generous financial help today! When you send a donation of at least $50 and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution." It details how the Obama Administration and progressive Democrats are warping and contradicting the Constitution to make it fit with their radical agenda.

Remember, it was Obama's former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who famously said during the theoretical bank meltdown, "Never let a good crisis go to waste. What I mean is, it's an opportunity to do important things that you couldn't do before." (Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2009)

And here is their "opportunity" crisis: a 22 year-old cultish pothead wielding a gun in the parking lot of a Tucson grocery store. Game. Set. Match---as far as the Liberals are concerned. This is just what they need to silence their Tea Party critics. You are a criminal because you disagree with them. Now shut up.

But we will still fight just as passionately for this country we love, and the vision of our Founding Fathers as outlined by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We will not be silenced.

Please join AmeriPAC as we fight back against irrational, groundless political smears. Do not allow a senseless, horrible tragedy committed by a young man who was identified by a former school mate as a leftwing pothead to let the Obama administration implement totalitarian rule in America.

This is not a time for political opportunism. A nine year-old girl was killed on Saturday, and a Congresswoman is fighting for her life. Yet Democrats want to use this event to defame, smear and scare us into doing what they say. It is ironic that they use the term "hate speech" when all they do is vilify and defame us with labels like racist, homophobe and fascist. The hypocrisy is staggering:
  • President Obama called Republicans "hostage takers."
  • Former Rep. Alan Grayson called his GOP opponent Daniel Webster "Taliban Dan."
  • Black conservative Kenneth Gladney was hospitalized in St. Louis after SEIU thugs beat him outside a Tea Party event. The NAACP has called him an "Uncle Tom" who "deserved" to be beaten, and said he wasn't "black enough" to protect.
  • Governor Bobby Jindal's assistant was beaten and suffered a broken leg after she left a Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.
  • Air America talk show host Montel Williams said of Michelle Bachman: "Michelle, slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone."
  • The same target graphics seen on Sarah Palin's website that the Left famously denounced all weekend were - gasp! - splattered all over the Daily Kos website back in 2008 when they were moving to "target" Congresswoman Giffords and remove her from office.
Still, Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., says "There's an aura of hate, and elected politicians feed it. Certain people on Fox News feed it." I say, if we want to talk about "hate crimes," perhaps we should examine what Liberals are doing to conservatives right now.

One of the bravest, and most reasonable statements that has been made in the last few days came from the father of little Christina Green, who was killed. He said, "This shouldn't happen in this country or anywhere else. But in a free society, we're going to be subject to people like this. So I prefer this to the alternative."

Do not allow Obama and the Democrats to use this as an excuse to take billions and trillions more from us for our own "protection." This era of Imperial Government must end!

Send a donation of at least $50 and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution." It details how the Obama Administration and progressive Democrats are warping and contradicting the Constitution to make it fit with their radical agenda. The book covers Barack Obama's Chicago and Saul Alinsky days where he learned to "game the system" to bypass the rule of law.

As this tragedy in Arizona was unfolding and the Liberals lined up like kids at a candy store to attack conservatives, another threat reared its ugly head: Obama was quietly working on creating a "national internet I.D." program. The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace , run through the Commerce Department, is about "enhancing online security and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities," according to Gary Locke, Commerce Secretary.

What does an internet I.D. program and a shooting in Arizona have in common? Opportunity for government control .

Instead of YOU maintaining control of your online identity, a third party would take over...meaning hackers could gain control of the third party security and you can watch your privacy disappear in a flash.

We have seen how well the government protects its secrets; do you want them in charge of your personal data?

But beyond that, why does the government need to intervene? The free market will produce what the market demands. Government is not supposed to be in the business of dictating commerce . There are plenty of data security applications available now. Why would the government see the need to pressure the market to create "trusted" identities?

The answer: to make it easier to track us in the future. The government says this program is not mandatory, but you can bet your boots it eventually will be---for your "protection." Eventually, you will need that "I.D." as your "ignition key" to the information superhighway---a superhighway Obama wants to control.

Obama's Internet legislation is designed to control the flow of information on the internet and control free speech - which, according to Liberals is dangerous, and causes left-wing potheads who worship communism to go to grocery stores and kill people. When the federal government controls our right to speak out, and controls our right to own firearms, that government will arbitrarily control every facet of our life.

Welcome to government control and censorship in the 21st century: this is Obama's vision for America - to shut you up. Please help AmeriPAC with our media efforts as we counter the Liberal propaganda machine, and fight for our Constitutional freedoms! If we remain silent, we allow them to continue their tyranny!

AmeriPAC requests your generous financial help today! Send a donation of at least $50 and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution." It details how the Obama Administration and progressive Democrats are warping and contradicting the Constitution to make it fit with their radical agenda.

FCC's Chief Diversity Officer Mark Lloyd says that "blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies."

You know, that silly "free speech" clause in the Constitution is just so restrictive! The internet worries the government propaganda machine, because it gives YOU, the citizen, too much freedom. The Obama administration is comprised of control freaks who want to limit and regulate what you do and how you do it. Free speech is a threat to them, so piece by piece, they are going to shut it down. The average American will not even know it is happening. That's why you and I need to make sure we spread the word.

This recent tragedy in Arizona will give Obama and the Democrats all the ammunition - pardon the pun - they need to enact new "safety" measures to "protect" the people of America.

Do not allow Obama and the Democrats to use this as an excuse to take billions and trillions more from us for our own "protection." This era of Imperial Government must end!

Help AmeriPAC preserve freedom in America - send us your financial support today. Send a donation of at least $50 and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution."

Democrats are furiously working on anti-gun, anti-free speech legislation after the Tucson tragedy. They are working on controlling the Internet. And more anti-Constitutional legislation on its way, you can be assured of that. They will not let this crisis go to waste.

Liberals are exploiting this tragedy to infringe on our Constitutional right to free speech. If they can't silence us at the ballot box, they will regulate and control us to death. We are up against well-financed, pervasive voices in the Liberal media. Help AmeriPAC speak the truth and stop government control and censorship!

Don't let them silence you because of what you believe. Don't let them call you a criminal. Fight back right now against their lies! Send a donation of at least $50 and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution."

Sadly, I would hate to think that Barack Obama saw an "opportunity crisis" when he got the call that Congresswoman Giffords had been shot. I do know that while the rest of the country was saying a prayer for her and the other victims, some liberal talking heads were already suggesting that while there was no evidence yet that the assailant was a right wing lunatic, they surmised that evidence would surface. It hasn't.

Is this the "opportunity crisis" that will put the nail in the coffin of both the 1st and 2nd Amendment? We here at AmeriPAC are not going to allow that to happen - but we'll need your urgent support. Because, after they eliminate gun rights, they are going to regulate free speech.

I hope you will join me. And please join me in praying for Rep. Giffords, and the families of those who were injured or killed on Saturday in Tucson. I wish them peace and comfort at this difficult time.


Alan Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC

P.S. Send a donation of at least $50 to support our media efforts, and I'll mail you a copy of my new book, "Black and Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating Up the Constitution." It details how the Obama Administration and progressive Democrats are warping and contradicting the Constitution to make it fit with their radical agenda. The book covers Barack Obama's Chicago and Saul Alinsky days where he learned to "game the system" to bypass the rule of law.

Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC:
American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC)
PO Box 1682
Dept Code 5403
Bellevue, WA 98009-1682

Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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