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Saturday, May 29, 2010


And it troubles me deeply - let's use the word "angers" instead - that BP would give the state of Florida with Charlie Crist's upturned palm, $15 million dollars for ad campaigns to lure tourists to Florida which isn't oiled up yet. But it will be. This is a terrible affront to Louisiana and Gov. Jindal who needs the money more than we do.

I am livid at Obama's handling of this matter. His 8-day inaction. Like it didn't matter. That he didn't care. More like he was stuck in the bathroom with diarrhea and fear because he doesn't know how to handle this. Maybe he will have to get his scallops for state dinners from another source. He is totally inept, and if deals were made, the whole cabinet and the czars and each Senator and Representative with oil interests in their portfolios, must be taken OUT of office. OUT NOW, WITH NOT A SECOND TO SPARE. And Biden the Buffoon, and Pelosi - OUT.

Instead of going to Chicago, he should be wading through the brownie mix of oil and salt water and getting himself dirty, at the behest of Gov. Jindal. Obama has done NOTHING. And yes, it is his responsibility.

And another thing. I signed up to volunteer to clean oiled wildlife should the leak (when the leak) reaches here. But if these animals are released, there will be nothing to eat and they will die, too.

I have no doubt that it will arrive here, because of hurricane season, which will begin in a few days. The eggbeater winds will push the leakage here, and it will push past the Florida Keys, destroying our coral reefs and right up the Atlantic, maybe wander into the Caribbean. In time, if the plumes are not stopped, all our oceans will be dead. The Dead Zone. Brownie batter. And this is how we will die...standing on an oil covered beach, devoid of life, the stink of oil and salt water in our nose, the deafening silence where once the gulls and terns and sandpipers called, the empty skies and the thick oozy, brown water with the peacock sheen.

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