Monday, March 25, 2013


Posted: 25 Mar 2013 01:00 AM PDT

Comrade Obama is flooding the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood
government of Egypt with American money and weapons.

Your Tax Dollars at Work
Obama flits through the Middle East pouring almost $1 Billion dollars into Muslim treasuries
  • The printing presses of the Federal Reserve are churning out trillions in phony paper money to pay for all the insane spending by both parties.

Comrade Obama has quietly unblocked almost $500 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority which had been frozen by Congress for months, a top US official said Friday.

The news that the funds had finally been freed up came after US President Barack Obama met top Israeli and Palestinian leaders in a landmark visit to Israel and the West Bank earlier this week.

"To date, we have moved $295.7 million in fiscal year 2012 money… and $200 million in fiscal year 2013 assistance," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

The Obama administration also notified Congress in late February that it was seeking a further $200 million to fund US Agency for International Development (USAID) programs for the Palestinians, she said.

The first sum comprises some $195.7 million, allocated under the 2012 fiscal year budget for USAID economic, development and humanitarian assistance, as well as a further $100 million earmarked specifically for narcotics control.

The second sum of $200 million unblocked and available to the Palestinian Authority will come under the 2013 budget and be spent for direct budget support.

The Palestinian Authority is facing its worst economic crisis in years, in part because of a failure by donors to deliver pledged funds. But its finances were plunged further into chaos after president Mahmud Abbas won upgraded UN observer status at the UN General Assembly in late November.

Why Do We Give Egypt F-16s?
Like the Hosni Mubarak administration before them, it was announced that the US would be giving the Muslim Brotherhood 20 F-16 fighter jets as part of $1 billion in foreign aid.

Free money for Muslims!

Obama pledges $200 million to Jordan

President Barack Obama said he and King Abdullah II haven’t reached an answer about what to do on Syria, but he promised $200 million in new humanitarian aid Friday to help the government here manage the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Bashar Assad’s regime who’ve entered the country reports Politico.

“I am very concerned about Syria becoming an enclave for extremism. Because extremists thrive in chaos, they thrive in failed states, they thrive in power vacuums,” Obama said during his joint news conference with the Jordanian leader. “They don’t have much to offer when it comes to actually building things.”

An American child cries when his White House tour was cancelled in order to free up money to fund the Muslim Brotherhood.

$250 Million in U.S. Aid for Islamist Egypt

Comrade Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday that the United States would provide $250 million in assistance to Egypt.

The aid consists of two parts. One is a $190 million infusion for Egypt’s budget intended to address what Mr. Kerry said was the country’s “extreme needs.” That assistance has already been approved by Congress reports the New York Times.
Mr. Kerry also pledged $60 million for the creation of a fund to support small businesses, which will provide “direct support to key engines of democratic change in Egypt, including Egypt’s entrepreneurs and its young people.”

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 05:54 AM PDT

Fascism  -  European governments act as Mafia enforcers to collect on the bad loans made by banks
  • Make Cyprus an offer they can't refuse.

The situation in Cyprus is changing minute by minute.  But the thrust of the story does not change.  Law and order, the respect for private property is breaking down.  A corrupt form of National Socialism is showing itself.  The all-powerful State is out to steal everything not nailed down.

The Socialist Europeans, with the Germans and the IMF taking a particularly hard line, demanded the winding up of Cyprus Popular Bank, the country's second biggest, and the restructuring of Bank of Cyprus, the biggest financial institution.

The parties considered new proposals that had emerged over the weekend with European officials speaking of a levy (confiscation of private property) of up to 40% on Bank of Cyprus depositors with accounts holding more than €100,000, plus a further levy of up to 5% on similar deposits in other banks reports the UK Guardian.

"The numbers have not changed. If anything they've got worse," said Wolfgang Schäuble , Germany's finance minister. He said that last week's agreement to raise €5.8bn had to be achieved. This time, however, savers with less than €100,000 would be spared, meaning the burden would fall much more heavily on the wealthy than the 9.9% levy proposed for their accounts last week.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
Banksters  -  a Mafia like combo of corporations and government.

Führer Angela Merkel reportedly outraged over Cyprus's behaviour
  • Germany's chancellor said Cyprus was 'exhausting the patience of its euro partners' who actually want to run their own country.

German chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly expressed outrage at the behaviour of Cyprus during an extraordinary meeting of the parliamentary faction of her "Conservative" Christian Democrats in the Bundestag.

According to reliable sources present at the meeting, she said Cyprus was "exhausting the patience of its euro partners" and she was particularly incensed that the government had failed to produce a "plan B". She also complained about the lack of communication from Nicosia.

On the streets of Cyprus, she is viewed as a hate figure, blamed for the bank deposit tax plan, even though the idea originally came from Nicosia, and for insisting that Cyprus should raise a third of the country's rescue fund itself. The effect of this at home has merely been to increase Merkel's support.

She knows that voters would never forgive her if she used their taxes to bail out banks that offer an offshore haven for the fortunes of Russian oligarchs. Images of Merkel as an SS guard or donning a Hitler moustache have appeared in Cyprus but one German government official said: "The old Nazi cliches are simply too easy to fall back on when someone's looking for an outlet for their anger".

(guardian - angela-merkel)

(guardian - cyprus)                (Bloomberg)

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 12:30 AM PDT

Terrorism - Blowing things up, not on the “visiting” agenda.
  • Just in case anyone forgets, Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, by his own admission in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days.

Leftist and insane School officials at Minnesota State University Moorhead have selected left-wing radical and admitted terrorist Bill Ayers as the 2013 College of Education and Human Services “visiting scholar,” according to Campus Reform.

In an announcement last month, MSUM proclaimed that Ayers’s campus-wide address would be called “Teaching from the Heart: Education for Enlightenment and Freedom.”

Ayers reportedly spent three days on the school’s campus. Social justice was the big theme of his visit.

Steve Grineski, a professor in MSUM’s School of Teaching and Learning, said that Ayers’ radical past doesn’t bother the school’s administration.

“I guess if they had been really concerned, they would have canceled his presentation and not allowed us to do it,” Grineski told Campus Reform.

Grineski added that he and his colleagues chose to celebrate and honor Ayers because of his long history of trying to commingle own social justice principles with the American education system.

(Daily Caller)          (Weasel Zippers)

Minnesota State University Moorhead
Your tax dollars are work subsidizing radicalism and socialism.

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