Sunday, May 26, 2013



Murdered U.S. Ambassador Stevens a Muslim?

American chief at Benghazi possibly had secret faith

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Murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens had a “very romantic relationship” with Islam, according to a Libyan official who was a personal friend to the late American representative to Benghazi.
“What I am saying is that his Excellency, the late ambassador, had a very personal private matter, a very romantic relationship with the mystical side of Islam,” stated Sabri Malek, the spokesman for the Democratic Party in Libya, in an interview today.
Malek was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio.
Continued Malek: “Many Westerners find themselves converging on a romantic relationship with the mystical side of Islam. Sufism, it’s a very unique corridor. It allows you to find out more beyond your ego fears. So that kind of mysticism was very attractive to the ambassador.
“And he indulged through various Sufi channels,” said Malek. “Because Libya is one of the richest North African states in the source of such schools.”
Audio of the interview can be heard below:
Malek previously ignited a firestorm in the blogosphere in September 2012 when he stated on Iran’s Press TV that Stevens was a Sufi and a “Muslim himself.”
During that 2012 interview, Malek said called Stevens “a friend of Islam.”
“Indeed, he was a Muslim himself,” he continued, speaking on Press TV. “He followed the spiritual Islam. He was a Sufi.”
Asked by Klein whether he had proof that Stevens converted to Islam, Malek replied, “There is no need to be so specific. It is irrelevant.”
Malek told the radio host, “I cannot access his heart to find out whether he did the ideological shift. You need to ask him. However, I know for a fact that he was a recipient of this kind of sacred knowledge.”
Malek described his personal relationship with Stevens. He said the late U.S. ambassador was “never” afraid for his life when he saw Stevens in person.
“He always felt that he belonged to the Libyan community and the society,” he told Klein. “He was one of us. He had a habit of going down the local street … going to a very famous bar, it’s like a fruit bar where he takes his milkshakes. He goes to his local cheeseburger … hardly with any security.”
Malek said he once personally asked Stevens to leave Hotel Al Mehari where the ambassador was staying after Libyan officials received intelligence indicating a possible attack against the establishment.
“And he actually declined (to leave),” recalled Malek. “He said, ‘No. I am staying with you guys; if you are here, I am here.’”

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