Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ever hear of Codex Alimentarius? Neither did I,

and I don't have time today to research it - going to dinner with family with lots of desserts.
A diabetic's nightmare.

But my friend Suzanne just asked me if I've heard about it, so it's here for you to explore. Her comments seem to say that it will impose standards on organic food, the supplements you choose to take, like vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc.

That's crap.
I drank
I drank raw milk and never got sick - then they pulled it off the market in California. My family and I and our animals drank water from a river well, and never got sick. I would much rather drink well water than the fluoridated, chlorined poison that passes for water in towns. That stuff will eventually kill you.

If I buy a goat and want to drink that milk, or my neighbor has a sick child who needs that wonderful elixir called goat milk, then I'm going to give it to her.

Control, control, control. Be thankful today that you still have a voice.

If you want to share your comments here - please do.

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