Sunday, December 23, 2012


“The knight, before Christmas, was searching his house,
the dog and the cat and even the mouse
were all missing, now where could they be.
Around a small table none of them spoke
intent on their cards, their drinks and their smoke,
coins were all stacked on the table with care,
the cat held three deuces, the dog held a pair,
then the mouse called for cards,
the cat dealt  them out quick
his dealing was fast, practiced and slick
the mouse picked them up, and perused them with glee,
“royal flush” said the mouse, “give your money to me”.
The other two folded their cards in disgust,
the cat passed the deal, his pot had gone bust.
The knight crept away grinning, and shaking his head,
had a cold beer and then went to bed.
In the morning the knight woke well before dawn
in the dark made the coffee, and stifled a yawn.
The jar on the sideboard that held the house money
was empty, he knew something was funny.
The cat was still missing, with the dog and the mouse,
Not a sound could be heard around that old house.
The knight scratched his head and looking around
heard a rattling noise, a tinkling sound.
The jar lid fell on the floor with a clang
The knight turned around, and there was the gang,
hungry and waiting for breakfast they sat,
the card playing mouse, the dog, and the cat.
They put back the money, put the lid back on tight,
They all had their breakfast the then called it a night.”

h/t to a shy poet

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