Friday, April 18, 2008

Going hand-in-hand with my previous post,

is this neat article for teens on combining writing and photography. Lots of ideas here, so please visit this link: It's by Leora Krygier, and you can visit her website here!
and one of her two blogs, here:
a blog and images taken from a perch in Starbucks, wherever she is. Neat concept for poetry. Reminds me of my friend, Chuck Adams, who at 80, is still fierce, opinionated and a fixture at his local Waffle House, writing his short stories and novels. I think life in and around the Waffle House is somehow his muse.

All teens (and younger) seem to have cell phone and digital cameras. Try you hand at something new, and experiment with one of the pinholes. There are some photographers on who have extremely interesting pinhole camera photos in their galleries. If I can find someone with a cereal box (ain't gonna spend nearly $5.00 on cereal), I may make one if I can stay out of my kayak this weekend.

For me, Starbucks deprived (but there's one in Panama City, FL), I prefer my La Llave (Cuban)
from a Bodum coffee press.

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