Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank you, Dr. Jon - 6 reasons to be thankful for your dog

Here are six reasons why you should be thankful for your dog:

Love. If there's one thing you know, it's that your pet loves you. And if you love your pet, that love comes back to you tenfold.

Companionship . Your pet keeps you company, and that company helps you to feel less lonely and isolated, especially if you live alone. Coming home to your pet gives you something to look forward to.

Physical contact. When your dog nuzzles up next to you or licks your hand, all is right with the world. Studies prove that cuddling and stroking your dog is good for you; it makes you calmer and can even lower your heart rate and your blood pressure.

Someone to talk to. Talking things out relieves a lot of internal pressure. But having someone to talk to makes a difference, too. It makes you feel less lonely. Talk about anything - your pet will listen.

Motivation to exercise. Most pets need exercise every day. Whether it's walking your dog, to tossing a ball to your dog, you'll be getting some exercise, too. Physical exercise helps you to deal with stress and sometimes gives you the opportunity to get outside and breathe some fresh air.

Security. Some pets promote a feeling of safety. Your dog barks when he hears something out of the ordinary. But sometimes just having your pet nearby is enough to make you feel less anxious and more secure.

This Thanksgiving as we gather together to give thanks for our blessings, let's not forget our pets, those faithful companions that are such an important part of our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr. Jon

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