Sunday, December 30, 2012


Is Eric Holder Being Groomed For President in 2016?

If I was asked to make a list of the top five Democrats I would not want to see in the White House in 2016, they would be: Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  They are the most dangerous people in the Democratic Party next to Barack Obama.
Yet, according to Dr. Jerome Corsi, one of those five may be the next Democratic candidate for President in 2016.  Supposedly, US Attorney General Eric Holder may already be the person that the Democrats are grooming behind the scenes to take over the helm in 2016 election.
Corsi describes how Obama was elected in 2008 and 2012 through the efforts of David Axelrod and his group.  He describes how Axelrod strategically appealed to the blacks and Hispanics and even women voters, which are three of the main groups that helped to defeat Mitt Romney.
According to Corsi:
“The Axelrod group are experts at running African-American candidates.  It was Axelrod who made Obama. Axelrod is not going to graduate to Hillary Clinton. He beat Hillary Clinton with Obama, and I think Hillary would have to think twice about whether she really wanted to undergo that.”
“Even through the election of 2012 applied their logic, their rhetoric: tax the rich; this isn’t fair – All that’s Saul Alinsky class warfare.  That’s what, in fact, we are experiencing from the Democratic Party.”
When you think about it, it only makes sense that the nation’s top crook, I mean top cop, would be selected to replace the top imposter of all time.  Neither man holds the US Constitution or law with any respect or regard.  They both have repeatedly defied federal law and the Constitution and did things their way.  The only real difference between Holder and Obama is that Holder was born in the US and that both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth.
With the Republican Party left in shambles after this year’s election, I’m not sure if they have anyone at the moment that could defeat Holder.  Perhaps Sen. Marco Rubio or former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice could give him a run for the money, but it would be a very tight race.
I pray I’m wrong, but these are the early indications that seem to be surfacing at the moment.

Read more:
H/T to Randy of AMOJ Blog

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