Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Woes of Chinese drywall in Florida

Score one for China - minus one for us.


  1. just have this to say; Having lived in Riverview, FL for 4 years, from 1998 to 2002, I ALWAYS noticed the "raw eggs" smell, especially while showering, flushing a toilet, running a load of wash, etc. Our well was over 290 feet deep. We had an iron filter AND a water purification system-whole house-and the smell was constant. When I would take a drive either West, to Gibsonton, along highway 41, north of Apollo Beach and see the huge phosphorus mine, or go east, towards 'inner-central' Florida and see the gigantic phosphorus mines, it is purely just a part of living in Florida that the phosphorus (rotten eggs) you're smelling, are coming from the water. The corrosion on copper, etc., is from the WATER. It has NOTHING to do with gypsum rock drywall.

    Quit redirecting the blame and look just a LITTLE bit further. You may just find the answer is literally UNDER YOUR FEET!

  2. I have a deep well, too. You can fix the odors with a filter. I chose to take mine off - the sulphur oxidizes and it's perfectly fine.

    I know friends who have wells w/o filters and their homes do not have an odor.

    Though my well is deep, it seems to have pockets of sulphur. Some days, no odor at all, some days a faint odor, and sometimes it's strong. The well water I used in the Keys was odorless.

    By the way, are you a housing contractor using Chinese imports? Like drywall? There seems to be a lot of documentation on Chinese drywall lately.
