Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm no stranger to taking family pets on vacation. I, working under a wildlife rehabber's license in CA years ago, took my fledgling raven on a houseboat vacation on the Sacramento delta. He learned to fly inside the houseboat - from table to the bread stowed on top of the refrigerator across from him. We took the dog, too.
On that trip, Max sat on the back seat with my son; the raven in his cage (Orville), wasn't happy, to he sat on my shoulder for the rest of the drive - there and back. I took my hibernating desert tortoise (fully licensed in the state of CA) to New York when my mother was ill. He traveled in my oversized handbag and never knew the difference. He woke up in the spring.

We always took one or two dogs. Sometimes 3 or 4. Even in a tent! What's the deal with the first dog? I don't think I'd like to be Bo. I think Holly, my Australian shepherd, old and still beautiful, is a happier girl. Bet Bo never gets a visit in the Oval Office.

Isn't the handler involved with Barry in another way? I seem to remember that name...

Bo's Vacation in Maine

I guess since they had to swallow their pride and use the Gulfstream there just wasn't enough room for the dog and one other person on Air Force One.

Did you know that President Barack Hussein Obama flew Bo, their dog, in on a separate smaller jet to Maine for their vacation? I wonder if that sets well with all the unemployed, hurting, U S citizens who can't afford food, but we can pay for this. The above is true. I Googled "Bo the dog flying to Maine" and got 76,700 references verifying this. One of them follows:

Michelle Malkin: Just Plane Crazy: Obama’s Dog Flies to Vacation on Separate Jet Doug Powers: The Obamas arrived at their vacation spot in Maine, and the local paper, the Morning Sentinel, described the scene:

The president was the first to walk onto the tarmac, dressed casually in a pale blue Oxford shirt and khakis. A few minutes later, the first lady, dressed in black caprice, a tank-top and sandals, walked onto the runway. Shortly afterward, Malia and Sasha joined their parents. Baldacci and his wife, Karen, presented the family with gift bags full of Maine-made goodies, including baskets made by the Passamaquoddy Tribe, popcorn from Little Lad’s Bakery in East Corinth, iconic L.L. Bean bags, University of Maine ice hockey hats, and an assortment of other Maine foods and books.

Karen Baldacci said the bags for Malia and Sasha contained one loon toy and one chickadee toy that sound their natural calls. Arriving in a small jet before the Obama’s was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U S Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president’s personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci.

The president who said the rest of us are going to have to sacrifice to get out of these hard economic times let his dog fly on his own plane? Not enough room on Air Force One (a Gulfstream on this trip) for a Portuguese water dog and Reggie Love?

My dog saw this story and wants his own jet now, too.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Love, Bo's handler, is paid $102,000 a year to take care of him. What side of the ballot will you mark in November? This man is taking the nation for every cent he can and then some.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? IT’S GOOD USE OF OUR MONEY, HUH?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=7f4dbfa3cab1b5db

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