Saturday, July 30, 2011


This appeared at on July 21, 2011, under the title End the Federal Reserve, and was printed in a little weekly newspaper here in Bay County, called the Bay County Bullet.

The significance of this article is not to be ignored or underestimated. Here it is:

The Federal Reserve must be deleted from our history of financial folly.

I suggest you subscribe to it - I contacted the blog and asked how. Maybe I missed something.

But you need to read this. "Our" Federal Reserve gave our taxpayer dollars, not to benefit us, but to benefit failing banks and corporations around the world, while our people are crying out and having their lives torn apart for lack of jobs.

A friend called this a.m. to bring this to our attention, though I had received the paper in the mail yesterday. Just hadn't gotten around to reading all of it.

He said he's bought and fueled a bus, stocked it with survival food, gear, etc., and in about two weeks, when we start feeling the first waves of disaster, he's bugging out. He's an old geezer - even older than I, and he's grabbing his boys and families and they're out of here.

He's pretty political, and he foresees this - American troops on the ground here and TSA (who, he says will soon carry weapons), will band together, using the services of local law enforcement (remember, they are federalized and militarized now), against us. But they won't be as much a problem as those desperate for food.

Be prepared. Be careful.

The nut cases in Congress who would do us in for global governance, want it this way.
From top to bottom, our government is about ready to collapse. But good comes from chaos sometimes; I hope we are wise enough to put our Constitution to work and "git 'er done".

(Thanks, Phil!)

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