Tuesday, April 16, 2013


NaturalNews Insider Alert ( www.NaturalNews.com ) email newsletter
Dear NaturalNews readers,
A tragic event has taken place in Boston, where marathon runners were killed from what appears to be two roadside bombs.
Red flags are already being raised about the attack, including the admission that the Boston bomb squad was running a bomb drill on the very same day:

An eyewitness on the ground also confirms that when the explosions rocked the streets, police began shouting, "It's only a drill!" This is clear evidence that law enforcement had advanced notice of the bombings:

In other news, rice imported from China is found to have shockingly high levels of lead:

Melanoma breakthrough! Fruits and vegetables help halt skin cancer:

Watch out: Higher mercury levels increase the risk of type-2 diabetes:

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Higher mercury levels increase risk of diabetes
(NaturalNews) A new research conducted by the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington has found that young adults consuming higher levels of mercury face a higher risk of type 2 diabetes by 65 percent later in life. Led by the university's...

Eighty-five percent of cops say gun control will have no effect on crime in America
(NaturalNews) Everyone from President Obama and Vice President Biden on down who is currently pushing for new gun control legislation as a way to "reduce gun violence" and lower crime overall is lying if they tell you that most police officers agree with...

Melanoma breakthrough: Natural fruit and vegetable substance stops skin cancer cells
(NaturalNews) Not all skin cancers are life-threatening but there is one form -- melanoma -- which is difficult to treat successfully and can be deadly. A type of cancer that begins in melanocytes (cells that make the pigment melanin), it can start in...

Eating red meat damages your heart, U.S. scientists verify
(NaturalNews) A recent highly publicized by mainstream media study supposedly confirms the suspicions of red meat and heart health. But it's not saturated fats they point to as the villain, it's a compound in red meat known as carnitine. Studies with...

Research: IBS may be caused or worsened by lack of B vitamins
(NaturalNews) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is among the more common unexplained medical conditions that afflict people in wealthier countries such as the United States. There is no known cause of the disease, nor are there any definite risk factors...

Hyper-paranoia in the police state: Commercial flight diverted after passengers say they don't like in-flight movie
(NaturalNews) Some of the aims of terrorism are to produce widespread fear and to make opposition governments appear so weak as to overreact and become excessively repressive. A closer examination of the police-state, hyper-paranoia mentality evident...

The biotech and agricultural industry is now aggressively pushing the 'Missouri Monsanto Bill' through the Missouri state legislature
(NaturalNews) In a move to gain total control of the farming industry, three resolutions have been proposed in the state of Missouri. Saint Louis, Missouri is the home of biotech giant Monsanto's headquarters. These laws have been deceitfully written...

Magic mushrooms could treat depression, but clinical trials unnecessarily delayed by drug laws
(NaturalNews) Researchers from Imperial College London in the U.K. have made some fascinating discoveries about so-called "magic" mushrooms, and their potential use as an all-natural, drug-free treatment for depression. But oppressive drug laws...

Antioxidant 7Up drinks were a classic example of deceptive health advertising
(NaturalNews) Though you may still be able to find a few 7Up Antioxidant beverages online, the drinks have all but evaporated from store shelves after parent company Dr. Pepper Snapple announced their discontinuance last November. The announcement came...

Probiotics reduce allergic response in infants
(NaturalNews) Early exposure to probiotics may reduce a child's lifetime allergy risk, according to a recent study conducted by Swedish researchers and published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy. The researchers collected blood...

Medical establishment continues ridiculous propaganda campaign against UV rays, likens tanning beds to 'coffins'
(NaturalNews) The medical misinformation mafia is at it again, this time with regards to ultraviolet (UV) rays and their effect on human health. Reports are now surfacing from all the usual suspects in the mainstream media claiming that exposure to UV...

Look out when the Left and Right both empower psychiatry
(NaturalNews) As I predicted in my blogs on Naturalnews.com and on my website, the left and the right have indeed found common ground in wanting...

Ron Paul's new homeschooling curriculum: Bucking the public educational system, one liberty-minded student at a time
(NaturalNews) Ron Paul is on a mission to educate children. The former U.S. congressman is far from retirement with his latest project -- creating an alternative to the public school system through an independent online home curriculum. Paul believes...

Study: Caffeine harms glucose metabolism in type-2 diabetics:
(NaturalNews) Coffee-loving diabetics, watch out! Although some studies have shown that coffee drinking may actually help prevent or regulate diabetes, the evidence seems to suggest that caffeine actually worsens diabetic symptoms. In fact, caffeine appears...

Down in the psyche of the individual, there still burns a flame
(NaturalNews) I've been working as a reporter for 30 years, and during that time, I've spoken with numerous mainstream reporters and editors, off the record, who've confirmed that: They are absolutely not permitted to take down a major government institution...

Official story unraveling for Boston marathon bombing; clear evidence points to bomb squad's prior knowledge
(NaturalNews) It's now becoming clear that members of the Boston bomb squad had advanced notice of the horrific bombing that took place at the marathon today. As an eyewitness reports, once the bombs went off, officials began announcing, "this...

Saudi national reportedly arrested as suspect in Boston marathon bombing; 'drill' questions remain (update 1)
(NaturalNews) The NY Post is reporting that a Saudi national has been arrested as a suspect in the Boston marathon bombing that took place today...

Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad
(NaturalNews) Two bombs have rocked the streets of Boston and reportedly injured 22 marathon runners (two have reportedly died). It's too early to know the cause of these explosions, but you can rest assured both the state and federal government will...

Rice imported from China loaded with toxic levels of lead
(NaturalNews) A report released by the American Chemical Society reveals that rice imported into the United States from China and other countries contains very high levels of lead. The FDA has established a "provisional total tolerable intake...

Dead sea lions washing on shore in California appear to have died from radiation poisoning
(NaturalNews) An unusual surge of stranded dying and dead sea lions (seals) have littered Southern California beaches from Santa Barbara to San Diego since earlier this year. Most of the area newspapers and media outlets have been alarmingly reporting...

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