Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama news today - Now he wants to disarm pilots.

Pretty soon...

Well, you know.

Tell you what - I want my pilots and my stewardesses and my other guys - you know the ones - to look like they stepped out of a Sylvester Stallone/Rambo movie!


I want to fly as safely as he does, orNancy Pelosi or anyone in government . If he disarms the pilots, then he should fire the Secret Service guarding him and his family, and disarm Air Force 1. Does he think we are so stupid we can accept this?

You and I are at least as important as he is.

So then I suggest the steel door be removed from the cockpit; that it be replaced by a thin curtain so anyone who manages to smuggle something noxious or a weapon can have immediate and easy access in order to do mayhem and mass murder.

A pilot of an airplane isn't called "Captain" for nothing. Most pilots have military flight training. Sea captains are not unarmed. If an American plane is flying over other areas of the world, that is not American jurisdiction. And we all know now that terrorists are usually not American, unless of course they are women under great stress who end up strangled in their handcuffs, or under similar circumstances.

Unarmed pilots, passengers and crew contribute to that airplane being at the mercy of people and governments who would do us great harm. Go ahead, O. Your true colors are coming!
Because of this stupid, insane decision, I dearly hope pilots stop flying - for their sake and the safety of the passengers and crew. One or two weeks of a pilot strike would shock the shit out of Obama.

I hope that you won't fly a disarmed plane. To do so in this time of international unrest is akin to premeditated murder by our government.

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