Monday, May 27, 2013


Dear May,

As we remember our brothers and sisters who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so we can have Liberty, let us also remember those that history denies their due glory. How many know that the first man to die in the Revolutionary War was a black man named Crispus Attucks? Crispus Attucks was freed slave who had become a wailer for the merchant marines.

attucksHere is a poem written about Crispus Attucks by John Boyle O'Riley:

Honor to Crispus Attucks, who was leader and voice that day;
The first to defy, and the first to die, with Maverick, Carr, and Gray;
Call it riot or revolution, his hand first clenched at the crown;
His feet were the first in perilous place to pull the King's flag down;
His breast was the first one rent apart that liberty's stream might flow;
For our freedom now and forever, his head was first laid low.
Call it riot or revolution, or mob or crowd, as you may,
Such deaths have been seed of nations, such lives shall be honored for aye. 

What about Ned Hector, who was a freed slave and fought in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown? When his military unit was being defeated and the order to retreat was given, he refused to retreat. He said, "The enemy shall have not my team. I will save the horses or perish myself!"

History is full of brave men such as these.

Many slaves were made freemen because they wanted to fight for liberty. One such man was Peter Salem. Salem fought at the battle of Bunker Hill where he is remembered for shooting and killing British Major John Pitcairn.   Many believe if it had not been for Peter Salem, Pitcairn's troops would have won that battle. Because of his bravery, Salem was honored and introduced to General George Washington as a great hero for liberty.  

As a matter of fact, there were battalions of freed slaves who fought for OUR liberty in the Revolutionary War. George Middleton was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War and led the Bucks of America, a battalion of freed slaves dedicated to the cause of liberty. Even after the war, Middleton would continue to fight through the organization he founded in 1796 called, the African Benevolent Society.   This organization provided aid to widows and orphans of the Revolutionary War.                      
slave to patriot  
Who better to stand for Liberty than men who had been slaves and knew the value of Liberty? They believed so greatly that all men deserved to be free from tyranny that many of these men would give their ONLY free breath so WE could be free. They were willing to die for something they would never even taste. How do WE repay their ultimate sacrifice? We deny their existence in history, refusing to teach our children of their bravery, just to satisfy a wicked and evil progressive agenda to keep men slaves.
THAT, my patriots, is REAL racial hatred and bigotry!

It is time that we do more than just barbeque and wear patriotic gear.  We must meet this responsibility and honor their sacrifice with our devotion to the cause of Liberty, so that our children will not have to fight a battle that should be fought by us.  Just because the light of this nation has dimmed, and at times we feel we cannot see the way ahead, the path to maintain Liberty has not changed. We must stand active, vigilant, brave - for the Liberty of our children - remembering those who bravely gave all...remember those who led the charge before us... remembering our obligation to liberty and to future generations...

Read and share FULLL article here:

Or Purchase the Book for the FULL TEXT:

 In Liberty- for Posterity! 
 KrisAnne Hall

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