Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TV for food junkies (and bad boys) and may I ask a favor?

Number one, the favor. If you're going to leave me a comment, please leave your email or your url so I can respond.

Number two: I was looking for a recipe today for chicken croquettes, and got to thinking about my favorite guys on the Travel Channel. They are Anthony Bourdain of No Reservations, and Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods.

They'll take you around the world to holes in walls, tents, back rooms, food courts, city streets, to a fire in the desert, and between them you get sharp, intelligent, witty dialog with great food. Andrew isn't really a "bad boy" (Bourdain is), but he eats really disgusting food - things I'd never consider (he likes worms, which apparently, not a lot of cultures prepare well), and stinky tofu
which he couldn't even gag down.

Bourdain's ascerbic, a great writer (I love his blog), irreverent. Both bring the culture to you; you get the urge to pack a bag every Tuesday (here), reach for the phone and buy a ticket.

Watch then once (Bourdain follows Zimmern) and you'll be hooked.

Who's first in line for the stinky tofu?

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