Friday, April 18, 2008

The Truckers - do you know how hard it is for them?

Timothy Frederick, a fine photo-essayist friend from, has written a wonderful piece about what the economy is doing to independent truckers, and you!

Please enjoy his portfolio and go to this link for the story. You shouldn't miss this.

We depend on our truckers for everything. EVERYTHING. So when you read this, consider how important they are to your life, individually, find your voice and question your elected officials, your local paper about the price of fuel and WHY we haven't built refineries in decades.
We have hydrogen cell technology that doesn't use anything but water; ethanol is bad for engines and a hit to our food supply because we are using grain crops for fuel instead of feeding our own people. My friend Sue in Missouri just bought feed for their cattle. She was in shock. She said if the price of fuel continues to rise, no one will be farming. We import one third of our food and export most of ours, grown here. Why?

How come we aren't "getting it"? How come we aren't screaming - not at each other, but the people, like your representatives and senators, who can do something about this. It's going to be a long, hard winter.

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