Thursday, May 1, 2008


I don't want chemicals in my food (bwa-hahahaha). I don't want my food genetically engineered, cloned or irradiated or tampered with in a manner that is harmful to humans. Clean, healthy food is all I want, and which hasn't been available for a very long time. I know this. I want American food for American people, processed correctly, produced to American standards (which could be improved). Then my friend in Seattle sends me this. Back to square 1! Please take time to view the video, as well as read the text. It's a long video, but it's worth it.

I do not use pesticides on my acre. I will not take the chance of contaminating humans or pets, my well or the creek across the street. I am extremely careful.

We need to know what we are using in our yards, in our gardens, in and on our crops.

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